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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Fellahs, I’d be happy to give the answer but I’d first need permission from my good buddy, @Skuit. He might be embarrassed by peeps knowing the answer (as well he should be). And since he’s not exactly Speedy Gonzalos when it comes to reading/replying to texts, the mystery will remain unsolved for the time being.
  2. My life is overrun (infested?) with Carlton fans. Many of them were in two minds about watching the Tillies at home/at a pub, or coming to tonight’s match. This solves their dilemma. I can’t imagine that’s an isolated situation. Why would my family/friends be any different to other Blues supporters? They’re all a coupla sangas short, amirite?! 😁
  3. Showing the Tillies on the big screens might boost numbers.
  4. Nah, that’s where I keep Melksy and Harmesy and my new also-fave, Chinny Chin Chin Chandler. 😁 Before Sunday’s match the boys were doing warmups. There was only about 10 of us watching because this was long before the gates opened. Chin came over to say hello. A couple of our DA guys were up the back of the stand getting the aesthetics right (flag placement etc.) and they yelled out telling me to get a pic with him. While the pic was being taken one of the boys yelled out, “Hey WCW, keep your hands to yourself!” Chin and I both laughed, then resumed our pose, pics being taken all the while. So now I have a series of pics… in a third of them we’re both smiling, in the middle lot we’re both laughing and in the last lot I’m still laughing, but Chin is blushing. 🤭
  5. Thank you! Now please convince my son. 😁 He cringes every time I add to it, and I’ve added to it a bunch since this pic was taken. That is, he used to cringe, but the addition of giant Jayden has made him realise he’s fighting a losing battle. 🤭
  6. That’s on GameDay. Every other day I eat gag-orders… on toast, or fried, or sometimes even raw. But eating gag-orders raw isn’t wise coz that can cause one to gag (see what I did there 🙃). Besides, the attendant drool would spoil the look of one’s red n blue guernsey.
  7. … and I haven’t even mentioned the ropes yet! We have coils of thick rope. And not just any old rope… but jute. And not just any old jute…but twisted jute. The bowels of the ‘G are a veritable den of iniquity. 😝
  8. They were always there. Every single match. There was less of them, but always enough to make and raise a banner and chant and cheer, even during 100-point beltings. They never left before the final siren, either. The current three leaders took the reins in 2011. So they’ve been there at the very best and the very worst of times.
  9. Thank you, FD. We’d never leave another cheer squad in a bind. They would do the same for us if we needed help. Clubs don’t pay for cheer squads to travel interstate. We pay for ourselves. It’s the North cheer squad’s choice to not travel. That’s even sadder imo.
  10. Round 21… BACK ON THE APPLE ISLE LET’S BAG FOUR POINTS DEMON STYLE NEW WEEK SAME MISSION TO DOMINATE THIS COMPETITION A smaller banner on this occasion since we have to adjust the size based on the length of the visitors’ poles at the various arenas. Anyways, on Sunday, a group of us arrived at Blundstone at 9am. We were in the race ready to pole (attach the banner to the poles… a bigger task than it sounds) where we were greeted by North’s poling crew… all TWO of them. 🙁 Of course we jumped on in and helped them. Actually we pretty much took over, leaving them to attend to other pregame matters. Their banner wasn’t even completed, the Mazda graphics weren’t attached, so we did that too. Sadly, the North cheer squad didn’t travel to Hobart for this match. The first pic shows the two North poling crew members in the foreground and two of our guys in the background getting their poles out…
  11. Two posts up ⬆️ for word on the Bayley. For Rumpole of the Bailey I can’t help you. 😁
  12. Happy to say that Fritta is coming along really well and is still on track to be ready for vs Sydney. They might hold off until week one of the finals. They’ve yet to decide. There was a scare on the weekend though but that turned out to be a false alarm. Mrs Frittata and I were on the plane to Hobart wringing our hands in angst. Thank sweet baby Jesus in heaven it was much ado about nothing, or at least about nothing serious. He was stoked to report to his mum that he’s now “running on real grass.” A huge step in his recovery, apparently. So barring anything unforeseen, *31 will be fit and firing at the pointy end of the season. *we call him 31 in texts coz it’s quicker to type. Hashtag literally just a number to his own mum. 😂
  13. Couldn’t care less means there’s no possibility of caring about something to any less a degree as you do now. Could care less means there is a possibility for caring about something even less than you do now. Simples. Anyways, deciphering Clarrie-speak is futile. Even his family agree. Last year during the ‘Dogga: will he or won’t he stay?’ saga, Clarrie’s mum Michelle was heard to say that she personally hopes Dogga stays since he makes her son sound intelligible and even eloquent. 🤣
  14. The ignore option is great, but you’re still subjected to posts of those whom you’ve chosen to ignore when someone quotes them. I find pins in voodoo dolls much more effective.
  15. Well said, BPA. Your boss should give you a pay rise!
  16. Oh that’s right! He needs to have kids, I forgot about that. Can’t have a father-son/daughter without the son/daughter part of the deal. 😁
  17. 20 more games and we can add Maysie to that list.
  18. Yes, it is. It will be a shared banner for them. It’s been done before and we still have it looking amazing. By the by, I’ve been counting the rounds down to Nibbler’s 150 for a while now. Two reasons: first, I love Nibs and I’m stoked for him that he’s reached this milestone, and secondly because I’m imagining all the Nibbler-bashers boo-hooing coz he’s still getting a game every week. Every single week. 🥳🤩🤗
  19. Definitely! Only the best for our incredible captain. Jinx? What jinx? No jinx to be seen here. 🤞🏼 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
  20. Yes, Rick had a special banner for his 150th. And it was a ripper. 🤗 For players who’ve come from another club, we acknowledge their overall AFL games tally, but not their MFC-only games tally. As you said, he’s been fantastic for the Club. He’s also a big hit with the cheer squad. He’s super friendly and imho is easily the funniest of them all.
  21. Speaking of which, we debuted a new chant on Sunday. It was composed by Ben, our 9yo chant leader in the making and son of Sophie. It’s sung after a Tracc goal. Let’s hope we’ll be singing it many, many times in the next few weeks. https://streamable.com/dr7ph6 The lyrics are: 🎶 He’s better than Daics, He’s better than Daics, Christian Petracca… He’s better than Daics 🎶 The above shows Ben striking up the chant. Tracc and Chin were near us and turned around and smiled. Engagement with us during a match is Gold. ❤️💙
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