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Everything posted by Demons1858

  1. Thanks Grimes. I rang the MFC membership department this morning also (40 min wait each time I have rung this week for an answer) and they said similar i.e. that you need to wait for the MFC membership window to open and it will depend on availability of MCC spots which could be an issue for some games ... I have an MFC/MCC Exclusive membership but that doesn't have general admission so the other alternative is to wait for tickets to go to the public and bundle 1 adult ticket with the 2 MFC junior memberships
  2. Have a similar issue trying to combine my new provisional MCC membership with my 2 kids junior memberships so we can sit in either the MCC or the general admission ... some how the melb vs freo game is classed a 2 by the MCC which means no visitors ... can I use my MCC membership to book in general admission with 2 junior MFC members?
  3. At one stage we were interested in him and then we weren't ... suggests to me we realised we weren't getting him or that he wanted too much $$$ to fit in our cap ... if tmac had gone I suspect it may have been different
  4. Clearly the club is banking on revenue being generated out of a new footy base including naming rights sponsor, social events, and better training facilities driving better results on field ... think people are being too hard on Glen ... they seem to have done well off the field given COVID issues and don't blame him for looking tired the other night ... the club is closer than ever to getting their footy base approved with the now strong involvement of the government ... if he pulls it off he has ticked a massive box for the mfc that secures the club for the future when many others have failed. Getting it approved is the equivalent of an off field premiership win
  5. With a free splash of Juggernaut 16 by Jonathon Brown he will be untouchable
  6. Do you recall where the remainder of the $11mil Leighoak sale went of approx $4.4mil (i.e. $11mill minus 6.6mill)?
  7. ox_5, seeing as you appear across this, where did he proceeds of the sale of leighoak go? It was sold for $11mill
  8. Fair enough ... I think I'm more annoyed they claim to be paying off debt while making a loss without mentioning they had sold down assets to be able to do that
  9. Don't like the fact that the Leighoak sale isn't mentioned in any of the financial updates, a bit deceiving and trust takes a bit of a hit as a result. They also liquidated their assets ... more information please!
  10. Good to see we get our 2 blockbusters as home games in 2021 given covid ruined the 2020 plans $$$
  11. Alot of the posts on here suggest we pulled a rabbit out of the hat by signing Williams. Reality is that no one wanted him and he was desperate for an AFL job to the point he was ringing around. Having said that it doesn't mean he isn't the right person for the job and with the new footy club softcap you need coaches that have multiple facets. Have high hopes he can instill belief and a winning mindset that sees us embrace must win games. Also prefer he does his job in the background away from media
  12. l was invited to read out my question on zoom and was happy to do so. l. believe the club chose me on the basis that my question followed a common theme of interest. Having a succinct question and being a 25 year member may also have helped
  13. never needed fixing. nice pick though and looks to have some tools to work with
  14. he said he was in the last 3 in his sacked podcast. https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/sacked-mark-williams-the-power-to-win/id1470557961?i=1000447367888
  15. jackson pushed for him as ceo only after failing to attract a successor with matching experience
  16. Excellent coach and can push a more ruthless approach, just needs to shut up sometimes
  17. l think the 1st year can be a learning year to understand what is required. so still see him as a quick adaptor given he did what he did in the 2nd year and went from fat to fit very quickly
  18. Some players 'get it' earlier than others like Oliver, Viney and apply themselves from the beginning. Not just at training and the extra sessions many do but well above that. Petracca perhaps took longer than he may have but is there now. Gawn by his own admission took longer for it to click.Its when you know you have an emerging A grader. some don't ever get it like sylvia
  19. moving him up field is good in theory and mfc have tried him up field a couple of times and his deficiencies show through. maybe he has matured since but lacks a yard of pace, instinctive thinking, and is very. one sided. love him at half back
  20. If true, I imagine MFC have said he needs to get the 2021 preseason program set up and going and also handover to a 2nd in charge before they consider terminating the contract
  21. Doubt he has the motivation to move states and find the new and smart tricks you need to stay relevant at his age
  22. Still find it a bit odd that we traded next year's 1st round pick for this years given the club has said they thought the draft was weaker
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