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pineapple dee

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Everything posted by pineapple dee

  1. Need to have someone that will outright intimidate the opposition. Someone that would kill an opponent as soon as look at them. Above all else, a team of players that will support any team mate being monstered by an opponent and back them 100%
  2. Bontempelli is a rare talent. He might finish his career with 2 premiership medallions and a Brownlow or two. As long as the premiershp is not at our expense.
  3. Gee O'Meara's got some skills. His last 2 kicks into their forward line have gone straight to Melbourne players. Is he out of contract soon ?? Can we find a spot for him ??
  4. That umpire was stolen by gypsies as a child. The gypsies realised he was no good and left him in the forest for the bears to raise. The bears rejected him and wouldn't even eat him. He had no proper upbringing and developed neither acceptable social skills nor the ability to interact with decent folk. The AFL saw his potential to be a field umpire where his background and skill set wouldn't be any sort of hindrance. Here he is tonight making soft decisions leading to a Hawthorn goal. Should we expect anything different ??? Hell no.
  5. Aren't we hoping that Frost's disposal will be similar to what it often was when he was wearing our jumper ??? That should give us some repeat entries and a chance to score higher.
  6. Yes, of course he would have. And I may have been a bit tongue in cheek with my first post. Harmes is the type of player who can put the acid on an opponent and whichever position he plays, he'll pick up possessions and pressure opponents. Two qualities you'd love to see half your team possess.
  7. Good points TJ6. I dont think Goodwin has really thought this through
  8. As long as someone is making a nice profit and China is controlling the discourse, who cares ????
  9. Or doing some kind of retro dance move.
  10. I am going to this game , my first foray into AFLW since the beginning. Two reasons, to see the spectacle and secondly to return to the ground where I first watched footy in the days of Baldock, Mynott, Ross-Smith, Cooper, Verdun Howell and one of the best full backs I've ever seen, Bob Murray. Despite exposure to these champs and being a local East Bentleigh boy, I started to follow the dees. Here's to a big demon win. !!!!
  11. What exactly is wrong with misogynists and self absorbed narcissists ? They seem to be getting a lot of negative press these days.
  12. I've got 3 ginger sisters and 2 ginger brothers Jaded. Ease up on the ginger baiting. Don't forget gingers are human beings too. Well, mostly.
  13. There'll be a reserves game first then little league at half time. Oh and pies will be 20c each. ( would that any of that were true !! )
  14. You know, we have been judged harshly by every Tom,[censored] and half baked idiot already. This wont change any of that. We are the masters ( and mistresses ) of our own destiny. Bring it on and win, lose or draw, let's make some sort of statement of intent in Perth in round 1. Hey mods .......... re line 1, I want my ( censored ) back !!!!!!!
  15. Well, he said in not so many words the cracks were caused by Libby Birch and that she was the most selfish player he'd ever coached. This was probably after Birch's post game interview Friday where she implied there was a rift in the Bulldogs playing group. A bit of a touchy subject by the sounds of it.
  16. And what about the back and forth between Libby Birch ( ex bulldog ) and the dogs coach. He didn't hold back on what he thought of her efforts at the dogs. It all went a bit quiet after that but the bulldogs girls by their actions made their feelings known during the match.
  17. ' little ' penguins Daisy. Let's not upset our fairy friends, please !!!
  18. Forget about all the economics and set up a Tasmanian team now! Tasmania deserve it and if you don't want a team from Tassie, don't call yourself the "Australian " football league. This is not a national competition now. Without a team from Tassie, it will never be.
  19. As long as there's no elephants being led around the ground, the fans and the players should be safe.
  20. Hourigan, Hannigan, Flanagan.......... How does that song go again ????
  21. Shepherding, yes shepherding. That seems like a pretty good idea. Oh ...........and Weideman dominating a game at full forward.
  22. Like, you mean a team mate getting between one of our players with the ball and an opposition player who's intent on mowing him down ?? What purpose wouldn't that serve ??
  23. The Indians are not really worried about the condition of the Ganges though many would probably wish it was a bit cleaner. The spiritual significance of the river overrides all other considerations. Fully 80% of the plastics in the worlds oceans comes from 5 rivers that flow through Asia.
  24. Hard working monarchy BBO ? I've just been informed by a gentleman from Salford ( probably not a monarchist ) that the Royals originally obtained their status by dispossessing the poor and engaging sycophants to protect them and that they've been wielding power ever since. Is that how it went down for your antecedents in Romsey ??
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