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John Demonic

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Everything posted by John Demonic

  1. I guess it depends on who's available when it comes to our pick on draft night - if there is a player we've got our eye on then it would make sense that drafting him and getting a year into him would be preferable to gambling for next years pick. But if nobody, then I'd take that risk, knowing we already have an influx of new recruits and 3-4 players earmarked to push for selection from the VFL - which I don't think we've had for quite a few years.
  2. I wonder if we can leverage another teams delusion about next year into swapping pick 13 for a Future First and potential top 10 pick next year? Perhaps Ross Lyon thinks he can turn the Saints into a contender next year and our Pick 13 this year helps him 'add another piece' around what he's got. We can fast track his quick exit out of the game if we win that trade! Hinkley, Beveridge, MacCrae and next years fixture - we have a whole host of coaches and a media that are overrating lists for next season. It's low risk high reward, considering pick 13 won't affect our premiership tilt next season.
  3. I almost threw my phone in disgust. Better start shopping now for some good deals in preparation for draft night.
  4. Why don't we have a cage fight between Spargo, Laurie and Aarts for that half forward flank spot?
  5. Did Tom Bugg ever make it is an Instagram influencer? ... Maybe I don't want to know the answer.
  6. Re making it to the end, Andy and the team, I'd have to say the DL podcast is the most attention absorbing media out there for my tastes. Better than Netflix, a movie or any other footy media. I do love to pop it on while doing the dishes and other house chores, so it does make time go quickly and 2-3 hours never feels that long. Keep up the great work and look forward to hearing you all again next year. PS I'm not fishing for freebies!
  7. We're just catching up to other sports really, where you aren't afforded 2 years or more of stagnation or going backwards. Even 1 year might be enough to get the can.
  8. We've traded a 2015 #9 for a #2. That's a win in my book! 🤷‍♂️
  9. Ya'll got any more of them... Player trade or Pick swapping rumours now?
  10. Sounds like one step away from power plays and Zooper goals.
  11. For the uninitiated: ISITGRUNDEE__ITSGRUNDEE.m4a
  12. Now let's get this Nic Naitanui trade done.
  13. "You won't have to play against Angus Brayshaw ever again"
  14. Would a Sam Reid deal net us two wins purely because he's not playing against us anymore under the Kent Kingsley Rule?
  15. It's all happening @DeeZone Calm those nerves!
  16. A premiership and 3 1st round picks. They might give us a trade ban and ban future first trading league wide if we added a 4th It's a really good idea, well worth thinking about. Even if we use it this year, we can still conceivably trade Freo's 1st, Our 1st and a (2024) Future 1st next year for a very high pick, or a trade for a gun key forward out of contract.
  17. GWS just spent a week manoeuvring their way to pick 1 to I assume get Cadman, and North got themselves two bites at the next best. Even with Ports pick 8 early last week we'd be no chance. Oh well!
  18. Bit confused by all of this really - they bring in the injury sub, limit the rotations, want players fatigued, get the game looking pretty decent as an overall product with the stand rule and 666, but now they may add a change that could alter everything they've done in the past 5 years? Just let both teams use their sub either any time, or if one team uses it. And then there's no need for a 5th player on the bench. But yeah, smells like posturing of course - it's been a stalemate all week, nothing has changed - we should've let Collingwood pressure Freo for that Nth 2nd round pick, maybe they'd be better than us at getting their way.
  19. Missed all of todays news, but a quick browse of reddit suggests that there is a rumour that 5 player benches are coming next year and that is why Collingwood want to keep him now? Has there Been a discussion on this, or is it fluff?
  20. I thought we were well past the need for a Messiah
  21. The FD's review of the season concluded that "We do not have enough man-buns in the forward line to convert our entries"
  22. If I'm WCE I'm asking for 13, Freo or Melb f1 and NM F2. With a potential future 3rd coming back to us. And even then that deal is too weighted to the future, i'd ask the Dees to trade a F1 to get a pick 8-12 this year There's just no incentive otherwise.
  23. If its a toss up between one or the other for impact, then I'm taking Grundy - It's a gamble that contains a far higher ceiling. A fit and firing Grundy alternating with Max is just going to re-shape the look of every single match - something that could re-shape the league if it works. Whereas with Whitfield - he may be a skilful and lightning quick hb/wing that sets up a lot of good ball at his best, but I feel his strengths are far easier negated, and even if he allows others to get more of the ball, or upgrades our ability to link with one another and get better entries, the difference between having him in the club or not will not decide whether we can win the flag or not. He's an outside player that cannot impact on a match if it isn't going his way. I would say a a functional forward line, upgrading our bottom 6 and the fitness of our stars are the major factor for us contending next year. Add Grundy and it might be the edge that pushes us ahead, Whitfield I just don't think he is that impactful enough. How about we magically fit both of them in though!!!
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