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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. You will alway find in life most people do alot of talking about all sorts of stuff, dl posters included, but actual don't do much to back up what they say.

    i find its actions that speaks much louder then words.

    For example, if the MFC players list is so good then it should be showing signs that the team could win games,

    Personal I believe never listen to the media etc as they are all on their own agenda.

    In football the only one I trust now is my new GOD, Peter Jackson.

    Athough Neil Craige appears to be doing OK as the Acting Senior Coach but its still early days.

  2. We wont trade pick 2, as we will have a proper coach, a new head of football, the FD department will be restructured and everything will be in order..

    The number 1 focus will be on player development.

    But we are Melbourne! its our way to do things differently.

    See how well its worked for us over the last 50 years!

  3. Two things about this threat:

    1. Swearing is against the code of conduct in the Demonland forum so please never use that word Carlton again (it just that I get so upset just hearing the name), and
    2. If they need a coach that can achieve the thing I would like that Club to achieve, then the should recruit Mark Neeld as I hear he is avaiable.
    • Like 1
  4. The MFC players could not have taken any performance enhacing drugs!

    If anyone needs any proof they should just look at how badly the team plays.

    I challenge anyone to find evidence that a single MFC player actually improved his performance in 2013!

    It just simply did not happen.

    • Like 1
  5. That's the same stupid policy we had with players, Martin and Darling to name a couple we passed up.

    I don't think we should be slagging bomber off so much, regardless of the players he has had to work with. He's done pretty well for himself in terms of on field success.

    In saying that I don't think he's the right candidate for us nor is there any realistic chance he'd end up at the Dees.

    Oh well time will tell what damage has been done to the EFC.

    Personally I feel it will be hugh as the MFC got $500,000 for the actions of its employees with regards to tanking.

    What will be the penalty for allowing players to take drugs?

    It was also my understanding that Thompson recommended Danks to the EFC.

    Oh well one less FC to worry about next season.

  6. Good point! And depending on future space exploration maybe Global could be a little restrictive and we should go for Universal?

    Brilliant Idea but why be limited to just the Universe.

    • Like 2
  7. The AFL had to bow to the jurisdiction of WADA and ASADA due to Federal Goverment pressure because of (amongst other things) Government funding that is dispensed through the Australian Sports Commission. Had they refused (which they did initially) the AFL would have suffered the wrath of the Federal Government, not only in funding but in a raft of other areas.

    They didn't really have a choice to go it alone, hence they have to WADA's rules and penalties.

    Not to worry the cartaker government will be replaced soon.

    Just need a 100 or so MFC supporters elected to the Federal Parliment and we have this issue covered.

  8. Maybe we should change our name from Melbourne FC to Australia FC then we wouldn't have to limit oursleves.

    Better still how about Global FC?

    Great thread! :)

    How about just Global so we are not limited to just football!

  9. With Western Bulldogs this weekend then Sydney, Geelong, Brisbane, North, GWS, Gold Coast, Fremantle, Adelaide and Western Bulldogs again to come, I think if NC can get 3 or 4 winnable games and even 1 upset, they may really consider him taking over permanently.

    Have you been watching the MFC games?

    I would love to say the MFC would win all these games but it simple does not have the players at a basic AFL standard to win games.

    But time will tell which one is right, I am hoping its you.

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