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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Panic isn't the word. Disappointed and deflated, especially for the last month, would be better words to use. Work and a sick kid didn't help in there either, so us being out of the finals race and being rubbish was just the icing on the cake.
  2. Yeah yeah old man, quality comeback. You still didn't answer the question, though. Did you converse with Norm and what did he say?
  3. What about Norm Smith, WYL? How do rate him in terms of champions of the club? Have you been talking to him lately about the curse? Did you encourage him to get himself over to Goodwin's house to force him to watch finals tapes from the last 20 years? Please tell. The fate of the current playing group depends on your feedback!
  4. They from your Facebook page, Stuie?
  5. And he gets it from the 90% of the fan base that are sane, normal people. He can ignore the other 10%.
  6. Which is kind of my point. He is well within his rights to catch up with Goodwin, but outside of that there has been nothing. Also, many on here say they 'hear' things but provide no source or refuse to do so. It's very, very easy to say you 'heard' things and not be held accountable for it. When it doesn't happen you just say they were obviously wrong, or something changed, and they save face. Maybe I'm jaded from many off seasons on here where 1 out of 50 rumours turn out to be correct, but I put zero credence in what anyone on here says unless they have a proven track record like Chook in Perth.
  7. We have a generation of supporters who expect everything to happen straight away. They can't wait for it or understand the process behind it. Just look at thread calling for Jones to stand down as captain. Tex does it so they demand Jones does it straight away as well. We can't really be surprised with their attitude. It's just the way it is.
  8. I've never seen a public forum 'hear' so much stuff before. How lucky we are.
  9. Good. Now we just need Jack Steven to stay at St. Kilda so the Cats have no decent replacement for Tim Kelly.
  10. Sam Gray, to me, would tick off most boxes for us as a small forward and also come for a decent price. The only problem for me is money. Carlton seem keen on most people and have money to burn - if they miss on Jack Martin and Tom Papley, would they throw a large contract at him that we couldn't match?
  11. We can't look at every single player on the market. We have to focus our attention on a few. I'd also wager that we see other aspects of our side, such as small forwards and outside run, as more important to fill during this off season.
  12. Like the level of your comprehension skills. That quote is no different to some stuff thrown up here. Not only are they not convinced going by that quote, but there is no substance or evidence behind it. These last few weeks have shown us that you're nothing more than a fair weather supporter. You find any way you can to attack the club and go missing when we are up and about. You're revelling in these rumours and innuendo and doing all you canto stir up trouble. I think it's time to put you on ignore, something I should have done a while ago. I encourage everyone else to do the same so we can all enjoy our time here without reading your drivel. Cheers.
  13. Just stood down from the Adelaide captaincy. Best move they could make going forward I reckon. Up there with the worst leaders in the comp.
  14. So I heard that Josh Jenkins will stay in Adelaide. Heard it from my inside sources. It's pretty easy to do.
  15. Interest in Josh Jenkins from us? Firstly, that makes me feel a little ill. Secondly, gotta love the 'that's what I've heard', which is likely to come from pub talk or a comment on a Facebook page.
  16. He'll probably feel better with Misson out the door.
  17. Is LN Stuie? Jeez I'm slow on the uptake these days.
  18. WYL doesn't think rationally. He'll want him lighting candles every night and praying to the ghost of Norm Smith to lift the curse for us because curses exist and they matter to current players just like they matter to old blokes who can't let go.
  19. Both were selected in the national draft - Ryan in the second round and Rioli early in the fourth. Just goes to show that if you look hard enough, and are willing to take a bit of a punt, then those small forwards are out there. Betts, at 32, shouldn't be someone we're looking at.
  20. Is it a bad thing that I have absolutely zero interest in the finals, and therefore will probably not watch a minute of it with the exception of the Grand Final?
  21. I understand that, outside of a few fringe players who didn't get much game time, that the rest of the list are strongly committed to the club and are as keen as mustard to atone for this season.
  22. But our list isn't poor. It's essentially the same list that made a Prelim in 2018. Some players struggled last year, and the gameplan needs some tweaking, but we also had plenty of players struggle through with injuries that were either pre-season ones, or happened early on in the season. If we get pretty much everyone right next year and find ourselves outside the eight then you've got a case and heads will roll. But I don't think the list is poor by any stretch.
  23. The voices in your head chatting away again?
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