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chook fowler

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Everything posted by chook fowler

  1. May be it comes as a shock when professional footballers miss goals from 10 metres out and can't execute the most basic skills properly. The team seems to find a way to take incompetence to a new level.
  2. Bernie Vince needs a firm boot in the arse. He is developing some really bad habits and causing far too many turnovers. He was brought in to the side to help our ball usage not add to the problems.
  3. I think generally our back 6 have been very, very good and Jetta has been a great addition. Garland has been struggling, hopefully only due to a poor preseason. The midfield has too many D graders and nothing will change until they are purged. I also think Cross has been a big absence - leadership on field is a real issue.
  4. To Axis of Bob: Listen to Nate Jones interview. To quote " you have to question our effort because we rolled over in the last quarter. You get what you put in" Nuff said.
  5. Currently we spare the worst in the league so that's where we belong. Can't believe any other teams makes as many unforced basic skill errors.
  6. You are joking. Skill is what we lack. No room for ill disciplined no talents.
  7. Ricky Petterd for the Toiges.
  8. Can't believe how passive everybody is in accepting the crap that was dished up today. Must be battered fan syndrome.
  9. So much for Jamars hyperbole before the game about taking Martin on. It's a joke.
  10. Still say effort involves concentration and not just physical exertion. Kicking into men on the mark, missing from 10 metres out unpressured handball to teammates feet, burning your team mates and blazing away at goal shows a lack of MENTAL effort. You can't tell me they don't have the skills to do these simple tasks at this level.
  11. You are a patronising pr1ck
  12. You're an apologist for the club. There is no way you can spin the nature of today's loss. It was incompetent, weak and unacceptable. We would be wrong as fans to cop it.
  13. You've got your opinion I've got mine. No need to label it as rubbish.
  14. Effort is not just physical it is also mental - maintaining concentration and discipline. McKenzies missed goal I would say was due to lack of effort - if he had taken proper care he would never of missed it.
  15. How is it that the Lions can get there no names like Close, mcStay plus about 5 others who I've never heard of before to perform and our up and comers seem to take for ever to make an impact. Development still has a long way to go. A lot of radical changes still needed.
  16. The fault wasn't with the defence. The poor delivery from the midfield into the forward line was the killer.
  17. I think the cull has to start now - McKenzie should be dropped for missing that goal, Blease for his show pony selfishness, Bail for continually butchering the ball, Tapscott because he's got nothing to offer and Watts to make a statement. Don't care who replaces them as long as it's made clear incompetence like shown today is not acceptable.
  18. Pathetic , incompetents, weak willed effort. Never want to see Bail, McKenzie, Blease, Tapscott again. Almost added Watts to that list - I'm over him.
  19. Sorry that was meant for the Gameday thread. Put it down to frustration.
  20. Pathetc pack of losers. Bail, McKenzie, Blease, [censored] off, you're not up to it.
  21. I boggle at the sheer incompetence of some of our mob. As frustrating as he'll to watch.
  22. I believe they are tanking but it is a risky strategy when trying to build a supporter base in rugby territory. Hope they battle getting members.
  23. Thanks for the updates KC.
  24. Bet the AFL look the other way for GWS. God we were bunnies to cop the wack we did.
  25. Good to see Maxxy in the goals again. May have turned the corner.
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