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Dee Dee

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Everything posted by Dee Dee

  1. 6: Gawn 5: Brayshaw 4: Harmes 3: Frost 2: Salem 1: Hibberd and a Big thank you to all the rest.
  2. Agree, Harmes has something about him that makes him very dangerous. The surprise packet of 2018. He’s an opportunist who is just beginning to realise how dangerous he could be.
  3. And all the better to do it against them in the West. Great job boys yippee, yippee etc etc (I’m off to have a large beet)!
  4. While I don’t think James Harmes will make the final 22 (but you never know), this nomination certainly recognises the sheer dedication this kid has put into his game since being elevated off the rookie list. Maybe not A grade but certainly a very solid B to B+.
  5. 6: Brayshaw 5: Harmes 4: Salem 3: Frost 2: Oliver 1: Tyson
  6. And I Believe that prior to it’s erection Don Cordner -(who I think was MCC President at the time) opposed it, apparently saying something along the lines of not wanting a criminals statue outside the ground. Steve Smith’s mum chased Matthews around a supermarket soon after that incident with her son, giving him a bit of what for.
  7. 6: Oliver 5: Harmes 4: Gawn 3: ANB 2: Brayshaw 1: Frost
  8. The Crows sure could have used Bernie over the last few seasons but... their loss..Our gain! Thanks Adelaide. Thanks Bernie.
  9. In this world we are all just commodities in a faceless market place. And Max is useful to the market for the moment.
  10. No. I spoke to Jim Stynes at a function just before the ‘08 draft, he was worried about the go home factor as well. It was a big factor in picking Watts, even though I had the feeling NicNat was rated higher.
  11. Agree, just watched the replay of the match, Charlie doesn’t take a backward step! And to all those who said he was too small - phooey! The kid’s fitted in really well, he and Fitsch were really great pickups.
  12. This article is quite wrong! what King should be saying is “if player X from club X works really hard, then in time he may/ could possibly be club X’s Clayton Oliver.”
  13. I believe the original rules of the game, written in 1859 were the first codified rules of any football code, rugby, association football, American football (oxymoron) etc. included. Can anyone tell me if players recruited to the MFC are given a thorough history lesson concerning the club i.e. do they genuinely understand the significance of the club they represent not just in sport but in the context of the social life of Australia.
  14. Sheesh I hope I’m not too late? 6: Oliver 5:Brayshaw 4: Gawn 3: Salem 2: Fritsch 1: Petracca
  15. I’m embarrassed to say that’s me. But to baldly state Frost is a much better player is a bit rough (or obvious)! It was the kids first game and naturally Frost with a few seasons behind him knows the ropes somewhat better. Petty looked all at sea and appeared very nervous.. Back to the VFL with him to further learn the craft and probably play in a finals campaign.
  16. I’ve not joined in the discussion before, but you do raise an interesting point there. The first games of football - that which we now call Australian Rules - were played by the Melbourne Football Club in the parkland adjacent to the cricket ground. It is also the parkland where those free for all schoolboy games between Melbourne Grammar, StKilda Grammar and Scotch College were played. So it is very historically important to the club (and to us the followers of the club). I still have my doubts about obtaining a permit to build the facility at Yarra Park, but if it came to pass it would be just as significant as a move back to training on the MCG (and that won’t happen).
  17. From my point of view and having seen all games and watched quite a few replays it’s a B+. My concern is our defence still leaking too many points. Currently by points conceded there are 9 teams better than us, every other team in the 8 plus Hawthorn and GWS IN 9th and 10th spots. The teams attacking game is spectacular but we leak badly down back. The Melbourne Football Club 2018 is still a work in progress, certainly better I believe than last year but still not an A.
  18. He was quite good Queens Birthday last year (just say’n)!
  19. After arriving home from the game last night I thought only 1 player deserved votes. But thinking about the game over night I reckon the 6 below at least tried. As someone above pointed out Max beat Grundy,and my admiration for Fritsch grows every week. 6: Tom McDonald 5: Gawn 4: Fritsch 3: Oliver 2: Brayshaw 1: Lewis
  20. Looks like a walking cadaver, but sh*t he can play.
  21. 6: Jetta 5: Hogan 4: Gawn 3: Fitsch 2: Brayshaw 1: McDonald Tom
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