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Everything posted by Redlagged

  1. Gee that's a bit hard on Bigelow!
  2. Oscar Oscar Oscar. Being in and out of the side hasn't helped him. Was among our best in the first game, against West Coast, and then as i remember didn't make the team the next time they played. Can't have been good for the confidence. Did best when he played week-in week out in the latter part of 2018 - including very solid games at full back in the 2 MCG finals we won. Over and above that, the abuse hurled at him - vicariously, form the safety of a keyboard - is distasteful, and gutless. Got nothing to do with 'winning flags'. Its about fair and hopefully constructive comment.
  3. Correct. He was really good week-in week-out. I am a hopeless punter, but backed him at the TAB sometime in late July at 30 to 1 to win. And yes, I have been bragging about it ever since.
  4. Spot on.
  5. Good sense. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/may-your-news-be-good-news-20190507-p51kyg.html
  6. Crap. Who's the player? How was he affected? 'Coincidence but who would know....'? Is that the best you can do? An outbreak of idiocy in response to a parent's social media gripe. Get a grip.
  7. Amateur hour all right. A lot of amateur medicos on this site. Wouldn't know a knee from an elbow. Going off half-cocked. Must be the time of day.
  8. Agree. Matsuo's portentous nonsense is totally tedious. Basho is the author of The Narrow Road to the Deep North. I recommend Matsuo follow the advice of his namesake and take it.
  9. That's more like it. A bit of sensible irony.
  10. he's another small-minded mediocrity, making a name for himself in a tiny, small-minded world.
  11. Absolutely correct waynerussell. What a lot of sanctimonious, hypocritical garbage from the likes of Lyon and JBrown. God the AFL is a small, vicious world, driven by superannuated footballers and third-rate media pundits. (If you are really any good as a journo, you wouldn't be covering football.) Yes, what he did was unwise (should have had a few drinks at home). Did JBrown ever have a beer during one of his injury stints, do you think?
  12. Tyson's a tough player, and good in close...and generally a penetrating kick, as in the decisive kick to the square in the 4th. (Yes, they go awry occasionally). VB's disposal is very ordinary. Hey, I like them both! But the constant whining about Tyson on this site is bloody tedious.
  13. They won't be dropping Spargo.
  14. Petracca's intercept, shimmy and brilliant handball to set up Jones in the 4th - a crucial goal - was the moment of the day for mine. He is doing fine.
  15. Funny how some players get away with shocking errors and not others. If Tyson had made that howler people would be screaming for his blood. (Mind you he made on of his own...but in the forward line)
  16. Best in ground for mine (though he did fluff a couple of kicks early).
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