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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Macca, as I said most of the current top 20 players would be top 20 picks excluding father sons. You name only one that would currently be top 20 and guess what he was pick 20. Many of the others are retired. Drafting is better now but not perfect. Your suggestion of raising the draft age is probably the only improvement that I can see.
  2. If the World anti doping body thinks there is a problem then there is a problem. Can they prove it who knows but this is big news! If the media can't understand it that says a lot about the media. The World sporting body is pursuing this, that is a story, there is no way they would do this if they didn't think there was a problem at EFC. NOTE: To the media, get off your lazy fat arzes and do some investigating, stop reading Hirds press releases. This is big.
  3. Tonight at Windy Hill. I think they're burning the shredders.
  4. AFLPA CEO Paul Marsh on Tuesday morning said the association was "extremely disappointed for the players" that the world's foremost authority on doping in sport was challenging the finding of the AFL anti-doping tribunal that cleared players of banned drug use. What the hell does cleared of drug use mean, was that ever stated by the tribunal? In a statement, the Tribunal said it was "not comfortably satisfied" that the players had been administered Thymosin Beta-4 or that they had violated the AFL's anti-doping code. - See more at: http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-03-31/tribunal-hands-down-verdict#sthash.OwPyHW4u.dpuf Not comfortably satisfied does not mean they are innocent! The AFLPA should be taking legal action against the EFC for administering unknown drugs, not being disappointed in WADA. If WADA thinks things are bad enough to appeal to the CAS the AFLPA should be screaming for EFC's blood from the rooftops!
  5. It's amazing isn't it Beeb? The spin, what about "we are surprised but we are ready"? What an appalling dishonest human being, he disgusts me.
  6. Listening to Hird. OMG The players have been found innocent! 2 1/2 years and they are still innocent. We will prove our innocence again! It's a surprise but we are ready. They have been proven innocent and we will prove it again. FMD
  7. Bombers seek soft landing at CAS Good luck with that.
  8. Ethan that goat story has being going around for a while. I will believe it when I see the photos.
  9. As you said yesterday, "And I think that's where a decision by WADA not to appeal might lie. WADA don't appeal losing cases. But maybe hold off a few months, get the positive tests through a new type of test that is being developed, and then they have the evidence they need to get the job done. The next 12-24 hours will be very interesting. Not just whether WADA appeal, but if they don't, what their reasons are." Ash I respect your bravery and loyalty but if they cannot be found guilty that does not mean that they did not cheat. I think they most definitely set out to cheat, and that they destroyed records to cover their tracks. They are guilty I just hope that it can be proven.
  10. That's what I like, mind you firing squad comes to mind, could this be held in Indonesia? Too soon?
  11. Funny that Little was surprised. He should engage Demonland for advice. There are a few on here that correctly predicted this outcome, come on don't be bashful. Well done! How much per post could we charge? Beeb could be rich! Edit: maybe a few sheckles for me too.
  12. The World Anti Doping Agency believes that the Essendon Football Club has a case to answer at the Court of Arbitration of Sport. Surely that is enough to warrant the sacking of James Hird. This is no tin pot AFL tribunal. This is a World body. Sack Hird today!
  13. Where are those smug Essendon apologists now? How disingenuous of Little, "It has really taken us all by surprise," Little told Triple M on Tuesday morning. Surprise, this has been going on for over 2 years and we are within the appeal period. Surprise! Little "I think the strength of the tribunal decision ... and then ASADA determining that they weren't going to appeal sort of gave us the belief that we should be OK ... we didn't do a lot of work on the what if scenario." Oh please, this would have been discussed and planned all along. The PR spin will not work at the CAS. I am reinvigorated, there may be justice after all.
  14. Ash 35 And I think that's where a decision by WADA not to appeal might lie. WADA don't appeal losing cases. But maybe hold off a few months, get the positive tests through a new type of test that is being developed, and then they have the evidence they need to get the job done. The next 12-24 hours will be very interesting. Not just whether WADA appeal, but if they don't, what their reasons are. --------------------------------------- Ash, I hope you are right. They do lose. All hail WADA!!!! Maybe those emails helped?
  15. Ash, IMO you have earned the right to be treated with respect. You have put up with plenty of shyte here due to your supporting EFC, but have been man enough to state your case and argue reasonably. If the EFC fiasco had happened at Melbourne I hope that I would have the courage to go onto other clubs sites to defend my club where I saw fit as you have done. I note that you have never defended illegal drug use. The clock will still be ticking for the 34 even if WADA do not appeal by tomorrow. A test for Thymo whatever could till provide that positive test.
  16. OK everyone grab a deck chair, now run around in circles, when the music stops sit in the chair and ask the Captain how quickly the ship is sinking. You may now adopt the foetal position and cry. Ah to be a Melbourne supporter. My cat now leaves the room when I watch the footy.
  17. Macca, how would you propose modifying the draft? Perhaps a bigger problem is with selection rather that the draft itself. If Grant can be a late pick that is not a draft problem per se it is a selection problem, all clubs missed him several times. Players improve at different rates at different ages. Great juniors sometimes have reached their potential. I have not checked this but I would think most of the best 20 players in the comp would be top 20 pick. (excluding father sons)
  18. All these negatives. Problem here is that no fool is a wise or sensible person. So McCartney won't suffer a wise or sensible person? Perhaps he doesn't suffer fools gladly. The language is ass especially in the wrong hands. Like me.
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