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Everything posted by waynewussell

  1. Strapping Young Lad, you have made my night! Great contribution by you when so many others are bagging the family! Welcome here and enjoy the beers, whoever is buying!
  2. Ok P_Man... that's the sort of dis-connect that can be alleviated without a with-hunt and a hanging. There were times when the message from one of the most highly regarded coaches in AFL history wasn't getting through (ref Shane Zantuck incident circa 84)...
  3. Range Rover, I think you will find that both Connolly and Robbo were suprised by the number of Demon supporters who are prepared to stick up for the Club and Club personnel . They have subsequently watered down their initial comments. You may be surprised to find that there was a peak in membership sales tonight. That's what being a supporter is all about... getting behind the front-line when the heat is on.
  4. P_Man... "He raised the apparent disconnect between the coach and the players" Are you sure this is not a beat-up? I haven't heard a current player speak poorly of Neeld. I haven't heard any evidence that the playing group feels disconnected. Are you merely drawing this conclusion from physical evidence presented as 'the pre-game address'? I'm hearing that that piece of video was shot a few hours before the game. This may be incorrect, but what if it was shot quite a bit before the players ran out? ... Wouldn't that go part of the way to explaining the players being laid-back? I've also heard commentators referring to Neelds twitch and strained facial expression as a sign of his crubling under the pressure. If they had done their homework they would be aware that he has had corrective surgery for a damaged nerve and he has some involuntary muscle contortions.
  5. I have taken the liberty of pasting nineteens membership report from another thread as it highlights what is possible when a group of supporters team together to make a difference, even in the darkest hours. "Coming in on the train [Monday] I figured for maybe 5 volunteers .... & two would be crying before the night was out - I was going to be one!! Arrived after 5.30 to a meeting area full of volunteers, plus two in club colours. Saw Mark Neeld & Neil Craig in the group & turned around thinking wrong office. But it was us. Mark & Neil really mixed into the group [team' photo will be posted] & boosted our project. Punch & Judy wanted to sing the song, but fortunately ......... The night took off from there & we achieved 40 sign ups - nearly best for the year. Great under the circumstances. Three new volunteers joined 'in our darkest hour' & Catherine, Cheryl & Dave did beautifully. Tim, Julian, Geoff, Pete, Judy, Michael & Anne made up the quorum. My feel is that many volunteers & supporters have traditionally been sitting on the fence. These 'dark cloud days' have shuffled the balance to the extent that we have many more deciding now is the time to sign &/or volunteering. [No doubt the despair group has also grown]. The net benefit is our group is stronger & growing. Tx to Mark & Neil for coming along & genuinely getting involved. Great night folks - well done. Lets go again."
  7. gotzy9... nice to hear someone getting real after so much pompous pulpit posturing!
  9. It's highly amusing to hear wannabe rebel rousers complain that another club seems unified
  10. Micky Dee, I like several things you have suggested but did you have to be so condescending toward Mark Neeld? That disrespect undermines your positive message.
  11. Just waiting on the Club to announce training times for this week. Please read this whole thread if you visit to get an understanding of our motive.
  12. I would like everyone to compare this strategy with the one being promoted on the "Our Club Needs Unity" thread
  14. I just rang the club and explained our idea about attending training in a show of support. Ally said she would call back when she had definite details for this week. I'll keep you posted.
  15. I'm going to paste a comment I made on another post, for two reasons. One... I want to keep this thread in view, and Two... it touches on the role we supporters can play in an immediate turn around. "... I think Robbie was trying to add perspective, which I think he is well placed to provide. I believe he is right about that observation. For those who think this is the first time our club, or any other, has been faced with dire on-field issues... think again. The immediate challenge is how to get a better performance from the 22 blokes who take the field this week. That is where the combined effort should be directed, and I include the supporter group when I speak of the combination. I have nothing but contempt for those who think denegrating the current list is an answer for the lack of confidence being displayed at this time. From little things, big things grow. It is time for the rank and file to display the internal fortitude that is being demanded of the playing group. The media enjoys the spectacle of headless chooks!"
  16. Cudi... "The reason I fail to feel sorry for these players is because I am almost certain it is a mind thing. I think it's all in their head. They need to eradicate that and part of that is on the administration and coaching team to assist them to make that transition, so no one should avoid scrutiny. This team is not without talent. It is just grossly lacking confidence and a drive to win." ... I totally agree
  17. Cudi... I think Robbie was trying to add perspective, which I think he is well placed to provide. I believe he is right about that observation. For those who think this is the first time our club, or any other, has been faced with dire on-field issues... think again. The immediate challenge is how to get a better performance from the 22 blokes who take the field this week. That is where the combined effort should be directed, and I include the supporter group when I speak of the combination. I have nothing but contempt for those who think denegrating the current list is an answer for the lack of confidence being displayed at this time. From little things, big things grow. It is time for the rank and file to display the internal fortitude that is being demanded of the playing group. The media enjoys the spectacle of headless chooks!
  18. Here's another perspective... Alistair Clarkson won 10 of his first 40 games as Hawthorn coach Damien Hardwick won 11 of his first 40 games as Hawthorn coach I think the major concern is the nature of the losses that MFC are experiencing in 2013 (reminds me of Bailey's first few - 104 pts & 95 pts) There is a limit to how much of this under-performance we should accept, but I suggest the tipping point is well beyond round two of Neeld's second season.
  19. The focus for this movement is simple. By uniting around the team, in this their darkest hour, we are making the clear statement that our support for the Melbourne Football Club is non-negotiable. We are in this for the long haul and we will never quit.
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