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Everything posted by Wrecker46

  1. Carlton's biggest problem is their board. I know this with first hand dealings.
  2. Did anyone else watch the press conference with Merlino and Cheng during the week? Where they both said Dan Andrews would make a statement this week after he had spoken to his health team? I wish him well. The jungle drums are beating though.
  3. Melbourne is not unique in its hot spots. It's a world wide pandemic. Where Victoria is unique is we were doing contact tracing by fax machines at the beginning of the pandemic. India weren't even doing that. There are reports of Victorian buerecrats printing documents off their server and scanning them back into their "system" This would be a little less awkward if MIA Dan wasn't the health minister for 8 years before he became premier.
  4. I hope I get a record face palms here
  5. Anybody got a virtual dart board? I wouldn't mind throwing my dart.
  6. I'm pretty sure #positivelingers is trending better that #IstandbyDan at the moment
  7. Face Palm reactions are for cowardly posters who can't construct an argument. I got 4 face palms in one post and counting... Not one of the posters bothered to say why. If you like something; the like button is great if you disagree with something just explain why. Cowards hide behind the face Palm when they dislike something and can't articulate why.
  8. The Harold Halt comparison was in jest because he went missing and there were all sorts of conspiracy theories. Dan Andrews has gone missing and there are lots of conspiracy theories going around.
  9. I liked what Dr Allen Cheng said in his press press conference when asked about outdoor community transmitions. During lockdown 2 there could have been an outdoor transmitions but it also could have occured at an outdoor wedding where patrons used the same indoor toilets. What are the odds? Victorians still need to wear masks outdoors though
  10. I have read alot of your posts and know you are better than this. Which part do you disagree with?
  11. When you say the NSW government were "lucky" because of the geographical location of the outbreak, you are putting blinkers on. The NSW government take in the majority of overseas travellers in their quarantine for the rest of the country. Victoria take in a minor share and still keep going into lockdown. There is no luck about it. Dan Andrews is the first premier / prime minister to go missing since Harold Halt. 3 photos so far. You can't possibly tell me the 2nd photo wasn't photo shopped? Look at the neck. The ambulance statement didn't even match the dates with Dan's tweets. They also said at the bottom of their unsigned statement that they would not provide further statement. That was in bold. Until they realised they got the date wrong and made a further statement.
  12. They should put a restriction on active wear at school drop offs. Would be more effective than face masks.
  13. Binman stick to your footy strategy posts where you are insightful
  14. I just watched today's press conference. They don't know what variant the latest 4 cases have but will continue to ease the restrictions (good). A week ago the Delta strain was so bad they had to extend the 7 day circuit breaker. These clowns just make it up as they go along.
  15. My gender has changed since I completed the survey. Do I need to complete it again?
  16. I've been confusing left to right all year. I could swear whoever is wearing 13 reminds me of an old 31. Just back to front.
  17. I took the survey in good faith. Unfortunately, most of my answers were limited to binary yes or no when I felt I had more to contribute. Then of course came my gender question and I had all sorts of options when it could have just been binary.
  18. As a young fella (back then) I remember rushing home so my family could sit in front of the tv and watch the replay
  19. The best bit is when Choko talks about how Collingwood lost players because they promised too much salary to everyone.
  20. I'd do it on merit. In South Australia the CHO told them to duck and cover if a football comes into the crowd. They also shut the state down because of a pizza box on her advise. In Victoria we have Socialist Sutton who loves the limelight as much as a lockdown. In NSW they have a CHO who seems to understand risk and gives advise accordingly. They are doing the heavy lifting in regards to bringing expats back into the country and don't have lockdowns like us. This new evil strain apparently came from NSW but they are not in lockdown.
  21. What about free kicks not paid? Like for example a deliberate out of bounds with seconds to go in a match right next to the goals?
  22. The old Demonland for me was arguing about a merger with Hawthorn. That irrelevant club is sitting near the bottom and tanking. The Dees are on top and premiership favourite. Perhaps we should have taken them over.
  23. First world problems. I can't even plan a trip to the local pub.
  24. I don't bother if I'm not near anyone outdoors. If I see someone coming I put one on. I'm in regional Vic with no cases here during any of the 4 lockdowns. When I go to a cafe or restaurant I can sit indoors without a mask. If I get caught outdoors with no mask I can get arrested. It makes no sense. All the transmissions overwhelmingly occur indoors.
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