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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. For carlton it's about next year,if they don't make the final then I don,t know weather mick has the energy, for another rebuild. It just. Go to show u how a good mid field keeps a team competive, carlton have one, but they don't have a backline or much of forward line, the dees have a good backline and forward line, once all forwards are available, the midfield is a work in progress, where with carlton their forward line don't seem to have any signs of a developing one, they don't have a hogain or mitch comeing back.

    That good news for the MFC once we have a Mid Field that is any good, watch out!

  2. Surprised Redleg hasn't raised this here but on another thread he described former test fast bowler Rodney Hogg as follows:-

    Of course, I immediately made the connection between Hogg's line of work and the food of choice of the posters around here. Hoggie was also recently the guest speaker at the Casey Scorpions debt demolition luncheon and, since then, Jesse Hogan has been getting bags of goals for the Scorps. I think the man should be patron saint of the no T$ no BS society.

    Sorry no pretenders such as R Hogg we want the real thing the ex fast bowler for Tasmainia, D K Lillie,

  3. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    Re-draft Moloney and get him to burst out of HB without looking where he kicks it.

    At least that way the Deli Lama isn't hanging around the club eating all the pies.

    Sorry not sure what you are saying but think it may be a No?

    Only an educated guess though as I only went to public school.

    • Like 1
  4. Could not agree more with the above post.

    I try to stay positive when posting but this bloke does my head in. He is a [censored] of the highest order. He seems to want to harm the club and seems to enjoy doing it. He can nick off

    I sorry but cant respect a guy who left his club to chase the money unless its in the present day where that the expected thing to do.

    GH its time to go as you have been voted off the Island (Australia).

    So off to Tasmania for you.

  5. ^^^ Good get Champ.

    Send this to David Evans, his speech to the converted on the Essendrug website is just incredible.

    What he is saying is just flat out false...desperate measures i suppose.

    You are right they need a new name to reflect their true Values.

    What about Messodon, EssDrugs, The Cheaters or just the DH Loser Footy Club?

    Well the real penalty they deserve is the lose of every game over the past 15 years!

    PARTY TIME as the MFC would have won its 13th FLAG (2000 Grand final).

    As you can see, winning Premierships is not hard as you just have to wait for a bunch of DH to run the oppositions Clubs and the true rewards will follow ie as what will happen to the EFC.

    I wonder if any of the recent ex MFC employees will apply for the soon to be vacant positions at the EFC?

    I give them all a good reference.

  6. Tried hard to ignore this silly comment TBF but could not.

    Please take a banana break I am sure you will feel better.


    Just trying to keep the thread near the top.

    As far as I can tell its just a fun thread ie no agro

  7. Oh my G....How did he get it so wrong after talking of all the above....SERIOUSLY...How???

    Possible reason could be Drugs, Alcohol, Lack of understand of what the big words actual mean, A Collingwood plant ,Incompetent people, Lack of experience/skill or Mental Illness.

    I have no idea what went wrong or why it failed in such a big way.

    The MFC seemed to attract alot of well intebtioned people with little actual skills or experience who made so many bad decisions.

    People say that CS loved the Club which may or may not be true. All I can say to that statement I would have hate to see what he would of done if he hated us?

  8. I feel sorry for your nephew, but if you can collect some of his tears that would be great. I want to taste them.

    It will be a life leason for him I guess.

    I told him when he was younger he had to support the blue and red!

    Youth, they just don,t listen to good advice.

  9. I guess he would have to ask himself

    a/ Why would I give up a mansion in Sydney

    b/ Why would I give up a TV career where I can bag whoever I like with no repercussions

    c/ Why would I make my wife and family very unhappy

    d/ Why would I give up my reputation coaching MFC??????

    e/ Why would I give up coaching at the NSW academy.....

    etc....etc ...etc...

    Because TheBigFrog is a supporter/member of the MFC and he can have some of my pancakes.

    What else does he need?


  10. So who voted No to being unhappy with Peter Jacksons appointment? Was it you Cameron.

    Was the 5 who voted against having faith in Peter Jackson judgement, Mark Neeld, Cameron Schwab, Don Mclardy, Tim Harrington and Guy Jalland by any chance?

  11. Froggy, I'm quite over this "if his heart is not in it" talk.

    At the current time, Neil Craig would be the only one that is 100% in it. Eade and Williams both have other employment obligations, so there's no way they could say that their heart is 100% in it. The only thing that either have said is that they have a desire to coach at senior level again. I would ask are they just interested in the MFC gig because it's the only one available at this stage?

    Eade and Williams will be waiting until their season finishes before they decide if their heart is in it. Roos is waiting to see changes at the Club before he fully commits.

    If all else fails we have Hogans_Hereos from Demonland who had volunteered to coach the team LOL

  12. I vomited in the first sentence when he mentions 'high performance with high integrity'

    jesus Christ

    Can Peter Jackson do Tuesday Blackboard Nights?

    I got upset when he opened his month. He needs to threw away the text book and really try and understand what he is saying.

    The guys does not have a clue.

  13. Are you saying that was the problem with the reality bus? :lol: If only success was 99% crap and propaganda, in which case I would have a 99% chance of success at anything! (and if the remaining 1% was banana cake ... :) )

    Its all about carrot cake now.

  14. I just hope that if they strip Jobe of his Brownlow medal that it is televised, so we can see his heart break, and revel in the exact moment thousands of Essendrug supporters will no doubt be mourning.

    It will be sweet.

    I can see him crying now!

    Also my nephew is an EFC supporter and what message are they sending him.

    Protect our youth by sending a strong and clear message that the use of Illegal Drugs in sport is not acceptable.

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