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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. Today I went to the football

    I have no idea why

    I need help

    Because you like Pain and Suffering.

    There a word for people who like pain and its call a MFC Supporter.

    I hoped you enjoyed the day out being with your family and friends and the fresh air.

  2. I was at the Fremantle Game Day Function last night and they were making funny of MFC.

    Their special guest John Platten (ex-Hawthorn) also made fun of MFC when he said he beat MFC by over 80 points in a GF and they not improved may since then.

    Is it too much to ask for a competitive team which will shut these turkeys up?

  3. I doubt it CBDees way to much money involved.

    Who is running last here do you think.

    Collingwood, Hawthorn, Carlton, Melbourne?

    My vote would be Collingwood then Carlton then Hawthorne then Richmond.

    The superior Club is clearly thr MFC.

    Do I get a prize for anwsering the question?

    If Yes, can I get a box of Banana Muffins!

  4. I'm also a dates and figs man, but bananas are still tops

    Don't mind a carrot cake either and the thought of a combined banana/carrot cake is appealing

    I have heard that Collingwood is in love with FIG JAM.

    Is it just me but Banana/Carrot Cake just sounds so wrong, but I am awaiting on a report on the subject.

  5. Good post Deemon. There are plenty of circumstantial cases. Lance was never caught with drugs in his system. The evidence was never tested. Its all circumstantial.

    WADA aren't particularly interested in the impact on the AFL. CHeck out what they have done to baseball. In fact the bigger the code the harder they go. They want scalps. Because big scalps deter others.

    Thank God Melbourne is safe then.

  6. Carlton's loss made my weekend!

    No 1 hate team closely followed by Essendon, St Kilda and Hawthorn

    GWS not all that highly thought of either! The Sheedy influence is why not to mention the former no 1 draft who is performing ordinarily!

    Strangely,I admire Collingwood and Brisbane, love Swans and Geelong as well.

    Interesting I have followed the DEES for a million years and am only now coming to appreciate other teams!

    Still despise the ones listed!

    Gee I hate Carlton and the arrogance misplaced, but arrogant all the same!

    You admire Collingwood!

    WOW I guess some must like them.

    IMO the old good black and white team is one that just been steam rolled by the mighty blue and red.

  7. One of the interesting conundrums about football supporters is that they all believe their club gets the wrong end of the umpiring stick, even when two teams are playing each other.

    Oh ... and they all believe they're going to be in the 8 in a year or two. Eighteen teams in the eight ... imagine that!

    Yes but one may have Mark Neeld as a coach so its may be on 17.

  8. The AFL should introduce a points system for it Umpires similar to Basketball.

    In Basketball a player with 5 fouls is out of the game or immediate ejection if the penalty was bad enough. The the AFL the Umpires could be given a foul for each bad decision, earn enough points and they get replaced or if its a very bad decision then they should be immediately ejected from the game.

    I know some of you in DL may prefer a third umpirer,but there is a lot to be said for the useless Umpires walk of shame once they are kicked out of the game.

    Plus their game payments should be reduced accordingly if they are ever ejected from the game.

    Would give them a real incentive to make correct decisions, may be even read the rule book. Although that may be going a little too far.

    I would have suggested they be placed in a stock for a week but of the understanding they are illegal in Victoria now. The corrupt and incompetent win again!

  9. In order of signing priority:

    1. Frawley contract extension

    2. Watts

    3. Gawn

    4. Sylvia

    5. Hogan on a 10 year contract and a supremely fertile athlete girlfriend

    But what will happen if the gf in point 5 hates Melbourne and Supports another team?

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