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Ethan Tremblay

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Everything posted by Ethan Tremblay

  1. They're free kicks based on supporter noise and the umpires are being influenced by that, simple. The noise of the dominant Dockers/Eagles crowds over here make something that shouldn't be a free kick a very soft free kick.
  2. Before yesterday's game I was a keeper, this comes even after his efforts v- GWS. Now I don't care and would be happy for him to be traded. The way he plays sums up the MFC and is miles away from new comers Vince and Cross who give it everything. It's time Jack and the MFC part ways, it's honestly the best for both.
  3. Can twinkle toes or Darling be touched without getting a free? [censored] joke.
  4. Is Crossy on Priddis? Priddis isn't having anywhere near the impact he normally does.
  5. I like how we let a team get up early and lead them into a false sense of security.
  6. Just turned the game back on for a second....now back to season 2 of Suits. You guys that can continue to watch are crazy, I mean that in the nicest way.
  7. I'm done. Not wasting a Saturday night on this rubbish.
  8. Jones' first instinct always to run back into traffic.
  9. Like when he gave up on the paddle board?
  10. We mentioned this in another thread. I agree on Wagner and Maxwell, I rate Wagner a little higher as I believe he would fulfil our needs more so than maxwell. He's very athelitic and appears to be able to find the goals.
  11. Why the long face Bradie...?While on the subject of the recruit, I'd take a punt on Wagner as a rookie.
  12. To show our appreciation for your service we gave you an extra "a" in your first name.
  13. I'd give Douoas another year to prove himself.
  14. Appears to be respected and very well liked, could work.
  15. That was the "Ling out" thread...this is the "Ling IS out" thread.
  16. It was quoted from his appearance on AFL 360. He never actually stated he was "sleepless" after the game.
  17. Probably less labour intensive to suggest who stays
  18. I didn't watch the second half just checked the scores a couple of times. My feelings aren't of anger or even disappointment. Not sure what I feel, it could be hopelessness at the realisation we are just that bad and quite possibly gone as a club.
  19. How happy is Hogan he put a 3 month cooling off period into his extension contract.
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