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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Dayne Beams out for the rest of the game, knee iced up, could possibly mean he misses next week.
  2. I was ranked 10th last week. Thought I was going okay. All gone to pot now!
  3. Just as an aside, Luke Parker has royally screwed my Supercoach team tonight. I was ranked 93... and his rubbish performance, and my dumb decision to make him captain, will finish off my season. Not happy Jan!
  4. Me either, but it's Richmond. My hatred for them is higher than that of the Swans.
  5. They went into free fall the moment Guy McKenna got the flick. He might not have reached great heights in his time there, but he was slowly building towards it. Thought it was a terrible time to move him on for a dinosaur like Eade.
  6. Absolutely. It's a great spot to be in - those fringe players need to play out of their skin each week to keep their spot with plenty ready to come in if they drop their bundle. Great to see ANB dominate again, and when his opportunity comes, whether it be next week or in 5 weeks, he will hopefully be able to hit the ground running.
  7. I thought you didn't comment on a players ability?
  8. I said 95%. Not all. However, I don't believe commenting on his footballing ability is getting personal. But again, Saty, you contradict yourself. How can you talk to the players about gameplans and tactics, when you've never played the game at AFL level? Your thoughts or questions should matter little as you wouldn't know what's going on, based on your belief that if you've never played at the highest level then your opinion means little. As for Spencer, while I understand why he has been given another year, I understand why others don't agree as well. Spencer is nothing more than insurance for Gawn, and with the King boys still a few years away in terms of development, he was our last ruckman left outside of Gawn. He hasn't, however, shown much at AFL level and all supporters would be hoping that he stays as insurance and nothing more.
  9. Zebras had the wind, we'll have it (obviously) in the second.
  10. Of course you are. You bring that up all the time. It just get's tiring for people because you constantly have a crack at theirs - by claiming they never played AFL so their opinion means little is just one example of this. But if your opinion means little to the players, why give it? Why should they care about what you have to say? They should simply be worried about what the FD says, so your opinion is nothing but wasted words that they don't care about because, as you put it, you've never played AFL. 95% of posters here don't denigrate, they just have differing opinions. If they see a player more negatively than you do then they are welcome to do so. They aren't getting personal, they just believe that Spencer, for example, is not up to scratch. That's alright. They aren't having a crack, they are just commenting on what they've seen. And please, Saty, don't play the 'not commenting on ability' card. Over the years you've commented on most player's ability from your training reports. Don't dress it up as anything else, because it isn't. You're welcome to comment, by the way - you just need to remember that others are welcome to do it too.
  11. You said that, because he is on an AFL list, then he must be an 'AFL standard player'. That's commenting on his ability. And, just for the record, you give your opinions to the players all the time - you didn't play AFL at the highest standard, so why do you bother, seeing as it means your opinion means very little?
  12. You never comment on a player's ability, yet you've commented on Spencer's, saying he is AFL standard. You can't have it both ways, chap.
  13. Morris and Boyd, please. Although your mate could just be yanking your chain...
  14. You've mentioned this twice now. Reading skills not a strength? This thread is now just for talking about Jesse and his exploits ON the field. The other is for all matters OFF the field. I thought Grape made this pretty clear.
  15. Quick, end the regular season now! Call it early!
  16. Yep, but they haven't played him there at all this year at VFL level. There just isn't a spot for him right now.
  17. I wish they were consistent with it, though. Kersten just had the same thing happen and got nothing.
  18. I agree about form, but ANB is a different player to all 3 that you've mentioned. You don't get into the side on form alone. Michie is used off half back, Stretch is a wing/half forward type while Kent plays almost exclusively as a small forward. ANB is a pure midfielder, an area of our side that is one of our strengths at the minute. I'm hoping he keeps this form up so that, when he gets his chance, he takes it with both hands. But it's nothing to get annoyed about.
  19. Exactly. There is a reason so many key forwards have knocked them back over the years - they aren't really an attractive club to play for. If you take the Perth factor out, why would a key forward want to go there? Cloke, Riewoldt and others have knocked back huge offers to get there. It's hardly surprising. I know the Perth factor is different here, and I get that, but outside of that I can't see anything Freo has that we don't trump quite easily at the moment.
  20. Eddie will kick at least 5 tonight.
  21. Yep, even more so when Freo are 0-7 and going absolutely nowhere. They need a story and something to look forward to that can take some of the focus off how bad they are playing - and that man is Hogan. He fits all the credentials and they'll ram it down their throats over in Perth as often as they can. We just need to ignore that and allow things to play out. Every man and his dog can see the positive direction the club is heading it, and that fact won't be lost on Jesse. I've got faith.
  22. I understand that. Everyone approaches it differently and there is nothing wrong with that. What does annoy me is when supporters over analyse everything and turn anything reported on in to a negative. In the age of social media, news reports everywhere etc. it's easy to read too much into things. I trust the club, and Jesse, to get things done and bring sustained success for years to come.
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