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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. yeah the issue is named Brian Royal

    Watch us replace him with a good midfield coach and improve tenfold

    I thought it was the MFC way to say "I can not tell if he can coach or not as the football department is too disfunctional"

    I remember Brian Royal as a very good player but don't know if he can coach or not.

    He did come second at a number of Senior Coaching jobs over the years.

    I assume there must be something there which has stopped him getting a Senior Coaching position.

  2. Starting to think Id rather Neil Craig than either Eade or Choco.

    Theres such a thing as continuity, and if Craig finishes off strongly and has the boys up and about then the only thing stopping him from coaching us in 2014 is Paul Roos accepting the job.

    And theres rumors that Choco wouldn't work with Craig cos of their Port vs Adelaide days, not sure how true it is though.

    That would be true as Williams is too immature to be a Senior Coach.

    I still remember how he carried on after his GF win about the Clubs sponsor.

    He may be a really good assistant coach though.

  3. Well, in this case I had us winning one of the two post-bye games against the Saints and the Doggies. I said at the time that to sack Neeld on the back of two matches against far stronger sides would be a cowardly act on the part of the board and it would be more realistic and fairer to judge after these two games, both of which were winnable and against teams more in line with our own in terms of ability and form. I also said that if we lost both I would shut up about Neeld being the right coach for the club.

    The MFC gave Mark so many chances to show what he could do.

    I don't think he was sacked on the last two games he coached, but because he could general only achieve a flogging from the opposing teams.

    Mark Neeld was the worst Senior Coach in the AFL and I for one am glad he gone. What he and other have done to the MFC is unforgivable, Thank GOD for Peter Jackson.

    Atleast there a greater chance of the MFC winning a game aganst a non-expansion team now.

    Go the Dees!!!

  4. he was awesome, and that goal was amazing

    Mark Neeld is a genius for getting this guy to the club :)


    Hell has really frozen over

    You have Mark Neeld and genius in the same sentence

  5. Are you suggesting chocolate is superior to banana?

    Wash your mouth out bigfrog.

    Obviously a win has gone to your head.

    Personally I prefer Banana over Chocolate but Mrs Frog is a Chocolate fan.

    Therefore I must be wrong and the wife is always right so Chocolate is superior to Banana.

    You need to understand a happy wife is a happy life.

  6. offer him what he wants

    and offer it now

    Never a good idea.

    Its a team sport and its never good to focus on one player.

    To pay any player what they want will leave less for other required players.

    It would be a road to failure and will make things worse if he is unable to play.

    Also any player who wants to leave, should.

    It much better to have players who actually wants to play for the MFC even if they have less skills.

  7. You're worried about what Williams did at Port, but not what Craig did at Adelaide. Furthermore, Williams has been an awesome assistant whilst Craig failed to steer Neeld. Give him another 10 weeks, and then maybe.


    Funniest thing I read in ages.

    Neeld worst enemy was himself, it hard to advise someone who believes he knows it all.

    I my opinion MW is too immature to be a Senior Coach.

  8. I reckon Spencer is unfairly derided on this site, and Neil Craig was effusive in his praise last week so I'm sure he would agree. I can't understand the hate. The bloke puts in 110% every time he takes the field, has good pace, ferocity at the contest, and admittedly average skills. I don't think Jamar will be getting much game time once he and Gawn are both able to run out a game, especially if Mitch and Fitz are also on the park. We could conceivably field a team with three or four ruckmen/forwards/defenders if we could balance the midfield. We certainly have the potential to play an exceptionally tall team if we can create a strategy that allows it to work.


    Game plans are something we not been much good at lately.

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