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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. Back in the day when I was still a WCE Supporter, I remember an umpire reporting an Eagle player for hitting his own team mate then gave the free kick to the Carlton player who was the one who actually hit the other Eagle player. The free kick indirectly resulted in a goal being scored by Carlton who eventually won the game by under a goal.

    After the game the umpire withdraw the report against the Eagles player as the video replay clearly showed he made a massive mistake.

    That was around the time even the AFL who normally admitts very little about anything came out and stated that umpires show bias against certain teams.

    IMO that guys was the worst umpire ever.

    The games should be won or lost by the actions of the players and not by bias or incompetent umpires.

  2. The MFC should immediately demand the umpire involved is not appointed to umpire another of its game.

    The umpires are paid enough to understand the correct rules and its not acceptable for the to show this level of supidity.

    The AFL must supply umpires at AFL standards as football is now a business and not just a game.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm sorry guys.......I have really tried.....Honestly I have........After years of trying and I realise that they are good for you but........

    I just don't like bananas......

    (Hangs head in shame)

    You will never be forgiven for making such statements here.

    You are either a Banana or Carrot supporter here.

  4. I do find it funny that people here are saying Neeld was good in some ways...but yet still go on to blame Schwab for his hiring.

    Just goes to show you should never drink before you type.

    IMO Neelds was the worst coach ever.

    A basic skill of coaching is to get the respect and buy in of the players. MN failed in this.

  5. So why don't Carlton get pressure for bad list management and bad player development??

    I can't be bothered doing the numbers but they said on the broadcast last night that they have a huge number of first round picks including 6 in the top 3 or 5...

    If you where draft to play for Carlton would you have any reason to play hard besides the pay cheque?

    IMO their team is going really well, keep up the good work and keep losing.

  6. No faith in anything anymore except the promise of death one cold grey day.

    What point is there?

    It's all a vain struggle against the inevitable .

    Hope this Stoic reality provides you all with some solace .

    Quick someone fill up his glass as he hates it when its half empty

  7. BANANABARGANZA - A special treat for all banana lovers

    My wife just got back from Africa with a special treat for all (discerning) demonlanders

    How's this! Yellow, green, brown, black and red bananas. We are robbed for choice here.

    The green ones are cooking bananas and (i'm told) they taste just like potatoes


    I will this could be turned in to a Movie.


    But seriously would love to try some of those new types as they look so interesting.

  8. Wins talk! You can have your competitiveness,structures,processes and other Neeldisms.But simply wins talk.Footy ispretty basic.

    1) Get the pill......endeavour,hardness,attitude

    2) Create Space........ Run, Run Run and think

    3) Give it to the man in above said space... Skills/Gameplan

    4)Most IMportantly, when we dont have controlof the ball/game defend as though your mothers life depends on it.

    Pretty flamin simple really.

    You missed a few steps.

    Kick goals and score more points then the opposition.

    • Like 1
  9. Finding this all very entertaining . Those poor buggers must be beside themselves with worrying .

    Will it be points, will it be suspensions, will it be the draft..will it be big money or

    Will it be all of the above !!

    The poor diddums !!!

    Cant see how they can possibly escape free now.

    Far to many cracks in their stories :rolleyes:

    But like Collingwood they are one of the untouchable Clubs in the AFL.

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