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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Must agree; Hibberd is a present worry and possibly needs to re-prove himself in the best '25-ish'. At the same time, OMac is not in the best 30 - even on good days one quarter at a time. The forward line has some potential, so I'd like to see TMac going back to CHB to allow for the mobility needs of the modern backline and, as in the past with such space, he does create drive to the midfield and into the forward line with some depth, and can keep up with and out-endure most nifty forwards and taller 'resting players. Just an opinion....
  2. Top selections, from what is available ... this is an ideal time / the season has ideal shape ahead to blood a few, forcing a few previous 'regulars' to re-consider and prove their worth to the team. Y'know, for what it is worth, with this line-up, I would swap your possies for Jackson and JSmith; (ie: Jackson to CHB as an attacking, defensive clearance man and JSmith to CHF as he is a genetic forward with his father's chromosomes).
  3. Would really appreciate some up-to-date video vision on Rivers - training, match-practising, playing defensive moves, as well. He is an enigma at present in which much hope resides ....
  4. Harmes can play almost anywhere ... he was needed down back to add pace to the half-back line and either side forward or backward of that area. He excelled in an area where we had/have no attacking-defending pace or muscle or intent, let alone direct pressure on an opposition forward (previously known as well-maintained close checking or tagging). We see the 'same old/same old' leaving us, in reality, a KPD short and often defenceless in that part of the ground; consequently, that which was lacking was provided by Harmes, for a change. This left us an attacking mid-forward short, leaving big brother to pick up the 'loss of form' criticisms against more than one opponent (as someone was free to help spoil big brother). Time for a new CHB - with guts and ingrained effort to burn. Let's ask Hardeman to pick us one coz he was the best we ever had.
  5. Scrap-booking the backline! OMac-gaps to be filled. Joel is a forward and has heaps of potential for this role. Just ask his Dad. TMac is a better CHB than a forward - even though he often telegraphs his foot passing and defensive line of delivery on too many occasions. This can be fixed by improving team play and respective anticipation between receivers. We have a tonne of capable young 'uns with height, mobility and good hands - who can also kick straight and have been improving in this regard - to fill the forward line - and to provide ground ball rebounds and screens for/to our potentially phantastique smaller fleet of forwards and recent goal-hungry recruits, and those who now are capable of providing improved team play after several years of 'experience' and 'opportunity'. SG may well be overdue to have his head read or we face another stuff-up year - limited as it is going to be. At the end of the day: another senior coach, please.
  6. The thinking man's problem resolution, in this case.
  7. And, RBG, it appeared as though he did so, rather easily. He is a man belonging in a good team.
  8. Now that you have mentioned him, Radar, it is hard to forget the contributions over time made by Ross Brewer. One of my favourites on the 'G, played well there. Not a great standout but certainly from the spectators' stands, a big contributor and consistently capable. Colin Graham, on the other hand was an enormous talent, wasn't he?
  9. That form, Chook, was reasonable ... but Tom would have done better from CHB. Yes, OMac gets back to the goals - but after the ball possession has been lotteried amongst opposition forwards. Under laws of averages, I'd estimate that the return on investment for OMac is around one good quarter every three or four games, sometimes one or two good quarters when opposition forwards have started to tire. Mobility-wise, much less. I'd hope that the return was improved - even slightly - but like the Weed, it just ain't happening.
  10. Fully agreed. Endurance, injury-wise, is what we need of him in the first instance; in the second instance, it is a matter of conceding Harley's exceptional talent in the game of footy because - even at half strength, his improving state of readiness , and in whatever will be his role for the team - it is far better than most of the players that our coaching team can put onto the field.
  11. Put Preusse in one pocket to charge out at the defenders, bend a little reputation here and there along the way, and to protect 'our' small forward fleet. If receiving a kick, he could be very useful for goalkicking. Don't waste him with ruckwork. He'd help to create a footballing heaven for Bennell, Kozzie and Hannan.
  12. Good comment. Thanks for that. It is a mire of indecision at present so I guess I am looking one spot at a time, again. Cheers.
  13. Don't want to see Lever's game being that of filling in for OMac and thus, losing its rebound advantage from his intercepts and freeing up (unmanning) another two opposition forwards when the ball is in that vicinity. This is what happened to Hibberd, Jetta and Salem in the past, week in, week out - leaving OMac to be 15 metres behind the play running into empty space (slow as a tortoise). Lever needs to work with May, not on behalf of OMac.
  14. That would be an example of a lack of possessions, a compounding lack of defensive pressures and a complete slow-down of our defensive run and distribution, wouldn't it? It may suit Goodwin, but it does not suit me - he's had his chances so why waste a jumper on the field? I must commend you, Chook, on your loyalty - but there are others more keen to succeed, IMO.
  15. Essendon had a great run with the umpires - it was a good team to start off with and had some great plays - however, its 'bash and crash', right jab to the head mantra ensured win after win after win through the season and in the final against the Dees. Footy and its outcomes is a tough game; 98 was the stage on which the Dees held the strongest spotlight, alas.
  16. Absolutely correct. It ain't rocket science and the coaches are responsible - they have provided instructions and training drills for who, where, against whom (each match), how far, ad infinitum. Players are left playing to expected and time-honoured, proven dodgy instructions (readable) so they can get a game next week, too; on the rare occasion when the player does not have the time to dispose of the ball more effectively, it often works to perfection - hitting a loose man making the most of his opportunities - not his life insurance policy.
  17. Thoughts and memories from the past ... for those of us who can remember, don't forget to take your blood pressure medications. The years between now and '64 have been nightmares, hauntingly irrelevant. Still get a buzz out of the Doc's game and Ron's driven intents.
  18. So maybe the market is saying: The MFC has the personnel and potential but lacks the coaching and strategies to have a really good season?
  19. IMO, we could take T and O Mac out of the team - both cannot perform as required. The two of them have received enormous, patient advantages over the rest of the list. Both are allegedly 'key position' players that we know can do much better on the footy field than what has been produced across the past two years - and often - quite a bit longer in terms of form slumps and aptitudinal lapses. Is this a problem with the players themselves or is it a coaching/Goodwin malaise?
  20. It's all been part of the Demons' Syndrome - too much faith in ordinary performers who have been given chances and opportunities unlike no other, both on the forward line at goalkicking time and in the backline at solid defence time, with pacey intent. With this malaise, at both ends of the ground, I used to harken to criticism of the midfielders' delivery strategies and executions. No longer. Snap, crackle and pop for those 'weekly' inclusions who have failed us all, repeatedly.
  21. That is a very practical and sensible answer. The Filth just didn't want to part with the refurbishment costs in the past. Now it is time for Eddie to pay the Tillerman. While he is at it, he can duck foff.
  22. Some good, positive points there, L_36. Hopefully, a game plan based on OMac getting at least one kick by the third quarter just didn't bring home the 'bickies for us over the past four years and will wither on the vine around Goodwin's neck.
  23. There was no retrospectivity in it with regard to ability and/or potential, at all. Fritsch was clearly the goal with our first pick; Spargo was and is way behind that marque. Totally agree with your sentiments and shared a resounding relief (when his name was called for the Dees).
  24. As a spectator, you could actually see and feel Cam thinking about what to do - and when - onfield. He was a big bloke, not an all-day runner so he was selective in his contributions at critical moments, that were generally enormous. His drive and focus became essential tools to a struggling forward line; his presentation to and for the ball were surprisingly adept. 'Respect', with an uppercase 'R'. If someone amid the alleged stars was going to save a game, it would often be Cam Pederson.
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