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Everything posted by Demons1858

  1. yeah but what would you offer? also not sure why he would want are shorter offer unless he needs to get back home with family or the like in adelaide
  2. Actually thick skinned mate, but not blind either. Re coaching performance, Goody has said himself that he wasn't at his best and coping in the period prior to 2021 so I'm not sure how you give him a pass when he doesn't. The coach sets the direction and is the most influential role at the club. His contract KPI's talk about where he finishes on the ladder. So how many years would you extend him for? And please don't say 3 years and agree with me after all the back and forth.
  3. You'd think they'd have a pic of him in Adelaide gear by now ... would probably annoy some Crows supporters seeing him in mfc gear
  4. Nice, Lever could probably do with an extra kidney after our next GF replay celebration
  5. Mate, stop hiding behind semantics. Whether you implied or said it indirectly, you were being deliberately disrespectful. And yes I said the new assistants where the main difference, but I never said they were the only difference. Of course there were other reasons e.g. Darren Burgess getting the fitness up another notch, players appearing to take more ownership and growing, getting the game plan right, goody learning and improving, mids working better together, new players in BB and Bowey ... it all adds up. Unfortunately the things that went wrong in 2017 and 2020 are largely owned by the coach even if its not all on his head e.g. game plan, selection, players having the confidence to perform under pressure relative to their age and maturity
  6. What factors do you think is making it unique and complex?
  7. Never said it has to be linear progress and understand the ups and downs but we should have made finals more than 2 out of 5 years. I base the performance each year on what we should have achieved based on the easy fixtures we have been getting, our list, injury management, coaching, selection, game plan etc. At the end of 2017 and 2020 posters on here were rabid about our performance to the point many wanted goody gone then. Then there is 2019. So at the very least we have been inconsistent. I have offered an additional 3 years, what are you suggesting an additional 5+ years which would make it 6+ years for an inconsistent coach? Clarkson, Lyon, Scott don't get those kinds of extensions even when their teams have been consistent finalists
  8. Yep and your if mate ... smart alec comments to try to get a laugh and likes with not facts or constructive comments appears to be your go
  9. Yes, you just stick to your cliche and build up your likes
  10. Never said: assistants were the only reason, never continuously potted the coach, gave him credit for two years ... stop being a rude to posters referring to them as drop kicks and stupid mate ... pretty sure if you met me you wouldn't be saying that to my face
  11. l have given detailed accounts of why l would give 3 years without making personal or negative comments about other posters ... in return l get unstructured incoherent emotive commentary with some bordering on harassment ... grow up ... people can disagree but show some class and respect that we can have different opinions ... suggesting a 3 year extension doesn't mean goodwin isn't a good coach but no individual is bigger than the club and he hasn't been consistent
  12. Things changing very quickly Foopy and coaches burn out quickly or lose touch under the unhealthy pressures the job brings e.g. one day Buckley, Clarkson, Lyon and others are star coaches and the next year their clubs are pushing them out for underperformance ... that's the reality of AFL footy whether you like it or not and it pays not to give very long term deals ... a 3 year extension means he coaches for another 4 years ... that's plenty
  13. So 9th may be ok for you but not for me given we should have made the finals in both years. Also can't just pretend 2019 didn't happen! 2017 we won the first 2 matches and by the end of the year we shot ourselves in the foot losing to a bunch of teams below us as we couldn't handle the expectations, poor selection decisions, poor coaching, and poor injury management. We lost to Freo 14th, Hawt 12th, Norf twice 15th, Blues 16th, and against Coll 13th in a terrible performance in a must win game. 2019 we suffered for not managing the playing list in 2018 and going in all chips. Over half the starting 22 were not on the track until after xmas for preseason ... we showed little fight throughout the back end of the year despite some injured players returning. 2020 we started really poorly 1-4 and had the wrong game plan until we had a mid season reset and make some changes to the game plan. We still had a chance by the end of 2020, but we dropped games to teams below us again and couldn't manage expectations. GWS 10th, Freo 12th, Sydn 16th. Lost 3 of last 4 games. 2021 was perfect and showed we should have done better in prior seasons with the list we have. 2018 was pleasingly above expectation but we mismanaged our injuries and paid for it in 2019. Some of the risks taken can be justified re injury management but not all of them. In summary, our poor years have been heavily self inflicted. So I would sign him up for 2 and a 3rd year based on performance conditions. If he wants more we sign Yze up. The influence of the new assistants has been the main reason for our 2021 turnaround IMO and a huge shout out to Pert for getting the right football set up in place to compliment Goodwins strengths and weaknesses
  14. 3 years and that's it. We have had just as many good and bad years under his coaching ... Yze to take over when right
  15. Nothing new to read here ... has always been team first and adapted to suit the team ... when we had no gun mids he took it on himself to drive the midfield and carried us on his shoulders in the 2018 finals on one leg ... he now has midfield support and has decided to play more of a defensive mid role ... he will adapt again when the team needs it ... one of the first to sign on long term from the A grade cohort and set the example
  16. Live track report, few of the boys are enjoying a drink or two at a watering hole down by the mornington peninsula ... dynamic ruck duo where happy to take a pic or two with an appreciative long term dees member ... guns
  17. The 150 final series replaced 186. Time to move on for good
  18. Has really struggled in the final year of his contract twice now and has previously said he didn't handle the first time well. Hopefully the resigning is out of the way now and he can show what he is capable of
  19. Very generous ... could also be that the reason she has no update is because there is no update or progress ... which is the more likely scenario ... having said that l have faith they are doing as much as they can and the govt have many priorities
  20. Kate speaks well for the most part and nice to hear her finally acknowledge Bartlett. Just wish she would stop squeezing in mentions of her own achievements when she speaks.
  21. Congrats to Reece, apparantly the announcement had been leaked, was originally just a pipe dream, and almost went down the drain.
  22. I imagine some of the proceeds of the sale will contribute to paying off part of the new facilities. Like other clubs we will sell the naming rights for a mill or two all going to plan. Pies get about $3 mill per annum
  23. yep, roos in particular has barely had a mention on Sunday and in other articles and interviews ... very unexpected
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