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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. Not bad Bub! Made me want to throw up much less than our actual two options. Talk about the Melbourne Demons Football Club! Option B if anything surely
  2. Ricky and Franky! This has made my night, go the Dees!
  3. Over the top of Collingwood fans? Meh, I'd prefer into
  4. because the cats aren't a unified group who still play at their traditional home ground... This is a perfect chance for the club to stand up and make itself, and the club, counted. Seems we've missed the boat though. I hope future matters when the afl tries to push our club around they present themselves in a professional and upright manner pushing our own agenda, not yielding to other people's designs
  5. Red and Blue through and through. This white is putrid
  6. Not if you don't stand for anything you won't.
  7. WYL, if you're that keen to help change the MFC culture, as i believe you are, may i suggest writing to the club about our new clash design strip. I'm not sure what you think about it, but personally i cannot see how our club can establish itself as a powerful and proud club if we so easily give into AFL requests and turn against our proud history. Perhaps we would not win the fight, but i feel it would be worth fighting for. To help establish ourselves again as a club that stands for something and will not only respect it's own past, but be strong enough to determine our own future
  8. 45HG

    Caro Wilson

    Boring. My grammer was not great, but if you cannot think laterally enough to figure out what I meant, then I pity you.
  9. Grimes Could Debut Against Tigers Not sure if this has been posted, but it has made my morning. One game may not help all that much, but it certainly couldn't be a hinderance. An amazing effort from him this year to even be in contention. One game may just give him all the fire he needs going into the off season
  10. It is a good point I.A.N. I'm hoping there are many supporters like yourself who have decided to go the monthly deduction offer. I wonder if the club can put an estimated total in brackets for how much they'll raise after the 12 months of direct debit has been completed (i.e. we have $2.8m but we have 1000 who have said direct debit, totalling $240,000, or something along those lines) Dirct Debit Debt Demolition. Illiteration at it's finest
  11. 45HG


    Brilliantly written Maj. It makes me tingly when i feel that all AFL, sorry VFL, supporters are in the dogfight together. We have grown up hating, envying, laughing at the other clubs in our terrain, but always fearing and respecting what they can do to us. On any given day, any club has whipped another club, or fought out a famous victory over one another, and it is this that should be remembered from supporters in the long run. Obviously Dees fans don't much get on with Pies fans (as much as we try anyway, my best mate is a Magpie for instance), but we understand and respect where each other has come from. All clubs who have been with this great game since 1925 deserve an equal say as to where our game is heading, and the fate determined upon each traditional club. We may hate Collingwood as rivals, but can respect them for their ability to never drop away from the fight, participating in over 1/3 of all VFL/AFL grand finals. Without this respect, there can be no hatred or loathing, a reason why no clubs hate us at the moment. I hate Essendon and Carlton, but can never remove the respect i have for their organistiontions (save for Carlton's cheating and the Bombers' supporters) I suppose what I personally am saying is that the Victorian AFL teams have become somewhat of a family. We may not all get along all the time. There may be times when one prospers above the others and others' receive more attention (good or bad) than the rest. But thoughout it all, in times of need and desperation, we all know the plight each other have gone through in following each other's respective 'great' teams and can always lend a meaningful ear and a supportive voice. But of course, never on Gameday. The history of our game should never be forgotten, in any capacity. We Great Demons will never die, our supporters will never stop until our club has built the foundations it deserves, to become a hated member of the Australian Rules Community once more
  12. North's "true" home ground? You're right, play it at Arden st
  13. We should ask not only to play in Adelaide, but also never play in Adelaide!! I read Bell (?) saying that he felt in the first ten minutes it was like the game was over Really, not good enough. It feels like that watching us interstate, we jut never look like we're a show. Can never put my finger on it, maybe it's the Foxtel camera angle that always makes everything looks so hard, but it just feels every time i watch us at Adelaide it's over straight away, and that Crows/Power goals will be inevitable. We need a playing/leadership group that can lift itself and turn around poor onfield performances. We need Green and a fit Mclean IMO for the leaders, surrounded by a group of players determined to put forward consistent onfield performance and application I feel the offield wheel is finally starting to turn, and hopefully in a few years when their mechanisms are in place we can have onfield success to build again.
  14. 45HG

    Caro Wilson

    Haha clearly you can see i was saying the paper that did it, as he works for the paper that actually did it, as opposed to Caro who works for The Age
  15. 45HG

    Caro Wilson

    Not saying it was Hutchy who "got" the inteview, but why would Archer criticize Caro, saying she would do the same thing, when Hutchy sat next to him and worked for the offending journo's paper and is clearly closer to the source.
  16. But credit to North and Port Adelaide. Port for example, 12 whole months ago (a near lifetime) played in their last grand final. Having to struggle and sruvive in a two team town, they've STILL managed to almost have as many people come to games as Powerhouse teams like the MFC who have 12 Premierships compared to their one. However are they to survive? Of course they draw big crowds. They got 25,000 to a FINAL, who's ever heard of that? And they had to compete with the first ever round of A League. Two crowd pulling teams, it's Victoria Versus South Australia, how could anyone have looked at this being played anywhere other than at a ground with the greatest capacity
  17. Good pick up Rhino. I also wouldn't want young rookies emulating the way Trav played his footy. Skills are not something to emulate, dedication, apllication, desperation and pride are things that each rookie should learn from the elder statesmen. Pello, I highly doubt Trav would have been someone that would have attracted a key sponsor to the club. Personally, if i were to sponsor a team i'd rather back one that looked like there was long term gain to be had, (i.e. backing Hawthorn in '05-'06). Not to mention the fact that I can' see Trav having helped stem any of our beltings this year. He may have added a little class in games like the Essendon or Hawthorn game, but to what end would that have taken us? He'd be 30 and we'd have a worse pick in the draft
  18. 45HG

    Caro Wilson

    Like Robert Walls ... ... Perhaps Archer is one of the better going around
  19. 45HG

    Caro Wilson

    He just comes across as an illiterate sniper
  20. 45HG

    Caro Wilson

    Yet again, she is the only one on this show with any talent/insight, and then gets abused for anything she comes up with. (Archer, saying she would have interviewed Polak if she was in the same situation, yet saying nothing to Hutchy who works at the paper who actually DID it) Blokey culture at it's worst. Tall poppy syndrome, drives me crazy
  21. Post 45, good number to post on. Can anyone please elaborate on how our debt went from 2 maybe 3 million, to 5 million suddenly? It's a step i think i missed, and it's perplexed me for a while now! I'm glad to hear Schwab didn't do a U-turn because of an empassioned plea from Jimmy, though who knows how much of what comes out in the media, especially SEN, is actually true. This is why i used to largely avoid the tabloids. But yes, i hope in future the MFC can conduct itself in a more professional matter, and from here it is onward and upward.
  22. And of course, i purposely placed a 4 instead of a 3 throughout my calculations to see which supporters are on the ball... Not going through it all again, but it still means about 2% of our fans have donated 83%+ of the Debt Demolition campaign. And yeah, I agree Rogue, many of those fans probably put in over 500, meaning their total may have reached 2,401,000 haha
  23. Haha too funny! I was a Bromby boy years ago, hope you're doing us proud!
  24. Nugget, you're not a Bromby boy are you?
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