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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. DLuded, I think it is you that is offside, you often go off on tangents and engage in shadow boxing. For the record, on same sex marriage let them have it, plenty of hetero couples wish that they were banned from marriage why should gays have all the luck? And for DLuded , I am a private school educated, MCC member pinky lefto. I vote Green or Labor, I like the ABC and prefer Tony to Alan Jones, now you can pigeon hole me. Edit:- I started out voting Liberal then Labor then Democrats then Green last time Independent, politically I have not changed much, however I have watched the parties move to the right. First the liberal then the Labor party. I think over time we are seeing parties move right then new parties appearing to fill the void.
  2. rjay, I ridicule people born in 1958. 2000 was bad too.
  3. Now you're suggesting it isn't flat too! Who are you to challenge my world? Why would the AFL not tell the truth? You Sir are challenging my beliefs, next you will be saying we can't win the flag this year. Humbug!
  4. Sorry if this has been posted but it's worth a read. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2015-08-21/roos-open-to-remaining-a-demon so much is the 52-year-old's commitment to the Demons, he's for the first time left the door ajar to still play a role after he passes to the baton to hand-picked lieutenant Simon Goodwin. "I won't be coaching anywhere else," he said. "I love the footy club, if Peter (Jackson) and Simon and Josh (Mahoney) wanted to chat to me at some point next year about some sort of role yeah I'd be more than willing to talk. "I want to see the club successful in the medium to longer term and I believe firmly in where we're heading. "And I think Simon's going to be a fantastic coach, who's really going to take the club up in leaps and bounds post next year. "I'm really mindful, as I was with John (Longmire) you need some clear air between the old coach and the new coach."
  5. H_ , he has been leaking for years. Post sacking leaks will not be far away.
  6. Sam Newman responds. Sam Newman as Dumb or was that Dumber?
  7. Samael you are a tease. You start with here are some useless stats, then nothing! Half of me is annoyed, half is relieved, the other half couldn't care less.
  8. So you need the last word, that's going to be frustrating particularly as you are the one that doesn't like to post on this thread.
  9. And now we know how these threads just keep going, good looking, intelligent Melbourne supporters arguing semantics & talking shyte with each other.
  10. It just looks like time and time again.
  11. Sorry if I have offended you. But I did see three yesterday.
  12. Apparently in talks with Geelong. Does this mean that Mitch Clark is finished?
  13. People like us keep posting. Edit: Unintentionally rude so I edited myself.
  14. And yet you can still manage to comment time and time again.
  15. I don't think this needs a caption.
  16. OK, boys put away the water board, we have found their vulnerability.
  17. Cale Morton, Lucas Cook, Jordan Gysberts, Sam Blease need I go on?
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