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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. if MN goes so be it but don't go blaming him for everything in the debate, just try to be at least close to the facts.

    I don't blame NM for everything, as I have clearly explained in a number of my previous posts.

    I also believe Don and the Board had alot to do with where the MFC is at now, but at lrst Don has gone which is great news.

    The next one on my list to go would clearly be MN. He has so often made statements about cutting players if they not up to the job, WHAT A HYPOCRITE!

    After MN has gone, I will leave the other peanuts who cant perform at the standard expected of them to PJ to get rid off.

  2. Very good question. I went to the AGM earlier this year, and came away quite optimistic about our off-field and on-field positions.

    We were shown some graphs showing we were mid-range for football dept spending (I thought we were somewhere near the bottom), plans to increase it further. A small profit for last year under difficult circumstances. All sounded good.

    On-field, there seemed to be positivity that we would do better than a lot of the pundits expected. Neeld answered all the questions well I thought.

    I can't believe how different (on-field and off-field) things are right now. Why have an AGM if the discussions are not realistic?

    Power point presentations, you got to love them.

    They can sell you anything.

  3. Dermot, Andrews, Duckworth, Merrett, Grinter, Fidge, loved those days... bring back some biff.

    I rather watch John Duckworth then his Brother Billy any day of the week.

    I remeber when John standing outside the oppositions teams change rooms after half time waiting for the coward who KO a young Dean Laidley earlier in the game.

    Think John must have told him that he was a goner if he came anywhere near him for the rest of the game, which being the coward he was he never did.

    I have always respected senior players looking after their younger team mates. But never want to see the cowardly hits behind the play.

  4. Why is there this need to continue bashing this Board? They admit errors. Many will depart. What is being gained by this constant blame game? Do you find it productive?

    Since you have made some allegations I will give my viewpoint.

    The debt will not be similar. It was $5m peviously which has been extinguished. There is a projected $1.5 m trading loss expected. We have an assett surplus of about $8-$9m. Through the AFL with a one off payment, to be achieved by the Board's appointed CEO and its outgoing President, the trading loss will be extinguished and there will be funds to carry forward and pay out the fine, termination payments etc. This Board, no matter how it achieved it, will leave this club with not one year of trading loss and with a new $10m assett. How can you say then that they leave it worse off financially or in a similar debt position, there is no debt, we are in surplus.

    I agree the admin needs reorganization, but some of it is leftover from before they took over and some of it is their work. So what. We need to improve our admin. It will be done under this Board.

    I agree we have a shattered coach. He will be replaced. He is not the first coach to be replaced.

    We are a laughing stock. Agree. Hopefully after we get things right and improve we won't be. It won't be forever.

    As to the dearth of genuine talent. I blame the last two recruiting managers, who incidentally were not appointed by this Board.

    As to our playing list, aside from a distinct lack of midfielders, which may be changed by concessions this year, organized again by the CEO and outgoing President, we may remedy that problem.

    Can I suggest a rough side :

    Terlich, Frawley, Garland,

    Grimes, Mc.Donald, Taggart/whoever

    Blease, Jones N, Toumpas,

    Howe, Dawes, Watts,

    Hogan, Clark, Sylvia,

    Gawn, Trengove, Viney,

    Tim, is that the worst side you have ever seen.

    Maybe with a new coach it will perform better. Maybe with the new trades and draft picks of this year and improvement in the likes of Jones M, Kent, Taggart, Fitzy, Tynan etc it will get better.

    Maybe we all need to stop blaming everyone, eating our own and just get on with the business of fixing the club. It really is non productive.

    Don is thay you?

  5. I'm pretty sure I overheard you saying this on the train the other day. :P

    And in answer to your question, no. Nothing will save Neeld. He'll be gone before the year is out.

    But can the MFC wait that long?

    Oh you must take the train from the West each day and spend all your time travelling LOL.

  6. How about you read your own post about blaming MN then you say oh gee we should move on some of the players, you have no credibility on this subject so ok where is Morton playing if you can answer that question, Gysberts and what about the rest you failed to answer, cannot wait for this response.

    Ben-Hur is right that MN needs to move on so who really cares about the other minor details comments/statements he may make!

    Can the MFC truly wait for round 17 before MN is gone?

    I would give MN $7 right now if he leaves the MFC immediately but do expect some change as I base my payment on his on field performance as coach. $1 for each of his wins is more then fair, for his redundancy payment!

  7. There a new game plan that Whiskers (Budda, Gary Hocking) tried in the WAFL when he coach Peel Thunder and was playing against West Perth.

    He had take everyone of his Players and place them in the back line, This tactic would be called the Great Flood.

    Maybe MN could adapt a version for the MFC eo stop the great slaughter of 2013 in the second half of the season,

    If the MFC could only lose on average by 5 goals a game would it keep MN as coach in 2014?

  8. I would say there is a fair bit of diff between LM and the dud we have TBF.

    True but I am still alittle scared.

    Only one good thing as come from Collingwood, Chris Dawes

  9. I would say there is a fair bit of diff between LM and the dud we have TBF.

    True but I am still alittle scared.

    Only one good thing as come from Collingwood, Chris Dawes

  10. I have big questions on Neeld, as does everyone obviously - it's impossible not to in the circumstances.

    I don't think he'll be the coach in 2014. I also think he's done and said some very stupid things, which he most likely now regrets.

    That said, I think the next coach will inherit a much better list (structure, attitude and fitness) than what he inherited at the end of 2011 - principally due to the changes Neeld has implemented/made.

    In short, I don't believe not all of what Neeld has done has been detrimental - in fact, I think some of what he has done has been very positive.

    It's just a pity he seems to have lacked EQ and proper judgement in dealing with the senior players when he first arrived, and that he stormed into the MFC sheds at the end of 2011 in much the same way as Stormin Norman stormed into Iraq in 1991.

    He never seemed to overcome the schisms seemingly created from that time onwards.

    I am sure if we all look very hard there is some good MN has done. But does the good out weight the bad?

    He admits he turned the MFC player list to crap. I seen many good MFC plyers leave the Club over the past 18 months or so. Players who would have made the team much more competative.

    The guy is a legend in his own lunch box so the soon he goes the better.

  11. I remember him. Came to the club at pick 15 and with big wraps All Australian center half forward captain of SA. Was ment to be our next full forward after Neitz.. but from what i remember Neale Daniher just wouldnt play him. Play in our last final game against freo in 2006. We had no ruck options as Jamar broke his foot the week before. He was seriously a massive unit and i do remember his VFL form was quite strong just wasnt given a go.

    I was at that Freo Game.

    Not a good night for the MFC. I hate losing to Freo at anytime and with 20 Freo supporter to every 1 of the MFC's. So I just had to sing the MFC theme song louder at the start of the game.

    What was his name?

  12. And yet it's all Mark Neelds fault and he needs to get the chop for what he's been doing to us for seven years.

    I will say he has failed and should be moved on if he sees out his three year contract and we are still crap. I fully expect to see the rewards for all the groundwork starting to show by then with a middle of the table finish.

    The list management under Neeld has been rather good though. We've seen clear signs of development in the young players he's brought in, as well as some of the senior players still at the club (sadly not all). He's been very responsible with his list management. He gave the list he inherited a year to show him that they deserved to be kept on and then got rid of the ones who couldn't do so. He's brought in mentors for our current crop of young players, and the results are pretty clear to see. He's overseen the trade/draft period that netted us Hogan, Toumpas, Viney, Dawes, Barry, Kent, Jones and Terlich, as well as spearheading the push to land Clark. I call the last two years the best trade/draft years we've had in a decade or more.

    The longer this year goes on, the more we are seeing just how badly run our club has been. There are deep issues that have been festering and poisoning every level of the club and it is going to take time and effort to get them sorted out. The poor playing list and terrible on-field performances are merely one aspect of this. In some ways I'm actually happy we are going so badly as if we were playing well the spotlight wouldn't be shining so much on our club and these issues might have continued to lurk under the surface, obscured by the illusion of success. As things stand, we appear to have hit bottom, and in doing so have draw attention to the deeper flaws in our club. The AFL is getting involved, we are seeing people from outside the "boy's club" being placed into positions of authority with a license to take real action and we are starting to see some results. Things are going to improve from here regardless of who is coaching.

    1. Yes its is his fault as Dons has now left and he should take the blame, I can live with fact he takes all the blame, as it only fair because of what he done to the MFC.

    2. No he should go now. On his current performance the MFC will be losing by an average of 100 points next season.Just learn by the mistake and move on quickly before its too late.

    3. Really? I must have been dreaming the 2013 AFL season so far as I thought the MFC was worst then Bad. That great news, so when I wake up the MFC is in the top eight, right?

    4. Agree with the start of your statement, but YOU ARE HAPPY the MFC is BAD! My first thought about that statement was maybe the MFC is not for you, have you ever thought about becoming a Collingwood supporter? With statements like this I am sure they will welcome you with open arms. Things will improve that I do agree with you there but only with all the deadwood gone. This includes the Head Coach. As he has lost the support of most of the MFC supporter base so even if he is the world best coach and trust me he not, he must be replace sooner rather then later for Club unity and financial substanability reasons alone.

  13. I cannot stand the man, IMHO a real piece of s*#t.

    I wonder how he would get on with the MCC committee and Steve Smith (future MCC president)!!!!!

    Wait you are right, he is also an ex Collingwood coach!

    Do we really want to go there again?

  14. To Maldon and Pennent, I think this issue is a really difficult one - particularly in the graceless and nasty world of anonymous internet debate.

    FWIW, I think it is well worth discussing and the tone and grace of the participants is as important, if not more so, than the content and topic. So go for it - you two would do it well.

    Its true as supporters of the MFC we are making judgements about the Club without all the facts.

    However to me its about the final result that important. That is clear for everyone to see.

    Therefore the question is who is responsible for the poor showing of the Club and when can they be replaced.

    Go forth Peter Jackson and weed out those who are not up to the task, the sooner the better.

    As I would only have another fourty or so years left to see the MFC win its 13th Premiership, so time is ticking.

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  15. Sorry , I can't get the vision out of my mind of Lethal king-hitting Peter Giles from behind .

    May give the MFC players more insentive to train and player harder.

    Rule 1 - Don't upset the Coach!

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