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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. I vote Perth.

    Its true Perth is also called the Demons but they their red and black is just so wrong.

    I vote West Perth myself as their colours are red and blue and club song is "its a grand old flag" plus they were once called the Victorians

  2. They come here, they steal our jobs, they steal my jobs, livin in my houses. It's called Australia damn it, not foreignerland.

    Its good I live in WA then.

    Lots of work over here.

    A Tasmanian once told me the only reason they live in Tasmania is because they can't swim. You must know the ones who can swim.


    • Like 1
  3. very much so !! with limited exceptions..


    maybe not u.??


    Only been a MFC supporter since 1999, before that I followed the Eagles who won 2 flags when I was a supporter, so I may not have that deep hunger for success as a long term MFC supporter would.

    But I had enough of poor leadership at the MFC as well.

    I see PJ as the God of Vengance!

  4. I hope they are crippled so hard by ASADA sanctions that they never recover

    This could not be happening to a better club.

    Loving it.

    Does the EFC not know Drugs are Bad!

    The Leaders at EFC are when worse than those in the MFC!

    And No they can not have PJ back!

  5. Thanks for the info Chippy.

    The remaining board are all obviously outstanding individuals who have demonstrated skills and abilities in management and commercial activities.

    So what went wrong? Why hasn't it been effective?

    They have no idea how to run a successful football club.

  6. Going going gone.

    Does Essendon put up the players wanted sign now or at seasons end.

    And I though the MFC was in trouble, WOW what damage can dad leadership do to a Club.

    Only real question I have is since the Essendon FC is full of drug cheats does this mean the MFC actual won round two this year?

  7. I have said it before and I say it again, I have a man crush on PJ.

    Go get them PJ, may the force (supporters) be with you.

    I must have died and gone to heaven as the MFC is usually full of spin and little on actual action.

    Bring on the 2016 season, finals footy here we come.

    • Like 2
  8. what a corrupt arrogant atitude !! what have u got to hide..?

    thats what this clubs admin & boards have availed themselves of over the years..

    keep things on the qt & keep the majority of supporters in the dark for long enough ,so that when it does show up,they complain about that being " old news." & that it doesn't help to bring up past misdeeds..

    & the old stale & dated cliche. we have to" MOVE FORWARD".

    the truth being aired no matter how old, only helps !! as those who have nothing to hide hide nothing..

    knowing the full extent of the past & airing same, makes the "conceited narcissists" with god complexes, who lack reality checks & balances to think twice before committing appalling behavior again.in regards to a public institution..

    as well as them being weeded out before being allowed to inflict their incompetance on this club at least..

    unfortunately journo's tend to drag the chain where the truth is concerned & as such supporters r treated like plebs...

    i want to see every dirty little detail & every person responsible ostracised so they can't pervade the halls of this club again..

    thank goodness for GLEN ARCHER coining a new phrase on air about these types of creeps.

    LINIMENT SNIFFERS.who r only there to suppliment their own ego's & line the pockets of old boys club members.

    CS went from not needing the job in the first place in this tenure & only doing it to to please JS.

    to a legacy of borrowing 200k from club.

    alienating & treating with contempt; kaspersky & mission & hankook.

    which involved millions in lost deals..

    which were set up by employees who were mfc supporters.in the first place.

    but he himself sought out a criminally bogus deal with the incompetant co. 'energy aust "

    manage to produce, direct, & star in the series that he hopes will be picked up in syndication.& reruns in: "whiteboard wednesday"..

    not to mention the old stylish charm of those pretentious old school jackets; & bugle boy..

    disenfranchise the FD & playing group whereby the players went on strike ala "186" .

    after which he looked so bedraggled ( ruffled hair no jacket or tie ;when have we ever seen that before ?) & packing death.

    at the bailey sacking due to thinking he had lost his job & therefore income..

    & his contract probably not being renewed in the remaining 6 months left..


    having his contract renewed by his buddy donny mc;.6 months later.

    & with his hair coiffed full metal jacket & tie looking cool calm & suave & controlled & pleased with himself..

    fall on his own sword, knowing he gets a big payout due to having a new contract in place..

    at his sacking come resignation.

    48 years of these types of individuals for crying out loud.after ..

    NS stated PUBLICLY !!! (to air & shame them.)

    that the club is "slipping its slipping" & we have to get rid of " these blokes"..( merger types )..

    even hassa mann,in his hall of fame speech, named -"dr.don duffy" as the president who threatened him to keep quiet in 65.

    air all the dirty laundry & give it a jolly good cleansing, after all -"tomorrows another day"

    and its cathartic so we can all MOVE FORWARD.


    Has someone upset you?

    • Like 1
  9. Then you would not want to come to a Melbourne game at Subiaco Oval.

    But it makes me want to make more noise.

    When Melbourne ran out in the 2006 Final against Freo I sang our theme song and when the Lady in front of my put her hands over her hears I just sang louder! 40.000 Freo supporters against about 2,000 Melbourne fans.

    Sometime you just have to try harder for your team.

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