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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. Just wanted to post that I dislike Carlton nearly as much as Collingwood.

    I know it not the theme of this thread but I just had to do it.

    I want to see the MFC kick Carlton butt every single time it plays them.

  2. The Suns is a must play for team!

    LOL Who will remember any of their players in 5 or 10 years.

    Personally i can recall a single player for the Suns as I type this post.

    Stick with the MFC as it will be going places in the next two to three seasons.

  3. I say get the players enjoy the rest of the season ad see what they can do under an experienced AFL coach.

    I personally believed after round seven that the MFC would not win another game this season.

    So the MFC has gone one better then my expectation so far this season.

    Keep going boys prove me wrong some more!

  4. best day of my life (until we conceded 7 unanswered goals in the last 20 minutes)

    took the shine off it big time.. wtf is wrong with us?

    anyway.. apart from the obviously awesome performance of Watts, it was all the blokes that normally give us f-all.. rodan, davey, fitzpatrick, toumpas, dunn etc

    just about everyone was good tonight (up until 10 minutes into the last)

    been a long time since i've had the pleasure of saying that (up until 10 minutes into the last)

    f-ck the fact i have to put that disclaimer in there

    The last 20 minutes was for Mark Neeld, as they all love that guy.

    • Like 4
  5. I love peter jackson and also could love Neil Craig if where is a few more wins this season.

    Good start to the game, pity about the last quarter fad out but a win is a win.

    The MFC does need to learn to win and build self belief.

    I will love any game plan as long as it flexible and allows the MFC to actually win games.

    Six wins in two season, four against expension teams and two against established teams,

    The established team wins have been by six points or less.

    I am looking forward to next weeks game and hoping for another win, although as long as the MFC is competative I be a happy Supporter.

    Go the Dees!

    • Like 1
  6. Bush Demon, I've been an administrator of this site for 8 years and a member for 11. I like to think that for the most part during that time that I've been relatively civil and set a decent example. I am also a human being and sometimes I also just want to say what is on my mind. Boorish chest beating agitates me and all that thread was about was TPM giving himself a soapbox to stand on to tell us about how wrong we were and what a genius is. Threads like that have no place here and it deserved to be shut down. I also let slip how I felt about it in my response - probably not my best ever judgement, but again, I'm only human.

    If I was you I would not loss any sleep over this issue.

    Its a free forum where mods/admin would volunteer their time.

    Does anything more need to be said?

    • Like 1
  7. I see a few similarities between the Mark Neelds time at Melbourne and Mick Malthouse's first 8 months with Carlton.

    Funny you didn't notice that

    Carlton has won 6 games this season

    Mark Neeld won 5 games in 18 months

  8. I can't believe we are stuffing around getting involved in women's football.

    Some sports are made for different sexes, football is great for blokes and netball for women.

    Does that mean I hate women's footy of course not. And it's great that women can play. But you don't see Melbourne donating effort to men's netball or men's local footy. So I don't see why we'd support women's football, just a waste of time and effort.

    That's my 2 cents

    I was just waiting for a comment about the Kitchen.

    Personally I think its great the MFC has a female team.

    And all I want to say to them is go kick some Dog Butt!

  9. So Carlton...How's it going wit that million dollar coach? How's that working for ya??

    there are no messiahs

    You make alot of good points but in this case I am sad to say you are wrong.

    PETER JACKSON (Messiah of the year)

  10. Oh well we get over the Admin comments.

    Not sure the reason they closed that thread but hey thats life.

    As for what we may say in DL, well that their right as its a forum. People may agree or may not but its their right to do so.

    So not sure what the point of this thread is but assume it will be closed soon.

  11. You are kidding aren't you???

    The last time we played Essendon Mark Neeld had a genius idea to televise his pre game speech. In that speech he focused specifically on stopping Watson. Watson had 12 possessions in the first 10 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I suggest we don't go near him or antagonise him.....

    I see the the problem you refer was actually Mark Neeld who was the then Senior Coach. The big benefit to the MFC is he gone.

    I believe instead of letting the EFC players running around free and trying not to upset them, the MFC players need to man up, toughten up and make them earn every kick, hand ball.

    Yes I know its old fashioned football but is it not time to play accountable footy.

    I want a MFC defenders who will do the simple things like sledge, make phscial contact every chance they can and otherwise annoy their opponents.

    When opposition teams come to our house/ground (MCG) may it a house of PAIN (for them and not us)

  12. Or, he was on the take. Worst decision of the millennium so far.

    We have been told that criminals are getting involved in a big way with AFL from game fixing etc.

    So maybe you are right or he just not suited to umpiring at the top level.

  13. I really hate the way the media and the AFL are on the side of Essendon

    'its not their fault' 'we feel sorry for the club and its players' 'James is a saint' and the worst 'they have been under scrutiny for 4 months...

    FFS we were under siege for 12 months. Virtually a day did not go by without some article pillorising Melbourne. From Jurrah, to tanking, Jimma, Mifsud etc etc we copped it left right and centre. No sympathy. Just vitriol that exists to this day.

    I hope Ess are booted out of the competition. They are smugger than a black rap star. They pushed the envelope, revelled in it and were outed.

    Their administration practices were shabby, their faith in the twin messiahs of Hird and Thompson (the 'dream team') was roundly misplaced. Their arrogance about how they will get out of this and have nothing to worry about is galling. And it is all because the AFL are so weak and driven by a huge egomaniac in Dimwit.

    he has had his head in the sand on every major issue of the past 10 years. From drugs to the tribunal to tanking to racism. They treat their favoured sons like rock stars but of you are a Matt Rendell, Dale Lewis or Melbourne you don't count.

    The AFL are losing supporters every week with their high handed arrogant attitude. They simply don't get it.

    True but you are missing the point, its all about money!

    The EFC can generate lots of money so they need to be protected at all costs. While the MFC costs money so why bother protecting them.

    The AFL has had bad leadership for years. but things have been going OK so why rock the gravy train too much.

    There is alot of threats to Aussie Rules Football in the future but I am not sure the current leadership is up to the task of protecting the game.

    • Like 1
  14. It appears from the Eagles game that Jobe will cry if he gets picked on during a game.

    Who is the MFC best slegger and when can he play on Jobe?

    I predict the MFC will only lose by 80 points the next time it plays the EFC if it can use a few new tactics.

  15. Kruezer Gibbs and Patton have escaped scrutiny as number 1 picks.

    But he biggest Houdini of all is $cully. He has done nothing and is one of the top 2 paid players in the AFL. Not even a whisper about how ineffective he is and what a waste of a number 1 pick he is. Imagine if he was still at Melbourne. No wonder he left!

    The treatment of Watts is because he is at Melbourne. We are second class citizens. The rest don't give a stuff about us. The AFL treat us badly in every scenario from Tribunal, to Mifsud, to tanking - you name it. Unless you are a favoured Sun like Hird you get shafted.

    I must be getting old as Ross's Father was one of my favourite players back in 82.

    As a MFC supporter we all will be use to pain and suffering and no one is able to do more damage to the MFC then its own staff, board, members and supporters.

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