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Ethan Tremblay

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Everything posted by Ethan Tremblay

  1. Cross recently signed for another year. Pretty much agree. I'd keep Bail and Watts for one more year and give Harmes and King a crack.
  2. I suppose it has to do with disposal but has to also do with the opportunity your team mates are creating to pass to. At the present we create next to none.
  3. Taylor Hunt from Geelong? I believe out of contract at end of season
  4. Signed an extension a couple of months ago. I agree, would be a handy pick up but unfortunately won't happen anytime soon.
  5. I can't find either online. If anyone manages to, please post a link. Cheers
  6. Agreed. And I'd bring in Strauss.
  7. So how much were you being payed to play at the time? These guys are apparently elite at what they do. Your argument is ridiculous.
  8. I'm just thankful Morton wasn't one of them. Can you imagine that?
  9. I don't think that at all. Was simply stating from the out of contract players come seasons end, who will go.I totally agree the leaders need a rocket. True leaders however, shouldnt need that rocket, they should be firing them.
  10. Can't argue with that. The only thing I'd be wary of is Watts starting as sub, I'd rather drop him. I could see him cracking the sads like a spoilt little kid, coming on and not adding anything...oh hang on......
  11. Tappy, Blease and Bail I believe. That's off the top of my head. Two are definite to go, I don't know about Bail.Edit: Update, just read Jetta and Terlich also out of contract at seasons end. Jetta will get a new contract, unless we recruit a replacement, Terlich may too.
  12. The only time I can recall us taking the game on and running hard was v Adealide which obviously we won. I can't recall our other wins but this one sticks out and I think it's because of the non static play.
  13. I don't have much to add, you've pretty much summed it up. Just to add to the static play - After a mark we just stand there and take what seems forever to make a decision. This generally ends up with the ball being kicked to a pack. If you watch the good (and average..) teams the player will almost always go to play on or will have a player running past to take a handball and create an option.
  14. At the same time, Neeld was [censored] hated by the playing group and was adding to our already bad culture.
  15. I had to scroll back up to remind myself of the thread title.
  16. Do you watch "The Recruit" on Foxtel? It's amazing how much weight on the decisions relies on the psychologist. The guys with average to good scores when it comes to fitness, drills etc are among the best players on game day. Ie Johan Wagner, he'll be a gun if he gets a chance at AFL. Need to get back to basics and recruit hard at it footballers. Not athletes who could become footballers based on running stats and ability at other sports
  17. The big kicks out of the back 50 and landing in opposition hands in the middle are happening to often. Thai didn't seem to happen earlier on in the season. What's happened for this change? Fitness perhaps, no hard running to get the ball or create an option?
  18. Looking at the list, Roo's couldn't do any better with what he has. It's a sad situation but the truth, there's many that should not be playing AFL. However I really hate Roo's being called the Messiah, I actually find it distasteful.
  19. C&B, it would be interesting to see the same list with a team such as Hawthorn. I hope at the end of this season we do a decent cull, pick up some talent and can finally stabilise.
  20. I originally voted 10 - livid. Now, I couldn't care less. The game, especially the last qtr, is nothing but unacceptable. If the players don't care, why should we.
  21. RIP Melbourne FC. We're done. And I'm off to wash my car.
  22. If we can't win games like these we're in more trouble than I thought.
  23. What the [censored] are you doing melbourne! [censored] disgraceful
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