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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Rjay, Tim Watson says he has spoken to Danks three times and has been told the players have not taken illegal drugs. Danks has stated that the players took TB4. Danks also said it was not a banned drug. Every time I have checked TB4 is not approved for use or banned. If not approved it is banned by default. If banned by default it is illegal. Now I am no Rhodes scholar but to me I think the players are in for a world of hurt, perhaps Tim Watson is gullible or at the very least wishful in his thinking but he is not a moron.
  2. Thanks Seraph, I had no idea what NAA meant. "over tread"? I agree, there will be many more posts after today, I am guessing at least six months worth. Mod's please let it continue. If NAA doesn't like it don't read it.
  3. I note that you are not recommending this, as may be contravening contract with Foxtel.
  4. Sorry OD but the pedant in me cannot resist. June does not mean Gemini. The last 10 days of June are not Gemini plus the last 10 days of May are. So you have a 50% chance of being right which is probably better than astrological predictions. Which I might add are a load of hokum.
  5. DC, my question was if they got off because they were duped. Which I would think would lead to more problems for the club as the duper. (Is that a word? You know what I mean).
  6. If the players escape penalty because they were duped (which I doubt) the question remains who duped them? Surely the club becomes more culpable if the players get off. Therefore any penalty the players avoid should be served by the club.
  7. Thanks for the training reports Saty. Thought I'd get in before the shilt storm.
  8. There is a solution to this, ban the club for two years.
  9. That's where I disagree Ernie, And that beard of yours is inappropriate.
  10. So many anal types, makes me feel quite at home. No you morally corrupt vagabonds I was referring to anal retentive.
  11. This is a training thread! I have 3 cars for sale, an old Falcon ute, a 2013 Corolla and an old Pajero sorry 4 cars also a 1976 Chrysler by Chrysler convertible. (seriously)
  12. Saty I implied that you were bad tempered and argumentative. At no time have I ever commented on let alone thought about the appropriateness of your wedding tackle. I will now have nightmares thanks to you.
  13. Stigga I think you can have your opinion and share it providing that you do not break the rules of the site and remain relatively politically correct. Warning :- TDI is a stroppy old pryk that provides fantastic coverage of training. He is also known to bite. I actually like most of his reports. In my opinion feel free to share your opinions.
  14. OD the first reports I read stated that they had chosen not to name the players. AFL.com & The Age. They also did not mention a request for a suppression order. I now note that the Age mentions the request for a suppression order. But surely that is a request, is that legally binding? From The Age The player has requested his name be suppressed during the Supreme Court trial. Fairfax Media understands that any proceedings would be about health and safety, not football. It is understood that the case is connected to the Essendon supplements regime but the player does not have an infraction notice.
  15. O50, do the players have that right? I am not so sure. I think a media outlet will get a rush of blood and let is slip, in the public interest.
  16. There is a certain fascination with blood sports. And Essendon's exsanguination is particularly appealing.
  17. Bugger Brains what about Lady Penelope? No I don't mean bugger Brains in the way you lot are thinking.
  18. Not digital, broken is broken.
  19. Sue, it's good to know that with the rewriting of history comes the rewriting of dictionaries, reveal now means obscure at least according to Hird & Co.
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