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Everything posted by biggestred

  1. nope. because like the 8yo boy who got caught in the garden ripping up Dads agapathas looking for a brand new kookaburra cricket ball, they had every excuse under the sun. "it wasnt me" "Everyone else was doing it" "you didnt see me doing it" "i didnt do anything" "you cant prove that i did it" "its good for the plants anyway" "it wasnt my fault"
  2. Apparently half the afl staff were in san Francisco today watching some superb owl. Not sure what owls have to do with footy but its a fair junket considering youve only gotta go down the Peninsula to see some owls
  3. mcveigh Obviously lies and more lies ''Players got forms in front of the doctors - Dr Bruce Reid who has been at the club for 30 years, coaches - and everyone knew that this had been ticked off. The doctor had told us it was fine, we trust [him] with everything, and James Hird, who we trust, we signed it, then that would give them consent [for us] to be able to have these tablets.'' McVeigh added: ''Kyle Reimers has come out and said some things that are untrue. He is a disgruntled player, was delisted from the football club, very rarely turned up for pre-season training in any sort of form that resembled a professional footballer. ''It wasn't a waiver, it was a consent form. It was clearly stated to us what we were taking. If you didn't know, you must have been asleep in the meeting. You know what, Kyle probably was.''
  4. http://www.triplem.com.au/melbourne/sport/afl/news/damian-barretts-extended-kyle-reimers-interview/ Original interview
  5. Don't forget how they all went at Kyle Riemers when it first came out. Can't actually believe no one has interviewed him again since.
  6. Yeah but they think the afl screwed them by making them self report Fools
  7. I dont pay for it either... You just whack the headline into google and read away.
  8. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/rita-panahi/no-end-in-sight-to-folly-of-essendon-over-doping-saga/news-story/ac1d3117a0d152cba06cd56ac28f8638#load-story-comments Rita dropping some truth bombs.
  9. I love this "We obviously weren't guilty because you allowed more evidence"
  10. Interestingly enough i started a new job a few weeks ago. One of the people im working with is a young lad who occasionally fills in for the scorpions development side. He said that whilst he did feel a bit sorry for the players because he knew if he had the coach etc telling him it was fine he probably would have been involved but he also said that from the age of 15 in the TAC cup comp that the training they get says "it doesnt matter where it comes from, if it goes in your body, its on you." And that they get that message drummed into them, over and over.
  11. This is the guy who said in the other thread that if there weren't any positive tests they should be let off. Credibility = 0
  12. Of course not. Its more the hypocrisy of the double standards from the afl.
  13. Afl have denied us port dogs and saints top up players. There you go. If you dope, go hard and do your whole list.
  14. The swiss will laugh them back onto the plane. Probably with a wheel of swiss cheese and a comment along the lines of "this is how many holes your case has"
  15. Appealing on the grounds that the case shouldn't have been heard de novo. Uh guys Probably should have raised that at the start
  16. Jess said his client could not have done any more to check the validity of the substances he was injected with. “He was in front of Doc Reid twice and asked him twice, `Is there an issue?’ and both times Reid replied that it won’t do you much good but it won’t do you any harm.’ “As a consequence he was a part of (the injection regimen). If you asked your doc twice, what part of due inquiry are we missing.” Former Essendon Bomber Nathan Lovett-Murray to appeal drug ban to Swiss authorities Uhhh apart from take 30sec and punch substance into asada website.
  17. Nathan Lovett Murray apparently wants to appeal
  18. Apparently robbo said on SEN that CAS doctored evidence. I mean. Seriously.
  19. Unless those records that prove they all knew exactly what they were taking proved that they took banned PEDs.... Which would significantly sway public opinion against them to the point the afl would have to ban the whole club
  20. Maybe but i know i keep important work docs on the server at work Wouldnt be too hard for my bosses/it people to make it disappear
  21. 4. Records were kept at essendon and destroyed.
  22. Bloke on twitter (yeah i know) said he polled in 12/13 games when on the juice. Not sure how true obviously but given they also won a heap of games in that time too is probably close to correct
  23. Robbos article is atrocious. His opinion is also atrocious. The only reason people are forgiving the afl having not already stripped jobe of the medal is because they theoretically have until the 10th to appeal. If the afl fails to strip jobe of the medal AND award it to the rightful winners just as they did when corey mckernan was suspended and thus ineligible it will be a disgrace to the point where the commission will be completely untenable.
  24. Far out. I literally got 2 lines into that bruce francis letter... if i was the recipient I'd have thrown it out then and there.
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