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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. Iterim report. How the afl can punish on this basis is beyond me.

    Players wont be charged till final report.

    Of course you can't punish but the AFL can state they will investigate the incident themselves or lay charges if appropriate as well as indicate what penalties may be imposed if the Club or persons assocated with the Club are found guilty.

  2. I hate Koshie as much as I hate hearing Barry Hall commentate, slow people in the fast lane, Muse, Carlton, Collingwood, all Carlton and Collingwood supporters, Campbell Brown, people who don't have voice mail so you cant leave a message, people who don't indicate, dumb drivers full stop, the French, overly politically correct people, telemarketers, telemarketers, and that guy from Deal or No Deal and telemarketers.


    But I think you missed a few.

    Whats you stand on political parties, boat people. French Canadians, Religious Groups, Nuclear Weapons, the Media, the Queen, Aussie Rules Football as a non contact game, Toll Roads, Ages Care Facilities, Middle East, North Korea, Fuel Prices, Food Prices, the English, Over Paid Sportsman etc.

  3. The Sun have won 7 games and we've had our chances, add Frawley and Dawes and we would have won, goota make you wonder what position we would be in if we didn't hire a line coach in Neeld.

    We would have won but for a few key players missing?

    The game of football is all about performing when key players are missing from the team. As there is always players missing for one reason or another.

    Melbourne has recruited a number of key position player in Clark and Dawes who spend more time on the sidelines then on the footy field. No arguement they both can play when fit but whats the point if they are unavailble for selection so oftain? IMO it would be better to replace them with players who are not always injuried.

    What upsets me the most is the MFC development should have been way ahead of that of GWS & the Suns but it is actually behind all other AFL teams in a big way.

    Personally I heard all the excuses as to why the MFC has not been winning and just want the players to take pride in the jumper and get the job done. Oh well a MFC Supporter can dream can't they?

  4. Ken Hinkley with 'we will never give up', Neeld with 'we will be the hardest team to play against'. You can see who handled that one better.

    Neeld's was clearly talking about the MFC Ladies team.

    Otherwise his comments would make no logical sense at all.

  5. IMO the whole reporting system was inrpt when I saw an umpirer reported the wrong player for an incident what would have meant he hit his own player (the report was drop at the end of the game) gave the free kick to the person who should have been reported which resulted in a goal being scored and his team went on to win the game by less then a goal.

    When Big Barry Hall was allowed to play in a GF after hitting someone in the game before was another classic moment.

    Then there was a Freo player who punched another player and was let off because he claimed the other player said someting about his tattoo which was of his daughter.

    Another incident was when a play could be seen giving a head butt to another player full video of the incident was shown on the TV for all to see but no video report was ever made.

    What the AFL does is make a statement early in a season by giving a large penalty for say a sling tackle but by the middle or the end of the season similar incidents are not reported or attract much lessor penalties.

    I dont think anyone can expect a fair and consistent decisions from the AFL on this incident or any matter relating to a potential report. It simply not going to happen as the process is too political.

  6. Appently you are allowed to take banned drug in certain AFL team and rven admit in doing so without a penalty.

    If that is not a green light to other players to take similar action I don't know what is.

    I guess most Clubs actually care for their players and reputation while other Clubs will do what ever it takes to WIN.

    Under those condition I not sure if the MFC can win its 13 Flag.

    • Like 1
  7. How many possies for Gary saturday?

    IMO I got a secret weapon to stop him from getting more then 35.

    Put my Dog on him as he can run quickly all day and he never gives the ball to anyone.

    The backup plan is put my other dog ib the game as well. sure be slow but can do some real damage (rotiweiler) to anyone can can catch.

    Otherwise I think he good for a 50 plus game.

  8. and yet life goes on.

    I will remain a Melbourne Supporter hoping for better times as I alway hve a soft spot for the under dogs.

    To be truthful I never expect when I became a Melbourne Supporter in 1999 that things would be easy.

    Yes life hard now but it could all be so much worse, we could be Collingwood or Fremantle Supporter!

    Thinking on that last thought, I am glad I support Melbourne so Truck the rest of the Clubs, we are coming for you in 2014!

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