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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Great thought, throwing Razor but I don't think he could be thrown far enough away by anyone.
  2. Agree with you on form, but he is subject to an injurious mozzie-swat with that build and the Filth like to crush the smaller guys. Big body, big leap, strong, a two-feet 'lander' for stability and take-off. Frosty and/or Pedersen from the bench.
  3. Spargo or Salem, perhaps Garlett. Who do you think? Pedo or Frosty plus a crumber.
  4. Good one, he is the man with Frosty nearby for the clearances. Wagner can also contribute to this defensive drive. Vince can be rested, so can Harmes (a little stray for the Doggies game) and play Frost/Pedersen with Wagner and a crumber.
  5. For the Filth, Frosty and Pedo in, drop Vince, rest Harmes.
  6. From bad to ridiculous! Frosty is the go once again.
  7. It is largely about directing that tap - not just winning the tap.
  8. And with Pedo in there, with them, bloody frightening!
  9. Nope, OMac stays at FullBk and would be trashed by Cox's height as bombs came in. The Filth use Cox for bombs and bombs for Cox because their footpassing is very wayward, compared to ours at present. We need to hit Cox with muscle - he is a gawk. That muscle is Frosty plus our best crumber.
  10. Apt comment, Frankie. Absolutely correct. There are elements of comparison that remind us how good 10/10 actually was against the roughest, toughest and nastiest of teams.
  11. Easily, is how. Four main reasons and a couple of minors: splits packs in the air and holds onto marks splits packs on the ground and leaves a space for crumbers to get the ball, usually ones that he brings to ground kicks goals well from up to the 50m line, from marks, and holds front position mostly in so doing kicks 1 or 2 goals in general play, or handballs off to this effect Plays eyes-up to find opportunists through really good handballing but also to find space or protects space for teammate to run into Very difficult for flankers and younger players to tag, hold, block, tackle, bump and/or nullify when mobile or relatively static. As for the 'hindsight' advice - an immense factor in team play learning where extremely good footballing is concerend week to week - we'd be in top position now since the start of this successful run had this player been inside the attack line. Hindsight oversights or at the extreme, ignoring hindsight lessons is tantamount and equivalent (at least) to saying that the MFC is not prepared to learn at all. Goodness! Fitting into rotations for him, not unusually, is for him to run from the boundary line where the bench happens to be all the way into the forward line and straight into the play. He doesn't do a lap of honour, first.
  12. Might have been good to have Pedo on the bench - Milkshake was injured and off the ground for about 20 minutes and the whole team paused for a short while making adjustments. Goal scoring dropped a little, too. Pedo might have been a back-up for Lever, too as a spoiler when their ball was coming in. Just a thought by the audience on the game.
  13. I still think few these days remember the way Ronald Dale use to play - it had to be seen and once achieved, was indelible. Not all have had that opportunity, it was far above just historical enthusiasm and legendary folklore. All we have now of his game is scratchy old black and white film, poorly taken, edited to buggery, newsreel stuff chopped and glued from the past from videotape conversions of shocking 16mm drivel. Football is the man. Truly.
  14. The 'yipps' only come out ...... at night. We are about to roll to the Grand Final, folks and there ain't nothing that the AFL can do about it.
  15. This is a definitive asset to mix and match to research into team selections against other teams we will play on a week-to-week basis.
  16. Terrific comeback, great to see the stars. Bennett, Jackson, Stinger, O'Dwyer, Rhode, Hughes, Eishold just terrific in that last quarter. Heaver - a forgotten asset in close. Great days, great beer, great meat pies, great team as unpopular as all get out.
  17. He is a talented and adaptable footballer who possibly needs his game function and skills tweaked a little to suit the newer gamestyle. He has been a very good ball winner, as well. I'd reckon he will be back with a vengeance before the end of this season, transforming into an even better ball winner and deliverer of the pill; his game is not really losing it - we are losing his skills and drive whilst adaptation takes place. He could almost be regarded, now, as a 'senior' member of the team line-up and maybe this could be better exploited.
  18. Some very good insight, here. Well done.
  19. Allocated positions for players seem to be a thing of the past and this versatility must be good - and confusing for opposition teams. It has developed, very quickly, providing far more options for possession and driving the ball where it is needed. It also challenges more of the range of skills of each player - to do other things than man an area or a specific opponent.It also provides a springboard for players to run off into space more frequently as a receiver of something upfield. It is a very interesting change that makes our game more flexible, agile and tests 'whole' skills sets to enact. This has markedly improved the reliability and skills levels of every player - and has done so in a rather short period of time.
  20. Nahhhh, hit the Mitre Tavern in Mitre Place, off the western end of Collins Street. Best beers, reasonable prices, phabulous atmosphere and almost privately quiet for the lengthy think about football, meat pies and Holden cars.
  21. Going to be tight, McQ, quite tight and you don't want to sit up the top of their S_Western stand. You will not be able to secure a seat on the Northern Stand, most likely unless you wish to pay Ticketek around $80.The locals think it is a good deal - dimwits. 1. I'd go in early - about two hours, early - walking down to the Riverside entrance from across the footbridge and endure the crowd (that will be rabid, raucous and ready to kick-a-Vic). You'd pay a Gen Admission ticket price from that window of $35 up to $60, attempting to sit as close to the ground or the first level as you could.There can be some effective bargaining if you are early in order to get a seat where you can actually watch the game. Have a cut lunch with you - seriously. Pies are $7 and anything else is more than that amount. Great ground to see a game provided your seating is good. 2. Alternatively, contact Ticketek to order a 'first level' seat at around $60 starting price and then some, on occasion. If you go in early, there are good bars from which Mother Nature has provided an ample ale or two through the top-fermented Cooper's family brewery. Their sparkling ale is good for the footy with some peanuts and a Marlboro. Take a pack of "Luckies if you can get them - it will set you apart from the decadent throng that call themselves football supporters and who allegedly barrack for a team called the Power, if they are not fighting amongst themselves for the cigarette butts outside the arena that have been discarded on the ground a couple of weeks ago. THE BEST OPTION 3. Find a nice pub with Foxtel telecasts. Get a beer, some cheese and sit in front of a 66-inch screen to watch the game as it is televised on Channel 503. That's what I would do, given the scarcity of good seats and value at the Adelaide Oval - and you might just make it to the airport, later, alive! The Sportsman's Bar at the HIghway Inn, at the cnr of Marion Road and Anzac Hwy just outside the city centre (on the LHS) - ie: go from the city by cab down Anzac Hwy about 4 kms on the way to Glenelg, further down the track. Great steaks. Lotsa eye candy. Great evacuation point from the pub on the way to the airport down near Glenelg (turn right at Tapley's Hill Rd (about 7 kms further down from the pub). Of course, I am going to the ground for the game but have a ticket, already, through a mate. I wear my Jui Jitsu kit with black belt just so the locals shut the far cup.
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