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Everything posted by Waltham33

  1. Shame so few got to see on of Craig Ellis's only games for the Dees
  2. Change was absolutely needed, however there are many ways to achieve it and I have personally witnessed a number of organisations have the right ideas, but jump in too quickly to achieve it. I would think the question is worth asking!
  3. To get the topic back on track - Neeld did say last week it is an angry club at the moment - not surprised by this
  4. Plus puts more pressure on remaining backman, Chippa and Garland.
  5. Wowey - haven't heard that name for a while
  6. Can always come back to the gameplan later - confidence and spirit matter more right now
  7. I like the concept of the playing group finding the common enemy - works for many successful teams, whether it be an opposition, admin, whoever.
  8. First 3 games of football I saw were the 87 elimination final, 87 first semi and 87 preliminary final. Enough said
  9. There is being tough and there is being disrespectful. Appalling behaviour, particularly given these are student athletes who would be at risk of losing their scholarships if they did anything.
  10. This is a banner week for Dland - its got everything!
  11. hit outs is one stat, hit out efficiency is another
  12. Can we just wait and see the response?
  13. Hawthorn should be our role model club - where is our line in the sand
  14. You may be surprised where we end up at the end of the season
  15. Waltham33


    45HG puts it well. After a series of losses in 2003, Neale Daniher coined 'loosen the reigns' - could be an idea to reprise that this week.
  16. You buy into the leader before you buy into the vision
  17. Geelong use the corridor - what outdated thinking! On a serious note, the way the Cats play on instinct, back each other, communicate, encourage and attack is tremendous. Good to see Rivers contribute as well.
  18. First thing that came to my mind
  19. Why not move him around today if being the spare man was not working?
  20. We look slow of foot, of hand and of mind. Our game plan still consists of go wide at all times (which I think is defeatist to start with). Lets not forget, we were against a rookie coach today.
  21. I have seen this site blow up over Miller, Juice and others in the past so Ill wait to see where he is at in 3 years. A lot to work with here!
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