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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Reading glasses? Cardigans? Man-bun? You’ve come to the right place, Brodie. Welcome to the MFC!
  2. Even so, he wouldn’t be a trader. Rather, he’d be a tradee, no?
  3. Nice try. 😂 Groo (roll the “r”) zev-ski
  4. Yes but, “Trader” OD. If you’re gonna bag an ex player at least spell your insult correctly.
  5. I want Max Gruzewski just for lols hearing everyone try to pronounce his surname. 😁
  6. Not a great comparison, Little G. Ants of all living creatures are the ones we humans should be watching carefully since riding seadoos is a mere trifle. Take heed… in particular, the last couple of seconds of the vid… A haunting presage.
  7. I’m stunned that nobody’s questioned a frog’s ability to operate an electronic wheelchair. 🤔
  8. Careful now QD, you don’t wanna aggravate Maurisey any more than I clearly have. No thread-clogging allowed!
  9. Except that’s not all you’re doing. btw: by responding, aren’t you effectively propagating that which you so vehemently denounce??? Howsabout we both quit clogging the thread with OT rubbish?
  10. I’m offended that I’m being expected to regard a particular thread in a particular way PURELY based on my gender. Lemme tell you something: yesterday, despite journey planner telling me it’d take 2hrs, 50 mins to PT it to Casey, it actually took close to four hours. Four hours just to get there! I arrived totally stressed since I didn’t wanna miss banner raising, especially because I had asked that I take a disabled girl out to lead the banner crew onto the field. Posting on DL is what kept me calm during the cancelled train announcements, etc. Thought I’d be forgiven for such. The match finished at 5pm or whatever. I didn’t get home until 10pm. So to read your pedantry this morning was infuriating. I would’ve torn you a new one, only I promised myself to pause before replying to anything hurtful. That can only last so long. Maybe it’s you who needs to pause before posting.
  11. You lost me at this. ⬆️ You should know why, but there’s clearly a strong likelihood of you not knowing the reason, so I ask you: why would I regard this thread any differently to every other thread on this forum? Gender has zero to do with this. I’m offended by your comment.
  12. This is doing our wonderful women’s team a disservice exactly HOW? Have you posted similar in each and every thread about the men’s game that veers off course? (And they are legion.) 🤔 Thought not.
  13. In ONE of the spectator shots??!! My phone was pinging off it’s nut, friends were texting me the entire match. I was there with Pauline, the Frittata matriarch, and her friend’s 15yo daughter who has disabilities. Attention follows this beautiful girl everywhere since she’s forever ebullient and affectionate. Therefore, a ch. 7 cameraman pretty much set up camp five feet away from us, and because she was sitting in between Pauline and me, we were unavoidably in his sights, literally. ❤️💙💕❤️💙
  14. And a Dees supporter, too! #fishOuttaWater PS: Liberal voter? Yeah nah, Greens all the way.
  15. I live in St Albans. You know those really hip, gentrified inner city suburbs of the n/w with the multimillion dollar properties? Yeah well St Albans isn’t one of them. It’s a [censored]-hole. But it’s got THE best fruit ‘n’ veg market in the world, so there’s that. 😃
  16. You got one of those wide lens cameras there, dwor? Panorama function type o’ thing? Coz that 9XL red n blue kaftan is most impressive but only when displayed in full. And I mean FULL.
  17. I do. However, I took a bus to the ground. Even the buses are nicer around here. 😭
  18. The sun’s shining and minimal chance of rain forecast for this arvo. It’s windy af but that’s better than raining. An observation… I rarely have occasion to visit the eastern suburbs and haven’t in the longest time. The stark contrast between here and where I live is astounding! I mean, where are all your meth-heads at? And I’ve yet to see even one person walking around wrapped in a doona (dual purpose- warm bedding by night and warm cape by day). And y’all’s shoplifters selling their wares, where are they? Haven’t seen anyone sitting cross legged on the footpath selling 3-packs of Bonds jocks for $5 a pack. Do your ne’er-do-wells observe the Sabbath or something? I’m also having to adjust to walking around freely, not having to be mindful of avoiding treading on used syringes! I feel like I’m on another planet. LOL I just saw some other people here at Cranbourne station obvs also headed to today’s game. They’re in Bulldogs gear and have the exact same discombobulated look as I do. Fellow westies, for sure. 😁 GO DEES!!!!
  19. Alas! Too many syllables. Otherwise I’d put it to our esteemed leaders and I’m sure they’d say yes. Except they’d totally say no coz who the [censored] is forever demons? 🤣
  20. We had a little chant just for Toby. It’s gonna be sad not ever singing it again. But I’ve been told multiple times by people on here that there’s no room for sentimentality in footy so I guess we’ll just substitute someone else’s name for his. 😭😭😭
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