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Fritta and Turner

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Everything posted by Fritta and Turner

  1. Not the type of read I was expecting for Easter Saturday. What a terrible story that now has some hope.
  2. If I look at the current sides what really helps is having 2 gun forwards : Tigers - Riewoldt and Lynch, Geelong - Hawkins and now Cameron, West Coast - Kennedy and Daaaarling and the umpires, Brisbane - Hippo and Daniher And the Dees have.....
  3. Any numbers on how many pies were eaten? I've been advised they were really good....
  4. Can I just sat that here in Cairns without FTA , this is one of the better wins I havent seen.
  5. Neither am I but remember revenue raising costs money, so revenue 18 mill (down) may have cost 17 mill to raise. Nearly 4 mill in job keeper payments. A small capital loss on the sale of investments. I think. Not sure why we want to go debt free when interest rates are at historical lows.
  6. Too be honest at 67? kgs I don't think we will see him till 2022. Then he will star.
  7. was it stripped, on blocks, with the only thing functional being the car alarm? (what movie have I got that one from......)
  8. This was said to me 30 years 'Object oriented design is the way of the future and has been so for the last 10 years'. Not quite sure why I am sharing that. Anyway could I just say that I have been ready for success since 1965. I think the team is too and if they dont get it they will go elsewhere.
  9. It would be remiss of me if I let that one pass without acknowledgement. Well done.
  10. In case you want to know what this is all about IN: Pick No.43 and Brisbane’s Future Fourth Round Pick OUT: Pick No.53 and Melbourne’s Future Third Round Pick
  11. Could we only post if we have a rumour? ooops...
  12. Not a great fan of Gary but I thought it was his job to keep Grimes out of the play. Didnt even know Grimes was out there till after half time.........
  13. I thought he played well in the 2006 Elim against St K, Grant Thomas last game.
  14. Correct. They put the question to a super computer and it came back with 29.
  15. Last year the word on Langdon and Tomlinson was consistent and strong and we got them. This year it seems to be more of 'when the lights come back on see who is sitting in our chair'?
  16. Why is it vital to have no or low debt? Interest rates are at historical lows. It is vital to roll it over though.
  17. The last of the law firm (Bate, Dunn and Newton) to retire. Good luck and all the best.
  18. In a massively compromised draft we dont need picks we need players. He wants to go and they want him so we get overs.
  19. I think he should be tried at another club. Plays one great game in 4.
  20. We have been robbed again. Unfortunately we didnt play enough from in front or behind...
  21. I'm going to Cazalys and gunna [censored] on it. (Lovely day for it btw)
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