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Everything posted by 4_Kent_Watts

  1. Well probably give it to Collingwood for another of their potatoes.
  2. One things for certain none of these umpires will be cheating in the Finals. AND if they do the AfL should be sued. Another woeful display.
  3. Viney for the love of Abletts God. Don't think........DO bloody kick it handball it do something just stop getting tackled.
  4. Yep and it sickens me. I'm gonna have to hit the Scotch hard so if i do spew I'll have a reason to.
  5. Every quarter of every game for as long along as I can remember. Let's show how limp brained footballers we can be and give up a scoring chance in the last minute. I guess that's what bottom 8 teams do and that's us.
  6. Has pace and skill might be a little lazy but Gunston and Bruest will be looking for my Old Mans frame sooner rather than later.
  7. He's the worst of the lot...not with a ten foot pole.
  8. I to despise them as much as any team.
  9. I think we took what was left of their spirit last week...... pity that mine was taken after that abortion of a fortnight we put in against Sydney and Freo.
  10. And eventually it's got to come out that they're cheating the salary cap.
  11. There's only one Scummy and he played for the same club.
  12. Straight swap with Gunston if the Whoreks can be treated as Suckers.
  13. I was more disappointed that VdB didn't even up. At least twice. Someone does what Mumford done deserved pay back.
  14. How many times does he have to realise he ain't the only player on the field. Gets caught constantly, never uses the first option.
  15. Please don't come back to Victoria your not needed. We all need a break from the misery.
  16. No idea how to defend no idea how to pick up a player why are they witches Hats. Just give me my money already.
  17. It was as far over the line as the Harmes- Filth game all those years ago.
  18. I hope you ain't referring to Travis, if so I disagree.
  19. We obviously used the same test for Dusty. Although to be fair I think it was recognised that T.S and Trenners were going 1-2. And I wasn't unhappy at all at the time. I can punch myself in the head now tho.
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