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Everything posted by 4_Kent_Watts

  1. No it's crap but Hawthorn wear theirs on the jumper.
  2. Brown and Hogan into our current list. I wouldn't be complaining how do we get it done.
  3. Didn't really get into the Ramones. I remembered the song tho. I liked the Dead Kennedys and Bad Religion.
  4. Definitely prefer Phillips to Smith, if I had a choice it wouldn't even be close. Phillips for me too
  5. For me it's Hannan or Hunt for that spot and I'd take Hunt.
  6. I wanna be sedated
  7. I don't care if every player kicking for goal does a Nadal before serving, just want someone anyone to kick the ball between the Big sticks. He's a goal kicker.
  8. What exactly was Brown's issue this year
  9. Onya Jack glad to have ya just handball when you get the first option and don't pretend your playing rugby league.
  10. I'll reckon he'll jump off it if he wears a MfC jumper next year. Or maybe I will.
  11. Only just saw this and it's my opinion you should be banned for printing Greg Healys brothers first name.
  12. Your not wrong he can't do both either.
  13. Don't know who's fault was who's just that I preferred Pike to Hilton. Jeff was a beast at Dromana I think it was when I used to watch the local finals, just didn't translate to senior footy. I thought that Pike went after giving Hilton a belting. Apologies if I didn't get my facts straight just preferred one over the other.
  14. Hi Pikey. Wished they got rid of Jeff Hilton than you. Was probably his fault you punched him out too.
  15. Can't tackle either. Nice left foot tho.
  16. Ball coming out of the forward line without any pressure...... this happens anyway, allday every week of every year. We need a big Forward. We ain't got one. Gimme Goals.
  17. Glad Carltank got Jack Martin. Guy plays a non existent brand of footy that's less than bruise free. How much did he cost them.
  18. MFC + umpires=a pair of B^5t^RD5.
  19. I'll just say it again FFS...... Again again and again.
  20. And a chance of saying goodbye too.
  21. Well probably give it to Collingwood for another of their potatoes.
  22. One things for certain none of these umpires will be cheating in the Finals. AND if they do the AfL should be sued. Another woeful display.
  23. Viney for the love of Abletts God. Don't think........DO bloody kick it handball it do something just stop getting tackled.
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