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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. How else would a thread like this go? It's not as if we've done the opposite. If someone wants to start a thread like this for the 700th time then it will turn into a negative fest which is to be expected.
  2. That's not hard to do when you get years worth of high draft picks and extra salary cap room to throw money around. Even we would be half decent with all the concessions they've had over the last few years.
  3. Maybe, but it hasn't been great either. Obviously it hasn't been as bad as our drafting though.
  4. And your last sentence sums it up - the wheel WILL turn, but it won't be this week. May not be the next week and it may not be until 2017, but it will turn. We have played some very, very good football teams in the early part of the season and also beaten teams at our level, so it's easy to get a little carried away with the results we've had. We are a better football side that still needs a further injection of pace and skill.
  5. And isn't it nice to say that about a trade for a change!
  6. I admire your optimism Paul, I really do... but the Hawks have pulled our pants down more than any other club over the last few years. While we are a more competitive outfit nothing over the past fortnight suggests we will turn the tide in any way, shape or form. I'll be hoping that we don't roll over in the first term and stick with them for most of the game... but I won't be counting on it.
  7. So the back to back premiers are now being labelled 'flat track bullies' based on a few narrow losses? Now I've heard it all.
  8. Spencer's game last night clearly demonstrates that we don't have what you would call a 'modern' ruckmen. All 3 of ours are big, lumbering blokes who do alright at the ruck contests but offer little else. Look at these names... Jacobs, Goldstein, S. Martin, Mumford... the list goes on. We almost play a mid down during games as once the ball hits the deck our ruckman is pretty much out of the contest. If can address this somehow in the off season then it will go some way to solving a few of our problems.
  9. No. God no. How old is Minson? Is he 30 already? Leuenberger is worth a look if he gets through the season unscathed. I'd like us to dangle that top pick again and see if we get any decent bites.
  10. And thankfully it's a problem that I think we can solve. If we play our cards right I think we can land a ruckman via trade over the off season who will be an instant upgrade on what we have. I still like to think Gawn can turn into that player somewhat, but his time is running out.
  11. It's little consolation, but in previous years we would have been smacked. We have better players and we work better as a side, but as others have mentioned when the pressure is on and our space and time are taken away we REALLY struggle. You can see the turnovers happening as a player goes to kick it or handball it. Against the top sides they will make you pay. Some good positives from the kids tonight, although you could argue Brayshaw and Stretch started really well and faded in the 2nd half which is to be expected. I've also noticed that we seemingly don't have a plan B at the stoppages - we either win the clearance, which doesn't happen enough, or we completely lose it and the opposition lays off a couple of handballs and they are away. We need to learn how to clamp down better and not allow them an easy transition out of a stoppage. We get killed around there. Someone also had a go at Dunn - he didn't have a great night, true, but he was asked to play on someone quite a bit taller and bigger than him in Tippett. It was always going to happen.
  12. Absolutely sensational news! Long live PJ!
  13. I find it funny that the majority are happy to bag many of the players currently playing for Casey... and then we get all upset when they play poorly. What else do you expect?
  14. Not as much as last week. Watts can at least have the potential to impact the game than McKenzie could.
  15. [censored] out boys... Watts has been named the sub. Edit - which also means Stretch gets at least 3 quarters of the game. Can't complain with that.
  16. While the result, and some of the performances, were disappointing, it almost seems as though some take great delight in the fact that many struggled today. Our depth still needs work, but with a few injuries it was always going to be tested. By the time Roos hands the reins over to Goodwin we will be in a much better spot.
  17. Horrible effort from Fitz there to let Saad past him so easily. He isn't the only one putting in those sorts of efforts though.
  18. This has been an awful game of footy so far.
  19. Neitz is still criminally underrated by the wider footballing community. 300 games, 600 goals, AA at both FF and CHB... the list goes on. Neitz was an absolute gem and a beast in his prime. Always felt the players walked taller when he was in form.
  20. Until Kent returns I think that's something we'll just have to deal with. They will rotate one of JKH/Brayshaw/Newton through there at various stages while leaving Garlett down there to roam around at will. Watts is supposed to be the fourth tall/small who can play big and chase as a small but as well know that isn't working out at this stage.
  21. Disagree. We don't know everything about selection and what the coaches are looking for in a game. Disposals only tell one side of the story. Michie may have been given a task during the game that he didn't fulfill and, therefore, misses out for someone like Toumpas who the coaches feel is now more deserving of a game. Roos wants to set a standard and, for one reason or the other, Michie didn't reach that standard.
  22. I think what's got him over the line is not just his good form at Casey but also his strong work ethic and willingness to take on board the feedback his is given to improve. Roos loves these attributes and we know Stretch will give 100% every time he steps on the field.
  23. I think every first gamer under the Roos regime has been given the vest. Plus Toumpas has been named in the starting 18 which generally means they won't get the vest. Not that I'll complain either way, just think Roos will stick to his guns.
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