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Gawndy the Great

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Everything posted by Gawndy the Great

  1. I think the next season has the potential to become quite compromised. We no longer have the protection of lockdowns to keep the players out of Covid's way so it is only inevitable that more players will become infected during the season proper. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the AFL. Will a game will be postponed if 1 player is positive in the lead up, 3 players? 5 or 10? Will teams have to forefeit if they cannot field their best 22 due to Covid. Will we have compromised schedules again. The risk of infection is probably the greatest it will ever be and the government will only call another lockdown if cases start to put pressure on the hospital system (probably around the 5K-10K per day mark). European & American competitions will give us a good indication as to what to expect as they start to head into winter. Those that think COVID is done and dusted should think again. The vaccines are good but not the silver bullet we were all sold and we all have to figure out how we live with COVID and what daily risks we are willing to take in light of this disease.
  2. Well I’m not laughing. Quite the opposite tbh.
  3. You just watch the F/S rule go down a similar path the year before Jeff White's young boy is touted a #1 draft prospect in a few years time. I personally think that all draft biasing should be scraped anyway - F/S should have gone before NGA as there is no investment involved there. I know its not a popular view but a lot of young kids don't get to go to the club they barracked for growing up. Just because your dad (mom) played for them, really shouldn't give you or the club an advantage. Draft should not be tampered/compromised with in anyway - it is complete BS. Still, im seething about Mac Andrews more because of the Saints this year and Dogs last year.
  4. Well done to Petty for signing on. Don’t want to rail road the thread but I am intrigued to see what will happen when Tommo is ready and challenging for his spot in 2022. He is a great bloke and will be pushing hard for another tilt. Can we play a d50 with May, Lever, Tommo and Petty? With Salem, Bowey Rivers to round at the d7? Hunt and Pig will also put constant pressure on for their spots and we have J Smith who can also play a good lock down role on a mid-size athletic type. Declase in development as well. Such a great arsenal of defensive options and we proved this year that we can cover 2 and possibly 3 starting 6 defensive injuries.
  5. I’m all for penalising this rule however I think any 50m penalty paid in the forward half should terminate on forward 50m arc. No easy goal should be allowed from this as it’s too much of a penalty. Still get a shot on goal but it’s not a guarantee at least.
  6. Hi JoeBoy, can you put up a snap of Kozzy?
  7. i think we were generously reward 2nd half of last year as well. We played most of our games at night from memory. Still think we should get the privilege to kick start the season.
  8. Yep the top 3 individual performances of 2021 👆 . Each performance stands out differently. On shear will, grit and determination Oliver takes the cake; rising to the occasion and putting all on show for the big dance, goes to Trac. But imo, in terms of impact on game, standing out from the pack and playing his best ever game and arguably the best ever game played by a Demons player (yes i know big call, ignorant etc etc) would have to be Gawn.
  9. I get the impression he gets banged up pretty good every game.. heard a few times that he struggles to walk the following day.
  10. The seats they offered were reserved seating and had not been taken yet. I was told that I could upgrade to Olympic stand once they had some more clarity from previous reserved seat members and whether they renewed or let the membership expire. Expected Jan 2022. im prepared to give it a go but am not sure what I can do if I wanted to bring an additional guest with me in a reserved seat area. Will chew on it for another day or so but I reckon I’ll bite the bullet. Hope it’s not another COVID interrupted season.
  11. I’m looking at my 2022 options and really wanted to get something in the Olympic stand as that is where the fans seem to congregate. However everything seems to be sold out on level 2 reserved seating. I’m looking now at Trident level for me and my son in the southern stand just on the HF flank. Never watched a game from there but managed to get this Virtual view generated online. Seems pretty good but not sure how immersed well be with other Dees fans on this side of the ground. my son wants ground level (10yo) so he can be closer to the action but I told him it’s not as good to watch the game unfold and you end up watching the game in the screen.
  12. I think we need to timebox the draft picks...at this rate it'll take longer than the AFL trade period.
  13. My order is still awaiting fulfilment. Bought on the night of the GF win.
  14. Hi all looking for some feedback on 2022 memberships. Looking to upgrade and wanted some ideas on best options. i like the idea of being in the Olympic Stand but don’t like being at ground level. Not a huge fan of the SOuthern Stand as we seem to be away from the crop of Melbourne supporters. In the Olympic Stand the Q section Is the top tier and according to the seat map is public admission. Is this available to the home membership (base level)? If so are there any additional charges on the day as opposed to the southern stand)? Q2 is there a trident family equivalent or at least a junior variation to the membership? If so Is this considered reserved seating as it appears to be a waiting list involved here. Not sure I’ll get access to this though. any other options? Looking to spend ball park $500 for myself and son (10 yo) and optionally mrs. Any recommendations greatly appreciated.
  15. Assuming this is the case, can you imagine how good LJ will be in his mid 20s!
  16. i can just see this years trade as Saad and Williams v2. The issue has never been with the talent they have on the list. The situation is comparable to an amateur golfer buying the new sexy driver at $1K thinking it will make them a scratch golfer. Carlton's problem is gameplan, plain and simple. Maybe Vossy will make a difference, but i think they will endure a lot more pain in the short term (like we did when Roos came on board) before they really really commit. its not like a light switch that you can just switch on and say im going to be selfless or a defensive gameplan is just going to work. These changes will take years and i wouldnt be surprised if Carlton go backwards a bit before they improve. Im not phased that Cerra went to Carlton tbh. Im actually stoked that we got Dunstan. He is a clearance specialist, which will work really nice with our new found weapon in scores from clearances.
  17. This has to be the strategy in the draft. Midfielders are a dime a dozen. But a KP player is always hard to come by. Somebody of the McKay or Logan ilk will have the perfect opportunity to develop under our system and will be ready to go in 2-3 years time without being rushed in like his predecessors. We have a few years to get this right and still have Weid as a backup. But for the sake of longevity and continued success this is the area we need to have longer term solution for.
  18. I agree re: Lockhart. Have we heard anything about his desire to play elsewhere? He had some talent, so not sure if his condition, lack of VFL exposure or desire is at the heart of this call.
  19. There were times in the past 5 years that we would get carved up in the middle and at stoppages by a select few teams. St Kilda was one of them and i remember Dunstan was always one of the main culprits. Glad he is on our side now. This will put the focus on one of Sparrow / Harmes / JJ / Viney though in the team. But a bit of competition for spots is always a good thing. Our midfield talent / depth is becoming very enviable at the minute.
  20. And it’s the slowest part of the day too which adds salt to the wound.
  21. Can’t stand him so naturally everything he says will irritate me as this list has done. Tries to be like Kano but at least Kano’s dribble makes sense some of the time.
  22. watched almost all the analysis with exception to Q2. Im not happy with the sentiment that Q3 stoppage wins were 'lucky' to fall our way, because luck would have a way of evening out. The other thing that struck me was that in Q3 the 2 centre clearances won by the Doggies were actually by free kick rather than talent alone. Good work by the analyst, but there is a bit of bias in the story telling.
  23. I absolutely loved Browny growing up. He was such a heart on sleeve player and was courageous and left nothing out on the field. Bumped into him at Southland once and felt like a little kid having a chat. If he is half as talented as his old man... we are due for a few F/S coming our way.
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