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Everything posted by Melbman2

  1. To digress from the thread a bit. I work for an org that has a larger presence in Sydney than ours in Melbourne and we were regularly called Mexicans as we are south of the border yada yada. I quite rightly pointed out to my geographically challenged colleagues that the Mexicans are the ones closest the equator with the inference being they are addled by greater sun exposure and therefore they must wear the mantle due the "inferior" Melbourne weather. (You can't have it both ways). Mexicans no more. We definately don't suffer that issue in Melbourne.
  2. I disagree with the thoughts on here about it being a certain failure. I played in a rep side back in the 80s from outer eastern Melbourne suburbs V a rep side from Mt Druitt in Mt Druitt which is just west of Blacktown. There was good support for Aussie rules then in that area with active aussie rules teams (though demographics may have changed a tad since then) and if an interstate AFL (VFL then) side had been setup then our brand of footy would already be a success there. Surely there has not been a complete overhaul of population preferences in that time. They will get there but it will take time. The cost is secondary to the mantra of grow or perish.
  3. I sure hope you're right son
  4. I agree. I remember him after a draft saying something like "these are the players the club tells me I need", I think he got caught up in the failings from other areas. I only ever spoke to him once and it was a short conversation but he had a real aura about himself and I summed him up as a truly quality guy. RIP Dean.
  5. Plus we're the team of the decade, that should kick in soon too.
  6. The AFL left the suburbs in Victoria and created a vacuum. This WILL bite them in the long run. VFL park serving the eastern suburbs gone so that vested interests could get a slice of the deals on offer at Docklands is the one that really annoys me. Greed is taking its toll and will continue to do so. \rant
  7. He will cite the Sylvia pre-season defence. Sorry tribunal, I thought it was Colin Sylva I hit. OK then, on your way.
  8. Will ASADA grow a pair or does it only go hard on powerless individuals?
  9. I can't believe they had he gall to raise the word "cooperation" by the players lol!!
  10. The Giles incident happened in front of me as a kid. Have detested LM ever since. Is a sign of the times when a thug like that is in demand as a commentator!
  11. I don't have all the evidence but I'm comfortably satisfied, hell, I'll even go as far as saying I'm enthusiastically satisfied, and I'm very comfortable with that.
  12. They are definitely onto something, but it is the Kevin Sheedy curse of which they speak. Sadly for them it occurred in the past and so there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. Look at the comedy of clusterstuffs that have occurred since and including Sheedy's sacking, ah the memories. Hurriedly sacking Sheedy to secure Voss who then said "Nah" thus leaving them with their pants down having just alienated their greatest ever coach, right up to the current comedy that never stops giving. May the next 50 years bring them as much joy as our last 50 have. Welcome to the curse club Essendon, make yourself at home cos it's a long ride.
  13. Just on this point, would any medical professionals be putting their hand up to say they advised all was ok?
  14. Sadly it seems there would be not much difference between a 12 month and an 18 month penalty as far as games go. May as well give them the full 2 years ;-)
  15. There was talk Hird reacted to the "program" with a case of priapism. Maybe the lude-all usage was isolated to himself? (Assuming he didn't have a minion acting as the applicator).
  16. Sounds painful. Do they know each other that well?
  17. The ALFPA has been clandestinely infiltrated by Hawthorn agents. Seriously though, if Robbie had walked mid 80s, I wouldn't be a Dees supporter (read AFL supporter). I'd have given it away. It will change the way I see the game to the detriment of how I have enjoyed it for many years. If things continue this way I'll lose sufficient interest to cease involvement. It will be a matter of if the younger generation will stick around I guess.
  18. That was really funny :-D
  19. Interesting question. I had a read of "History of Steroid Use" at http://www.intheknowzone.com/substance-abuse-topics/steroids/history.html (Education Specialty Publishing, LLC) and while it is a US publication our rules generally follow the US in these areas it seems. Anyway, it appears you are correct for personal non sport use: In 1988 the sale of anabolic-androgenic steroids for non-medical purposes was illegal under the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. In 1990, possession of anabolic-androgenic steroids without a prescription was made illegal in the U.S. Olympic rules: All of this "doping" was against the sports organizations' rules and against the law. In 1964, the International Olympic Committee first published a list of banned drugs and practices for athletes, but the IOC did not ban steroids until 1975. The AFL? Illegal to be caught I assume ;-)
  20. Neeld would be in his element lol! Neeld recruitment style = disaster management
  21. This is a good line of questioning and I'd also like to know why ASADA/WADA didn't go hard on the Cronulla players too as it does lessen my confidence that the penalties to Essendon will be inline with international norms for the "crime".
  22. That recently? I suspect it goes waaay back. The Eagles burst on the scene in a pretty big fashion back in the 80's and brushed all aside. Hadn't seen anything like it until Geelong became a power (in more than one sense of the word) though have always wondered about the Hawks in the 80's too. When one team suddenly presents as bigger, fitter & stronger than all the others, its as if they are a new species of human, or they had assistance. Superior skills I can put down to drafting but who could predict through drafting sudden massive future growth unapparent at draft time?
  23. Just a slight correction. He hasn't always been a port player and it was the time immediately prior to him becoming a port player that keeps this thread alive. As far as get over it goes, well I feel there are different levels of "get over it". I'm past the "I can't believe we didn't draft Ollie, gee I hope it doesn't come back to bite us, he was Viney's mate and a competitive beast from all reports" I'm also past the "It has come back to bite us what were we thinking?". (for the most part anyway) But I still suffer from the effects of horrifically disturbed Dees nostalgia that creeps into the minds of most Dees supporters. You know the feeling, sitting around chatting with your mates about draft wins and our stories are all the ones about coulda, shoulda but didn't type disturbed reflections. That's where my level of "get over it" sits, almost cured but still bear the scars.
  24. Hey Dees2014 You've probably already stated in this thread, but I can't remember where, but are you close to the people at ASADA? Cheers.
  25. And this from the comments section tops it all off: PeterMax 51 minutes ago I still have seen nothing to convince me that this attack on James Hird and Essendon was anything but a very dishonourable tactic by Labor, as presented by Jason Clare and Kate Lundy to divert attention from the woes of Julia Gillard. If this can be proved it is to be hoped that action for compensation can be launched against Labor for serious and unforgivable damage to Essendon and Hird FMD!!
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