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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. She just said she’s not sure. Seems it must be bad because he didn’t want to talk much. She’ll update me and I’ll pass on whatever she tells me.
  2. Fritta’s mum is on the phone with him now. It doesn’t sound good
  3. It could be minus 7 degrees and I’d be there. ☹️
  4. Ugh I’d forgotten how depressing it is to watch us play on TV at home.
  5. I’ve not. Would need to have robbed a bank in order to go, and robbing banks is so 1980s. There aren’t many from the DA there this year but those who are will bring the noise just as loudly as we do every match. Happy to report the giant Harmesy graphic made it to the ground last night having spent a worryingly long time on the tarmac at whatever airport. It was flown separately due to time constraints. GO THE MIGHTY DEES!!!! ❤️💙
  6. He’s defs bringing the smugness this arvo. Interviewed earlier today he was asked if you could have any Magpie lining up 30 metres out in front of goal, who would it be? He answered, “Myself.” 🙄 Also, Fox must love that long Collingwood chant; they’ve taken to spelling it that way…
  7. I don’t get it… Collingwood aren’t forced to play in Geelong mainly because of the ground’s capacity. Why then are they forced to play at Carrara which has a smaller capacity? Can somebody…
  8. Yes and @The heart beats true reported last week that Freo vs Essendon was a game being played for the How did we lose to this mob? Cup. 😂
  9. Jason Bennett > all of them put together
  10. … and just like that, Harmesy’s in the side. 😁 🥳 👏 Calls to the Club then some last minute changes means Harmesy and Ricky share the banner. It now says: JAKE LEVER & JAMES HARMES 150 GAMES - PREMIERSHIP HEROES with a pic of each of them, Jake on the left and Harmesy on the right. Crisis averted! 😂
  11. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 Ricky Lever’s 150th this Sunday! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 Harmesy’s also currently on 149 games. We’re loath to acknowledge his milestone when he’s named as sub, which is, barring injuries to other players, the likely situation for who knows how long. 🤷‍♀️ Also, to all the people who resent this game being played in the Alice… we sold this game to the NT govt years ago when we were up sh!tt creek financially. Yes, now we’re financially sound, but it has become something more important than just a game of footy. The locals LOVE this event. They look forward to it months out and the indigenous kids in particular are thrilled to see our boys play live, in particular, they absolutely idolise Kozzy. Many of these people don’t have much going on in their lives about which to be happy. You wanna take that away from them? Besides that, our players love this match taking place in the Alice. Also, we’d lose NT tourism as a major sponsor.
  12. I once worked with a guy whose surname was Growcock and another with the surname Grewcock. (True story.) We used to call them ‘Past’ and ‘Present’ (as in, tense). 😁
  13. How patronising you are. You’re implying I have no idea about loading. I’ve read pretty much everything here about the loading theory (or as you childishly call it, ‘fantasy’) but why the hell would I even entertain the thought of expounding on such to any degree when I witness how frustrating it is for the likes of Binman and others who are constantly coming up against stubborn, unreasonable people whose minds are well and truly made up? I’m not a masochist. (Ironically it’s these selfsame ppl who usually raise the topic, after a loss of course.) I make no secret of the fact that I dislike you but that has nothing to do with my belief in the loading theory. That’s your caper, ie: you applaud or like certain posts not necessarily because you agree with them but because they disagree with the opinion of someone you don’t like. I’m not alone in seeing this. I received a surprising number of PMs the other night each sharing the same sentiment. Maybe you should try on a pair of red and blue glasses. See how you go. You’ll likely enjoy and appreciate our team as you (even occasionally) should.
  14. Same, RiF. Mainly because the ppl who support the loading theory have valid arguments and can back them up. Also, they take emotion out of the conversation, unlike the unbelievers, if you will, who are usually fired up (in particular after a loss) and rather than put forth a legitimate case, they’ll waste time trying to make the believers answer dumb questions like, “we lost, how’s your loading theory working now?!” Totally unproductive, adds nothing to the debate whatsoever.
  16. Yep, almost every thread does. Even the banner thread ffs. Thanks to the mods that’s been restored to its no self-bashing state. 😁
  17. Bucks needs to stop and take a breath. His blatant frothing is 🤮
  18. Adelaide deserved to win that. 🤬
  19. I’m praying like a madman to the footy gods. Making all manner of promises if Collingwood lose. 🙏
  20. Can’t watch this shiiiit. Of course Collingwood will be carried over the line, coz Collingwood. Sucks so much Incidentally, after that last goal the long Collingwood chant struck up. There was seven minutes left on the clock, six points up, yet no one will pull them up for going too early. Just sayin’ 😁
  21. Cox started that melee. The big [censored]. God how I hope they lose this game
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