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Everything posted by BDA

  1. The club liquidated the investment of $6.6m which was the wash-up from the Leighoak sale. $2m when to pay-down debt and $3m to fund the operating loss. The remainder is in the bank account. The debt was in the form of commercial bills which can be expensive. Interest expenses was greater than the interest earned on the investment hence made sense to pay down the debt. They are not pretty numbers but we were lucky to have the leighoak proceeds to tide us over. Another year like this year and we’ll either have to tap the AFL, drawdown on the commercial bill facility again or sell the Bentleigh Club and live off the proceeds. Note 2b outlines the basis on which the directors are satisfied to sign off the statements on a going concern basis. I note the auditors haven't included a reference in their audit report to going concern which is positive. Suggests no immediate reasons to be concerned about the financial situation. I’d be interested to see what sponsorship and membership are looking like for 2021. Are we renewing at the same rates or is there a drop-off? I hope the vaccines are effective and we can get back to full crowds again and relative normality otherwise it’ll be another round of wage cuts, reduced list sizes and austerity.
  2. As someone who is highly critical of Goodwin I would much prefer to be proven wrong than right.
  3. I’m pencilling us in for 17 wins and a top 4 finish. Drop games against Richmond, bulldogs (Marvel game win the return at the G), Geelong (last round), Port and West Coast. Get stuffed MFCSS.
  4. I think its great we’ve drawn an inter-state side and don’t have to share a ticket allocation. Hopefully we can keep a lid on Covid infections and get 25,000 Dees supporters into the G for the game.
  5. We agree on one thing at least ?
  6. Challenging first up test for the Dees. Freo are well coached with some excellent young players. They'll be no push-over. I reckon we will atone for the Cairns debacle. Saturday afternoon at the G. Can’t wait.
  7. Ordinary at the best of times. Covid cut-backs make things worse again.. outside of the club itself dland is the best source of info
  8. Melbourne city have moved to Casey because they have no supporters. They said as much in their press release. Manchester City may have bought some titles but they have no supporters. I’m curious on what basis you say that they have. Qatar petro dollars is not all that alluring it would seem. Now if you had said Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern or Juventus I might entertain your argument. But City??
  9. I hear you Deegirl I had to stop watching mid-way through 2019. Wasn’t fair on the family to put up with my outbursts and grumpiness. I was so expectant after 2018 and then….devastation. Disappointment is the lot of most fans but the life of a dees supporter is a tough road. But having said that, when we eventually come good, and we will (hopefully I’ll be alive) it will be all the sweeter for having travelled that road. Go dees!
  10. It's common knowledge. city have no supporters either in Manchester or in Melbourne. A more apt comparison would be Gawn v Jamieson (Melb city captain apparently, i had to look it up). A-league is a shambles and has been for years. No competition to the AFL whatsoever. Newer migrants gravitate to soccer. Second generation to other sports. I wouldn't be surprised to see an influx of African talent to the AFL over the next few years. No reason why, with a proper recruitment strategy second generation talent can't be attracted to the AFL
  11. Fraser Rosman has the potential to be an absolute beast. He has a similar physique to Paddy Cripps.
  12. To be fair to Eddie he did put his heart and soul into the job and turned things around for the pies when they were in real trouble. Kudos for that. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have a club president that is a media personality as well. Port just about get away with Kochie and even he puts his foot in it too often. But hosting breakfast programs and commenting on matters affecting other clubs is fraught and left Eddie open to the charge of hypocrisy too often. Plus Collingwood issues were magnified because he was always asked for a comment when the better course of action was to lie low. I prefer the Bartlett model of media engagement. Stay in the background and only speak in public on rare occasions e.g. the spray he gave the team post the Port abomination this year. He hit the right tone at the right time. Over do the media exposure and his words lose impact.
  13. I’ll miss the camera panning to Eddie every time Collingwood lose a big game. His expression always made my day.
  14. It wasn’t hot and sweaty when we played in Cairns this year. It was cold, wet and windy. For both games.
  15. Casey sounds like the perfect place to prepare before Cairns games in the future!
  16. shirking contests and responsibility? Jordan Lewis copped one of the biggest hits I’ve ever seen on a footy field going back with the flight of the ball. He nearly had his head taken off his shoulders. You don’t play 300 games and win 4 flags by shirking contests and responsibility. His indiscipline and stupid 50 metres penalties got on my nerves. But I never doubted his courage or commitment. He was part of a great club and team. And worked with Oze. If the club think he has something to contribute then I’m all for his involvement.
  17. Deviating away from the AFL (as well as some useless trivia) Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink. Played for Norwich, PSV and Celtic. ..way back in the 17th century, two farming families in the Enschede area of Holland intermarried. Both the Vennegoor and Hesselink names carried equal social weight, and so – rather than choose between them – they chose to use both. 'Of' in Dutch actually translates to 'or', which would mean that a strict translation of his name would read Jan Vennegoor or Hesselink.
  18. Wylie Buzza. Would have been a great name for a cult hero. And a key forward as well. Delisted by Port this year unfortunately.
  19. As someone with right of centre political leanings and who agreed with a number of Trump policies I have to say its past time that he exited stage left. The whole concept of democracy is built on the principal of loser consent. Campaign hard but once the votes are in accept defeat and allow the winner to get on with governing. To be undermining the trust and integrity of the electoral system is the final evidence, as if any more was needed, that Trump is only interested in Trump and he doesn’t care what damage he does on the way out. And its past time the Republic party had the gumption to tell Trump to pack it in. This electoral fraud circus will be equivalent to the farcical Russia gate nonsense that the Democrats were peddling for 3 years after losing the 2016 election. Flimsy evidence at best and completely politically motivated. Is it any wonder the US is in a parlous state when this is the kind of antics both major parties engage in. There may well have been irregularities and instance of fraud. But nowhere near enough to overturn the results in any state. And remember Trump had set the scene to run with the electoral fraud excuse in 2016 …….until he won.
  20. You may turn out to be right but I’m not sure we can pull it off without potentially jeopardising games. He has 3 Bluey’s and that’s testament enough to his contribution and legacy. Gifting games could sully his legacy if anything. And 6 games at that. I don’t see how we justify if we’re in the hunt for finals or Top 4. There are no gimme games for the Dees. We’re just too flaky. Imagine if we lose an important game and Jonesy has a shocker. Hopefully he can hit a purple patch of form, earn his spot and get to 300 without the armchair ride.
  21. How did the recruiting team go about assessing the Victorian prospects given the lack of exposed form?
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