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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Injury? Our medical queue is already quite busy - and thus, embarrassing to some extent. Here we go, again ... unexpected changes ... almost silent in their implementation ... why are they doing this?
  2. Shake up ... is Goodwin hungry enough to take the team where it deserves to be?
  3. Such situations necessitate the best possible performances by Sparrow and Rivers. Otherwise, we gap fill, once again. Time for these two 'up the sleeve aces' to shine. Please, someone, motivate them both to excel with confidence.
  4. Regretfully so ... and no-one has bothered to ameliorate this situation despite a disappointingly long interval of extreme non-possession up forward.
  5. The 'mongrel' to win football matches has waned considerably, with Viney remaining the only contestant for the badge (with some inclusive regards for May, Bowser, McVie and hopefully, Picket in weeks to come). Non-mongrel is wonderful sportsmanship, but it has crept over the team like a dose of influenza wherein all of our bad habits onfield and in game play are appearing faster than a speeding bullet. So is our tendency to lose matches. CP is needed to support Viney in the carrying of the team credibility badge and its desire ...
  6. Me, too. Woey could be a shorter-term running flanker - fwd or back.
  7. That is true, Antioch. For the past two seasons, it seems to have negatively affected team selections, newby game experience, recruiting and the loss of key players, senior player integration, team-wide co-ordinations and understandings. The motivators and their motivations seem to have played a second fiddle in such outright confusion.
  8. The more people at selection, the more the variance until a 'tolerated' selection is achieved. We have a balance as a result, based upon individual performances, not credibility; not teamwork combinations and smarts across midlines and flanks. Play-makers and progressions are thus hampered as is the persistency of ad hoc game control, hopeful game planning, game plan execution/alternatives and the depth of player responsibilities/understanding.
  9. Method and inspiration hold the coaches back; the players are not well performed as a consequence, reliant on individual skilling and zonal weaknesses for maybe, the next rebound - but these are now fewer in number.
  10. It's great that we have capable players coming back, and this will make a difference, onfield. However, we must address the lack of 'systems' and creative opportunities, foot-passing, player linkages across the field, mobile and leading forward efforts, team support (instead of individual efforts and long bombs), plus other characteristics that remain as stains upon our ball progression, sustained ball possession and scoring abilities. Three seasons of progressive loss of these attributes may well prove devastating - coaches, beware!
  11. At this stage of his career, yep, the perfect conditioning for forward nouse (and how it might be beaten).
  12. It is going to be very interesting to watch Yze steer Richmond this year - to what improvement, I wonder. I am sure that he will lift the Tigers and their onfield performances, the number of wins they achieve, the cohesion between players and their respective roles and importantly, the slate of alternative game plans and tactics that adopt to game conditions and circumstances - just what (in total), Goodwin failed to achieve. Might have been very opportune to promote Yze to the Demon senior coaching position, offering SG to the Tiges for a few peanuts.
  13. 6 Viney 5 May 4 Fritsch 3 Bowey 2 McVee 1 Tomlinson
  14. I think it possible - after attempting so many marks against much taller opposition defenders - that Chandler has been given crazy instructions not to play his versatile (and profitable) role as a forward line free agent, roving to opportunities and space, emerging in possession from fwd-50 packs, isolating himself to long runs from whence the goodness flows into a set shot (he is very good at these) and a few mobile scores. Why? Kozzie cannot do it all and our static forwards (other than Fritta) suffer weekly from inaction and static geo-location.
  15. It really is time - across the board for our team - for Goodwin to show some adaptive adjustments including improved skills applications for many of our players, stuck in a framework of uncertainty and clearly evident interactive restriction.
  16. There is a good deal of common sense in this analysis. I wish such awareness could be a little contagious across most of our players, including our alleged 'stars'. McVee (and to a certain extent Kozzie) are players capable of playing anywhere on the oval due to their 'instincts' and execution.
  17. Indications suggest rather strongly - and sadly - that a turnaround in just one week is too short a timeframe. An alleged comprehensive pre-season has produced no results of which we can be proud. There are no linkages, there are no opportunities to exploit, there seems to be very few coordinated 'systems' to support our players' strengths. We played like a team of individuals and were shown a Swans team system (by foot) that wins matches.
  18. Play it hard, fast and with an ounce of mongrel brutality, guys, as a stamp of respect to Gus.
  19. Get into a bottle of Rutherglen (preferably Morris) Tokay, with some sliced fruit cake. It's a combination suited to a Demon gentleman in the outer or sitting in the drawing room at home watching the game, (illustrating how the other 1/15th live). It is a celebration, as well; just for being a Demon phanatick.
  20. Now were are talking. Such practices can assist to assure we get the recruits we need and want, as the icing on the cake, well-constructed by the layering, delicious recruiting talents at the MFC in an oven environment that is far too hot. Mentha also needs to be encouraged to put on a junkload of excess kilos across the next recruiting period, develop facial acne, get a really bad haircut and wear dark glasses in attempts to secure his place with the Dees - developing enormous loyalties to the Club in the process. A good, sharp and demanding pre-season will ameliorate such physical deteriorations, readying for a gentle reality check on how good it would be to be a Demon - and he should be Ours to snap up.
  21. Adelaide is a great place, terrific city in which to live - kinda like Melbourne was in the 1950s. As for luring Sparrow, they can pull the other leg - Sparrow is going to be a Demon STAR.
  22. We provide the Swans supporters a perfect reason and opportunity to spend all of Thursday morning in Church, praying for the impossible, atoning for their onfield sins and promoting their umpire preferences over the past decade, bearing false witness to their onfield talents and for injuring key players on the cusp of the season to be. Dees by 70 points, no wuz.
  23. Got the same syndrome ... new Sony TV, new Flip6 speakers that just might be able to achieve a Ch7 commentary upgrade, hot dogs, rolls, Dijon mustard and Rosella dead horse, black pepper. Raring to go!
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