This is true. And the parallels with Trac are amazing.
A few years ago my wife gave me a mug that said “World’s Greatest Husband”. It was my Norm Smith! We had moved into a beautiful house and everything was great!
One day I was using the Karcher to clean the stone wall in front of the house. After a while I felt tired and went inside for a rest before I’d finished. The wife said I should finish it that day because we had guests the next, and a half clean wall would look odd. She sent me back out there when I was really hurt. I continued with it until I couldn’t even hold the hose. Something was obviously wrong, so my wife called the ambulance and soon enough I was in intensive care. I’d suffered an extreme heart attack and had only 1% blood flow.
The doctors worked on me with an emergency operation and saved my life. I was in intensive care for four days. I wasn’t allowed visitors because of Covid.
That’s all true.
It’s only now, watching Trac, that I know what I could have done next.
While recovering I could have plotted. I didn’t like the direction of the marriage. (How could she not know that my arteries were clogged?)
In order to extricate myself from the marriage, I could give my wife one reason. I could tell my friends another. And I could tell a few stories to the neighbours as well.
There’s sure to be someone else interested in me. Maybe someone with more friends, or famous friends that would help me enjoy my life, like I deserve. Hey, maybe a rich woman. I know a couple of well connected wealthy widows who like to throw big parties. Then I could tell my dad jokes in front of a larger audience. I’d love the attention!
It would be a great way to build my brand.
Thanks Trac.