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Everything posted by deebug

  1. It would have been interesting to know from some one in the know, so to speak. I would have also loved to ask him how far he thinks the Dee's can go this year?
  2. Should of asked him which team is going to win the flag this year?
  3. Can't hurt to give the kid a game, he may be just what we need.
  4. Well done boys great win. Feeling a little better after finding out about Casey win. Hope Joel is going to be ok?
  5. Oh yer did he what! Said our players were joking and laughing and not looking to worried about things.
  6. After Daw's knee to poor Nev's face last week; i didn't think Nev would be playing this week? Poor guy was in a lot of pain. Hard as nails our Nev.
  7. He would be a great addition to our young side; however i wouldn't be giving overs for him.
  8. I'm hopping Maynard plays in the midfield for most of the game, maybe not at first bounce but as he calms the nerves then off to the midfield.
  9. I thought his girlfriend is from SA and he is a Melbourne boy?
  10. Yes as was the case when that meth coast player one. I think every media out let in the country thought Franklin was sure to win it, so you never know?
  11. Yes and seeing Eddie's head turn a shade of red just makes me smile.
  12. To much money and free time.
  13. I also would like to say thank you KC. On ya Casey.
  14. How far do you think Neon is from getting an AFL game?
  15. It was such a s*&# day with the wind and then for some reason Optus internet was not working, my son got food poison from eating something bad from Hungary Jacks then i try to find a way to see how we were going i found out Jess had broken his collar bone and demonland was down. So i couldn't vent so for me yesterday was cursed.
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