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Everything posted by M_9

  1. Agree. Either on a Wing or at the bounce.
  2. There are a few more stunts coming up. Interesting (sorta) to hear Garry say that Montagne did not respond well to the stunt pulled on him.
  3. Mike Sheahan sat in for Mark Robinson on AFL360 on Monday night. He explained the circumstances as he was sitting near John Burns. He named the Richmond Official (I haven't heard of him) and said the he (the official) was sitting immediately in front of Burns with his two young children and early in the game he swung around and said to Burns "what did you say?" Sheahan said the official was visibly upset. I suspect that Burns may have used the word "terrorist" and the official misheard him. Burns could well have said "Houli looks like a Muslim terrorist". There's been a gross over reaction IMO
  4. The Toigs number of changes? Drummond, McIntosh, Hunt ... Maric injured last year?
  5. I liked the game of Watts playing in the guts in round 1 last year. From memory he was one of our best, and one of his best games for the year. Roos had gone into the season saying he was going to play him in the mid-field. I know he had other games where he was found wanting when he played in the mid-field, but I'd like to see him given another crack.
  6. I'm travelling to the Alice to see the Dees but I refuse to travel 20km up the Surfcoast Hwy to watch us play the [censored]. It's the principle. My 16 game membership (all Vic games) does not get me entry.
  7. If, like me, you don't have IQ, you'll need to set your alarm for 3am Wed or 11pm Thursday may be a better option.
  8. Yep, also wrong. Can't see how Dank can be found guilty. Good for footy though.
  9. According to the Ess board on BF, Hal Hunter didn't fit the profile of the player (a 19 year old). Hunter may have been 18 at the time. Opinion of some Ess supporters was that 'Sarah' was Heppel's mum.
  10. There's a couple of dead-set nutters over at Bomber Blitz, led by one Ben Doolan. I'd certainly wouldn't want him following my every move.
  11. About 4 names suggested on BF. NLM, SL, KR and a current SANL playing-coach.
  12. As an aside, Go_Blues is back posting on BF. He has been laying low since he posted what appeared to be a snippet of ASADA's evidence, supposedly passed onto him by one of the charged. Go_Blues reckons that two coaches (one current, one former) will be issued with IN's. Goodwin's name was mentioned, but Go_Blues said that he wasn't one of the two he was thinking of.
  13. I know I have mentioned it twice already, but a reliable source (AFL employee - significant position) told me last December that Hird's payout figure is $6 mil.
  14. Those actually at the ground would have seen a definite game plan in action, as distinct from the way the Bullies went about it. Markedly different approach when playing down wind cf against the wind. Few, if any, long bombs.
  15. I reckon I read that the players cannot be paid by the club if they are banned. Nor can they train with the club. Stand to be corrected.
  16. Fairly certain SEN said they were broadcasting all NAB games. This was mentioned when the non-TV-broadcasting of six NAB games was discussed.
  17. After reading the AFL Anti-doping code 'the period of Ineligibility shall start on the date of the hearing decision providing for Ineligibility' (Sect. 14.7). The date mooted for the decision is March 18th. The exception is if the players were offered and accepted Provisional suspension, which we understand did happen. I doubt that that offer was made before the IN's were issued (Nov 2014). They can claim credit for the time they suspended themselves. No Significant Fault can cut a sanction by 50%. I doubt that the players could offer 'Substantial Assistance' which would entitle them to a further discount. I reckon 2 years, discounted to 12 months, and backdated to last Nov. They'll miss all season 2015 IMO.
  18. 'ASADA also engaged consulting firm Deloitte to conduct a forensic analysis of the computer and mobile phone of one key witness.' http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/essendon-doping-saga-asada-accusations-now-turn-to-shanghai-factory/story-fni5ezdm-1227088199608
  19. Put me down for 8. Reckon it may be 6 tops.
  20. Slight back twinge a couple of weeks ago, so no contact work. Should be right very soon.
  21. Humorous rant by Ealesy over at Bombertalk in relation to The Age editorial. What is causing the tainting of the AFL? Essendon, James Hird and the players sitting back and respecting the process, barely commenting on the saga unless absolutely required and when commenting, doing so in a respectful and polite manner despite not receiving anything of the sort in return? Or the likes of Caroline Wilson, Tim Lane, Jake Naill, and Samantha Lane bleating and crying and sooking and demanding and acting like tantruming 3-year-olds who want to see this matter only resolved in a manner acceptable to them. Geez, have I been getting it wrong? Paragons of virtue, that mob from Tulla.
  22. Some quality posts on the Ess board over at BF: "Pick four nutters to take advantage of the no send off in AFL. Roll one out for each of the first four games. Would love to hear the Carlton supporters lose their [censored] as Robbie Muir breaks 6 jaws in a game of footy . 16 men left for the last half and one third of their best 18 missing more than a month. Ah, that's what I call bringing the game into disrepute." and "If found guilty, I am predicting 6 month bans backdated to September 6 which would see them miss no matches at all."
  23. If you've got some time on your hands, there's a lot of laughs to be had by reading Bruce Francis' posts on Bombertalk or the Ess board on Bigfooty. Here's a sample from MarkG, who previously posted copious amounts of drivel on the HUN site before moving to BF and communicating with like-minded shallow end of of the gene pool swimmers: 'You don't think we our supporters can influence the decision. How about getting the AFLPA lawyers to get off their shiny arses and tell us why the AFL is saying 50:50 at best. How about the club phoning Cornes and asking who from the AFL said 50:50 at best? And then phoning the person at the AFL and asking them why they believe this. And then phone the AFLPA lawyers and get them to strengthen their case where the AFL person believes the players case is vulnerable. The players could be suspended for 2 years here. And Robbo stated that the AFL wants a guilty outcome.'
  24. HP Assembly language. Flicking switches to enter the code. Monash Uni circa 1974.
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