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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. There is unsociable footy, and then there is stupid footy. We walked a fine line with both incidents and may get lucky. It won't always work out that way.
  2. Either that or Hogan is the next coming of Mike Tyson.
  3. Surprised they would say that about Lewis. I know he has a dodgy past, but it clearly looks as though he gets him in the shoulder. Cripps doesn't even look like going down until Viney shoves him in the back.
  4. I never said he should keep his spot, just that the criticism of him is unfair. He's being asked to play the majority of the game out of position and, thus, it harms his output.
  5. Is that Clint resurrecting a thread where he can be negative in it? I'm so surprised... This is off topic, but I find this week and last week sum up your posting, Clint. When we were up and about last week you had literally nothing to add. You tried to be negative but got shot down, then you basically disappeared. This week you're all over the place as we didn't play as well and you thrive on the opportunity to be negative. It's no co-incidence and it's such a shame that you see the bad before the good. It's a horrible way to support a club, but I guess that's not up to me.
  6. Hogan will get 1 week, reduced to a fine. I don't even think Lewis got Cripps in the head. He'll be fine.
  7. I agree, Nash. We're 2-0 and we should look for as much continuity as possible. Vince is the automatic inclusion, though, with Kent and Pedersen waiting in the wings. Other than that we should stick with the same side for another week and give them the chance to keep our unbeaten run going.
  8. I can't add too much more to the comments than what's already been covered. Lots of good, some things to work on and a few players who were down on their output. We're being harsh on Brayshaw, though. Wasn't his best game, but the bloke was drafted as a midfielder and he is being asked to play as a half forward for most of the day. It's no surprise that he finds it a little bit of a struggle, and comparing his output to Toumpas is silly. It's an excuse for the usual suspects to push their negative agenda. When given the opportunity to play midfield minutes, as he was given towards the end of last year, Brayshaw showed he is more than capable of being, at the very least, a very good player for us. He just needs to wait his turn for his opportunity to play in the midfield again.
  9. I'm at the game and can't believe what's going on. Even for an eternal optimist like myself I don't think I've been this frustrated in a while. Where the hell is the team from last week?
  10. An 80 point win would be the icing on the cake for sure, but I'm still not convinced we're at that point in our journey as a side yet. We are still learning how to win these sort of games, so to roll the Blues and to roll them relatively comfortably would be a big step in the right direction.
  11. Being 2-0 is upside enough for me. I'm sure there will be moments of frustration today, but beating Carlton by 5 goals will send me home happy. I'm going to the game today and looking forward to seeing us dominate all over the ground.
  12. I'm still baffled as to how an AFL standard umpire could make a decision like that. I know we all make mistakes, but that's something I'd expect to see at Under 18 level in the local leagues. Just a mindbogglingly bad decision.
  13. He has leukemia. Why you would even want to joke about it, or use it in the manner you have, is beyond me. Poor form.
  14. He did. The only player left on our list from that period.
  15. If you take out the available players, we only have 7 who are injured, JKH is only a week away while Hibberd is just two weeks away. That's not too bad all things considered.
  16. What does that have to do with it? Weller isn't a tall forward.
  17. So why did Bruce, Membrey and Riewoldt not give us any real problems last weekend? Granted, Roo kicked a few but the bloke is a champion and has cut us up for a decade. The other two barely got near it. As VP says above, you're panicking about nothing.
  18. I might be in the minority here Pates, but I didn't really feel that way last year. I tried to talk myself into it, and probably looking back on my post history for that round would suggest I was confident, but I was trying to convince myself more than anything. Our win over GWS was great, but we didn't exactly play well, and I knew the Bombers would be up and about. That proved to be correct. This week feels different, which is what you have alluded to above. We played ripping footy and we have a pretty fit list to choose from as well. We are cleaner, slicker and have that killer instinct that I don't feel we had last year. I'm far more confident going in to this week than I was at this time last year.
  19. Just sour grapes from the bogans out at Moorabbin. They have basically a full strength side going in and couldn't get the job done. That's their problem, not ours.
  20. Has he done anything to warrant selection? Just because he might play in a similar position does not mean he is an automatic inclusion. If the club felt he was ready then that's fine, which is what we saw with Hannan, but we've seen nothing to suggest that McKenna is in the same boat.
  21. I guess there had to be one thread where we all had to get chippy with each other after a win. We can't bag others for the 'red and blue' glasses, either. We all wear them when it suits us.
  22. Agreed, red. I was horribly nervous about last year's game and my worries were justified. This year? I don't have any at all. I have total faith in the side to go out there and get the 4 points in a manner that we'll be happy with.
  23. This has nothing to do with Oscar, but they were right not to chase some of the proven defenders out there. Just look at Nathan Brown on the weekend - totally out of his depth. He was worse than Oscar. I know you were keen to get someone like him in over the summer, but the game is passing him by quickly. We were right not to go anywhere near these guys - we would have held on to Dunn if we thought we needed someone of that ilk.
  24. Welcome to the weekly changes thread, where illogical generally reigns and actual sense can be few and far between.
  25. Brown may be there, but Carlisle is still chasing his shadow around Etihad.
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