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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Me too. Why do we need to drop anyone? We seem to have gotten the balance pretty right, and after a win like that those 22 deserve the opportunity to back it up and make it 3 in a row. The only change I could see is Brayshaw going out for someone, which will either be Oliver or Petracca. Other than that I think keeping some stability will be good.
  2. Totally agree. I like Carey, but he then spent the next minute or so trying to defend Rance's actions. Rubbish. The bloke committed a dog act and there is no excuse for it.
  3. God I love Jack Viney. He just BLEEDS red and blue. It's bloody brilliant!
  4. Wow, what a win. I love this club. Lots of posters have covered all the great things really well in this thread, so I don't want to re-hash it too much. One person I did want to make special mention of though was Lumumba. He was rightly knocked for his efforts last year, but now that he is fit he is really bringing some terrific dash and experience to the backline. He has seemingly curbed his willingness to just bomb away and he is hitting targets all over the ground. I'm sure he will still get caught once or twice, but a few times last night (such as the time he was wrongly called for running too far) his run and carry was sublime. What a way to wake up in the morning too. We now support a proper football club and we can see a bright future. Bring it on!
  5. We're lucky next week mate as we at least get to play on a Saturday. The constant waiting for our games all weekend is slowly beginning to kill me... Agree about the match up for Watts. Rance will go to Hogan but then I think, after that, our forwards have the capacity to really cause them some problems. We just need to make sure we get it down there often enough and use it well when we do.
  6. I must admit - I'm REALLY nervous for this one. I think it's more in anticipation of the game than a fear of us losing. This is such a winnable game for us, and with a 50/50 game against a decent Saints side next week, we have such an excellent opportunity to really put our best foot forward and show the competition that we are back. If Gawn gives us first use all night then we win this game of footy.
  7. I can guarantee he won't be as well, but he's not under any pressure either.
  8. If we beat the Tigers tomorrow, who is under the most pressure? Hardwick, Buckley or Hinkley?
  9. You don't need pace to make it as an AFL player. Just ask Sam Blease.
  10. Until we kick a couple and you change your mind again.
  11. And proof you shouldn't make wild judgments after seeing just a quarter of footy.
  12. Scores level, 2 goals each. Hulett has both goals for us.
  13. No worries mate. Let me know when you post something half related to the MFC.
  14. Hadn't even noticed he was gone. Shows how much his posts are missed.
  15. I think the return of Deledio has a bit to do with it, plus I don't think punters are confident enough to back us just yet. Works fine for us though, as we don't go in as favourites!
  16. You're wrong. Again. And I'll leave it. If Petracca was right to go, then he would be picked. Clearly he is on the cusp but also behind Vince and Garlett, who are automatic inclusions with runs on the board. Happy to make him wait and want it even more.
  17. Backtrack? Righto. You had to bring up a B level rookie to try and prove your point. Doesn't look all that flash for Michie.
  18. He isn't as bad as some, true, but I find myself yelling at the screen for him to shut up more often that I'd like. It seems after every passage of play he is pontificating about anything that comes into his head.
  19. Every midfielder, flanker or pocket player on our list would be ahead of him right now.
  20. Great game of footy at the moment. Am I the only one that doesn't rate Ling as a commentator? Feel like he is ALWAYS talking, sometimes during important moments that Dennis or Bruce should actually be commentating on, and most of it is drivel.
  21. I notice Petracca wasn't picked again. You've got a great habit of being wrong on a regular basis picket. It's quite a skill.
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