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Everything posted by Jibroni

  1. Jibroni


    Very depressing watching this live. Richmond look another level.
  2. Jibroni


    agree totally
  3. Jibroni


    We have too many D grade footballers.
  4. Jibroni


    Need to be cleaner inside 50. It killed us that qtr.
  5. Jibroni


    Yes its 55/45 dees on the members. Yes the golden ales are going down well
  6. Jibroni


    Lucky enough to be sitting in MCC tonite and everywhere is packed. Just hope the boys play to the occasion as it deserves.
  7. Jibroni


    Hope the rain goes away. Let the Dons and Pies deal with it tomorrow.
  8. Jibroni


    just hope last week was a bad day at the office and tonight we will see a team seeking redemption. Tipping a draw.
  9. Harmes should have got the arse before Fritsch, offers more ATM.
  10. Worst rum in the world Puntnick, just don't go there again!
  11. Call me a pessimist but we will not beat them, even with those outs.
  12. Wouldn't surprise me at all. Were not that good.
  13. Were heading next week from Adelaide as must concede im not quite as excited as i was previously. Im expecting 75k and a few Dees players careers possibly decided. Yes i agree GV.
  14. This is as bad as Rd 23 last year. When will they learn.
  15. Omac Oliver Salem Gawn That's it.
  16. Might be a bit early but I will have a go: Ins: Hunt, Weideman and J Smith Out: Bugg, Harmes and Wagner (Lewis and Melksham on thin ice).
  17. Weak as [censored]!!!
  18. This is why I was concerned at half time and we did nothing in the 2nd half to address it. I can only hope the players have a serious reality check and realise why the problems are. A lot of work to do.
  19. Bring back Roosy otherwise im over it.
  20. That's it game over. Ever since Gawn missed that goal we have been [censored]. Great job Dees.
  21. Not so sure mate, need a massive 2nd half to win this
  22. I'll second that, he has been porridge today
  23. Where are own worse enemy sometimes
  24. Humiliate them Dees, go get them.
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