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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. I could be wrong, but I think Hogans back injuries are related to hamstring issues. I think if his hamstrings are looked after his back will give much fewer problems.
  2. FCS James the whatever it takes injection regime was your idea. If you think that Mitchell pretending to jab himself tarnishes the image of the game take a serious look at yourself. Hyprocrisy from EFC is nothing new but to feign indignance is boorish. A mirror is required at the EFC and not to look at the fake tan drug affected looks of one senior coach. If the EFC don't like the image of injecting players they should sack everyone involved with the abomination that took place under Hird..
  3. And Hitler, Polpot, Idi Ami, Jo Stalin, Paris Hilton the Kardashians............
  4. No problem with dissenting thoughts, its the constant put downs, rudeness and arrogance you display when you are questioned or you fail to answer fully. Your bully boy behavior is unacceptable and I will call you out. Troll.
  5. It was a rhetorical question, too subtle for you? Sorry My point was if he has been found guilty, who ordered and who received the substances he has been found guilty of trafficking? Also rhetorical - the Essendon Football Club and its coaches and players. Obvious really. PS: I have read the WADA code thanks.
  6. From: The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/sport/2015/jun/26/afl-essendon-stephen-dank-banned-for-life “The Australian Football League anti-doping tribunal has concluded its deliberation with respect to the sanction of the former Essendon Football Club support person found to have breached the AFL anti-doping code,” a statement read. “The tribunal has imposed a lifetime sanction, commencing on 25 June 2015.” A lifetime ban for what? And the clubs and players are innocent? If Dank is guilty he cannot be alone.
  7. It's a bit rich to not attend a hearing and then to appeal the outcome. This guy is a real loose cannon. He could do or say anything. EFC must be worried.
  8. Hirds fitness coach a convicted drug trafficer. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/essendon-coach-james-hird-linked-to-convicted-drug-trafficker-shane-charter/story-e6frf9jf-1226572461168 I include the line about Woewodin for balance. SHANE Charter - the convicted drug trafficker who may have supplied former Essendon sports scientist Steve Dank with supplements at the centre of footy's doping probe - has links to Bombers coach James Hird. The Herald Sun can reveal Hird and Charter worked together for 12 months on his diet and fitness during the champion’s premiership and Brownlow Medal-winning career. Charter was also hailed as “the architect” behind Demon Shane Woewodin’s 2000 Brownlow Medal win.
  9. So that's ridiculous but the other three are correct, please go away?
  10. Dank, who was a key figure in Essendon's 2012 supplements program, was found guilty of 10 breaches of the AFL's anti-doping code in April this year. These included "trafficking, attempting to traffic and complicity in matters related to a range of prohibited substances". The substances included Hexarelin, Humanofort, CJC-1295, GHRP6 and SARSM. - See more at: http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-06-26/stephen-dank-banned-for-life-from-working-in-afl#sthash.FoJU2pHD.dpuf
  11. I try to ignore him, and do most of the time, but it is like the neighbors cats that comes over and pizzes on your front door. Sometimes enough is enough. Can we have a vote on removing him or allow him his own thread where those that want to engage him can. This thread in several guises has been a favorite of mine, but I am tired of Lance he is ruining it for me.
  12. Persuasive argument or an attempt at agumantum ad baccum. If you don't like it you get personal. Your club is out of control, it is run by liars and cheats. The players lives have been put at risk by human experimentation and all you have is that I am a whiny aggressive stupid lazy righteous poppet. I am sorry your life is not happy, I am sorry you cannot get intelligent conversation with Essendon supporters, I am sorry you feel the need to come here. I really feel sorry for you. I am also sure you will think that you don't want my pity, you have it none the less.
  13. Your attitude here confirms my opinion of you. And you still defend them.
  14. mo, I don't think he will kick 3 every week. He could have had 5. M Jones ignored him and he missed one. I must say I was impressed with what he added to the side. Opposition sides will need to watch him, the more players we have like that the better for all the players. Go deees! Edit: fix typo + add missing word
  15. Chip on the shoulder? You continue to half answer questions. Lance, what did they give the players? Is it OK to have no records? Do you think that the EFC has provided a safe workplace over the last five years?
  16. Put up or shut up. " I love that you just ignore it and hope no-one notices"
  17. “I’ve done my fourth session yesterday (Wednesday) of running and it’s going really well, so hopefully I can keep on improving.” - See more at: http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2015-06-25/petracca-back-on-running-track#sthash.zkfYfy54.dpuf http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2015-06-25/petracca-back-on-running-track https://instagram.com/p/4DFfdahyDv/?taken-by=christianpetracca
  18. mo, I am happy to be misled by any player that kicks 3 goals every week. We could do with three of four of them don't you think? Huge upside with these young guys.
  19. Go away Tania, I am sick of your pedantic ravings and myopic views of your evil club. You claim to abhor any wrong doing but refuse to demand the club come clean. How can you possibly not see the endemic failings of the EFC over several years putting young men's lives at risk? Where are you demanding the records of what was actually given to the players? You come on here feigning concern and being the hindsight specialist. Put your silky sidewindings to a better purpose and start demanding the club come clean. In your heart you must know that the wrong thing has been done and if not you are more deluded than I thought. Edit: Hypocrite.
  20. I watched the replay again last night, it gets better with each viewing. Finally I don't have to worry about the big come back. ANB and Stretch were better than I thought Brayshaw, wow, this guy is just fantastic. His one percenters, follow up efforts, bullocking, tackling and game sense is just fantastic. If he is not our next brownlow medalist I will.......(careful) be surprised. A skilled no nonsense repeat effort natural footballer. We are very lucky to have him. Dawes was more influential that I thought as was Spencer. Gawn was terrific, I hope he realises now how influential on a game he can be. I think T Mac is carrying some sort of injury. His acceleration and pace was off. Tyson is building. Viney & N Jones are brilliant. Watts was better that I thought, even his off ball work was good. His pressure acts surprised me. All round it was a great team game. Gawn, ANB, Brayshaw and Stretch probably played their best games for the club. (Easy for ANB & Stretch)
  21. Sorry YD I missed Kent, so I do rate him at 4 above Trengove on my list. Nice pick up. I have edited by earlier post. Thanks
  22. Ernie, they have the Hawks this week then Saints then us. They could lose all three. Then North, Port, Dogs, Giants then Crows, could lose all those too. Then Suns, Richmond and Collingwood. They could finish the season with one or two more wins. Bye bye, Hirdy. Edit: Spelling. I type worse with glasses?
  23. Of those still injured I think we are missing the most, 1 Frost plays back - forward- 2nd ruck and can run 2 vandenBerg - run and hardness 3 Salem - class 4 Trengove 5 Petracca 6 Pedersen 7 Newton Edit: I left out Kent I would have him above Trengrove - sorry
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