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Everything posted by Dante

  1. I would have been happy with the seats if it wasn't for the fact I had this jerk behind me, you would have thought that whoever took him would have told him to behave himself and respect that it was an area for Demon members. I'm a member of the legends and we pay a lot for the seats, there has been complaints that members are letting opposition supporters sit in that area. We got an email from the club two days before the last match, Carlton, that this wouldn't be tolerated and that it was for members only and the seats were not transferable. So what happens, some guy sitting in front of me brings in 3 Carlton supporters, when I suggested that they should move, he pretty much told me to p/o, I am thinking very seriously about contacting the club and they will revoke his membership.
  2. Last week I went to the function that Melbourne Experiences were running, the cost was $550 per ticket, some of you may have got the email/invite to the function as well. I thought this would be the way to go as I'd be sitting among the Demons Faithful, wrong, the seats are in the Ponsford Stand, behind the goals at the City end on Level one. Anyway I had a Swans Supporter sitting behind me during the game and he never shut up for the whole of the game and I had several arguments with him, mainly about his running commentary of the game. The guy was a jerk and kept relaying everything that happened on the ground to all around him in a flat monotone annoying voice, needless to say it was a Melbourne Experience I didn't need. There was also a Swans supporter sitting at our table and he was sitting next to my partner during the game, that's when he was sitting, he was mainly standing and shouting.. Yesterday and this morning I got an invite to the this week's function and after last week I think I'll give it a miss, I appreciate that the club has to fill these functions but when you are paying that sort of money you expect to be surrounded by your own not the opposition. I'd also had two tickets up the other end of the ground and sold them for less than a third of what I paid for them, I think I sold the wrong ones.
  3. I still have these spare tickets and if anyone needs them they are going for a really good price, I have other tickets and if they don't get sold soon they will remain empty.
  4. I have a couple of tickets that I'd like to off load, I finished up getting tickets through a club function up the other end of the ground in the Ponsford Stand. So I now have 4 and only need 2. The tickets are Section M9 Category 2 in the ground level of the SW stand seats Q 13 and 14 Anyone interested PM me, will sell them for less than cost just want to make sure they don't go to waste.
  5. My son was getting the tickets for me and said he was having trouble, we have 6 legends seats in N49 and he was offered seats elsewhere before he got cut off. I hade received an invitation to attend a function to be held in the Ponsford Stand but they were $550 each so I had to consider if I wanted to play that much. End result was my son got 2 in M9 behind the goals the Punt road end and I got 2 behind the other goals at the other end of the ground in the Ponsford stand. Really disappointed that we have been so shabbily treated by the club and they have allowed members to get [censored] seats and possibly given ours to opposition supporters. I'll probably offload the seats behind the goals but they cost $171.50 and are considered premium seats, not sure what that's based on.
  6. He was over the moon that we pursued him and that we offered him a long contract, I doubt he'd leave.
  7. Saw Dunny, with his kid, at the Tigers game earlier this year, barracking for the Dees and giving Tigers supporters the big send off as they left early. One of my friends was his sponsor when he was at the dees and he tells me he was a really good guy, I think he’s genuine in his support for us.
  8. I know, and that's before they take the discount off.
  9. Have to agree with most of that, I don't want him gone but I'd rather rip off the bandaid now than wait for him to Develop completely, then lose him. He is currently a handy player now, but not a proven great player and when he is, if he does become one, he'll be going, that's on the basis that he continues to improve, which is not guaranteed. When he was over in Perth and was being interviewed by a couple of young guys over there he looked really happy, that may be because he was going to be playing in a GF or it could very well be because he just loves being home. I think we should look ahead and I wouldn't mind looking at Grundy, he is on a huge million $ contract but I'm sure that the Pies would be happy to offload him and pay some of his contract, say $300k and we pay the balance. We get a proven ruck/clearance player which is what Dogga is, to be honest he's not a great ruck, he's more of a big midfielder that can ruck a bit. I don't particularly like Grundy but if he can help big Max and the team win a flag, I'll learn to love him,
  10. I believe that Riv was sent back to Casey because the coaches felt other clubs played through his opponent, he was a bit loose. I would imagine that when he tightens up his game he will go back to the AFL.
  11. Two things. Weid lacks balance and core strength. He falls over or slips on numerous occasions and is pushed out of the way by smaller players. I'm not sure if he has ever had a course in Pilates but it may help both issues, particularly his core strength, I remember Andrew Leoncelli was involved in Pilates and he went ok and was very strong in the contest. There is no doubting that we want him to succeed and I'm sure that it's not for lack of trying that he's not, in fact I think there's so much pressure on him he tries too hard.
  12. Why? They are a manufactured team with no history, hardly any supporters and the supporters of other clubs couldn’t give a stuff about them. The AFL has gifted them a really good list, a couple of times, but we got nothing when we were struggling. So for the sake of TV rights they have done whatever they could to give them success As a Melbourne supporter, why is is important they are a contender? Would you be happy to see them beat us in a GF.
  13. Can we rename this thread? It’s a pain to open it up and there’s just endless speculation but nothing concrete. Maybe change the name of the thread to speculation about Luke Jackson.
  14. At a club function for the foundation heroes, before the game. I was fortunate enough to be there, seated at the same table as Brian and Terri-Ann Stynes, Brian gave a very emotional speech about Jimmy, ten years on from his passing away.
  15. It's usually the [censored] from within that brings an organisation down. It will be very difficult for some of our players to play in the same team as others, especially those that have been denigrated by more senior players. The question I ask is why? We've taken over half a century to get to the power house we once were and in a flash we start to tear it apart.
  16. We should sack May, if he said the things he said he must have been thinking it for some time. how can the boys have faith in him if he has that sort of view. We were dispirited today and our cohesion was gone, we are going to struggle to stay in the top 8 this year and all the adverse publicity we've received and May's comments are taking their toll. Also, Tracc has to decide if he wants to be a radio and television star or the best player in the comp. And I don't care about the walk and chew gum crap, I believe it's affecting his performance, unless there is an injury he has we aren't aware of.
  17. I sit in the Legends area first level up and right next to the MCC area and the area there is pretty much dead. I believe the members are discouraged from making excessive noise and the other side of where I sit is the President's lunch attendees. I went to the Presidents Dinner of Saturday and there seemed to be a lot of Swans supporters there who got a lot noisier as the game went on. The point I'm trying to make is there is very little noise from the MCC members area and the Legends, Presidents lunch/dinner area which takes up most of that side of the ground. Now settle down WCW, I'm not having a go at the Cheer Squad this is just a general comment. I was at the end nearest our cheer squad and I couldn't hear them during the game but I could hear the Swans cheer squad as clear as a bell. I could also hear the Swans Supporters that sit next to the Dees cheer squad in the Shane Warne Stand. Apart from amplification I don't know what the answer is. Those that sit in front of the Presidents Club area are a mixture of home and away and neutral supporters, we don't have many that sit in the AFL area. You can't make noise if you are in there MCC members and those that are in my area are supporters and their guests and they are not going to make a [censored] of themselves if they have a client or guest with them. We don't have a Cat man or Tiger man and no one seems stupid enough to dress up as a Demon, we are not that type, some supporters put money in and some find other ways of doing things like joining the Cheer squad or volunteering. The way the seating is configured it makes it hard to get all our members together and we just have too many conservative members. I guess if you want to have a noisy Cheer squad, join the Tigers or Collingwood. Our supporters don't hang over the fence and threaten the umpires or have brawls after or during the game, so I guess I'd rather have them than a bunch os supposed dedicated supporters that really only go for the Booze and a Brawl than to watch the football.
  18. I sit in the legends area and there is a young guy there that gets us going, he turns round to us and starts us going with the Melbourne etc. I pretty sure he can be heard round the rest off the ground, he is that loud, he's been going to the games for years and even in his younger years he was very vocal.
  19. On the issue of attendance,. I was told by a club official that we were expecting a crowd of a bit over 20,000 but not much and the AFL had anticipated less that 25,000. I reckon we would have had a much better crowd if we'd played it over there.
  20. I was at the GWS game at the G last year and in the first 3 quarters it was like a practice match and it was only in the last quarter that I realised we had somme supporters there. By then, of course, it was too late and even though we lifted we fell short. We don't make a lot of noise and I'm not sure why, I yell out a but but I'm just one voice. The Dockers fans made a lot more noise that we did at the game the other day and they had the chant going once they got in front, our supporters don't seem to have a chant, other than Melbourne clap clap clap.
  21. Was there that day as well, didn't know who he was at first, thought he was there to give out oranges to the players at the break.
  22. Old Dee is soft, just kidding. I’m as old as anyone on this site and I drove to the ground, parked in the car park in Spencer street, cost $20 and you are a five minute walk from the gate. I hate Marvel and knew it would be a crap game but went anyway. Even took my partner and she knows nothing about football, one of the things we have in common. Sometimes we have to put ourselves out to show the boys we care.
  23. Pretty much agree with what you said there, they knew they wouldn't win so the played us hard and close. BBB was harassed when he went near the ball and just couldn't get in to the game. They were very physical on the night. I went to the game and sat near the goals and because it's such a [censored] ground, I couldn't see beyond the middle, after the game I thought we were pretty ordinary but after watching the replay I thought we were OK,. We do seem to play a better brand of football when we play against a good side, they are trying to win whereas North were just trying to limit the damage, they have quite a few physical players. I've followed the Dees for many years, around 70 and I don't think I've ever seen a player as good as Clayton, he is just relentless, he just fights for 100% of the game to get the ball, I loved Robbie but they are different types and played a totally different game.
  24. The AFL is going to have to do something, North are just not up to competition standard. And yes, I believe he is.
  25. I remember when it was reported Dennis was appointed and I thought it was a joke, turns out I was right.
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