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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I rest my case!
  2. Craig Thompson stole money - It is my belief he did based on the evidence I seen so far. Gillard stuck with him to keep power - Agreed and suspect Abbott would have done the same. But Craig was not charge or convicted at the time and in Australia it is our custom to believe in his innocent until he is convicted. she will soon be charged with the same of fence - Can you support this statement? Google Plibersek and you will see her husband has been convicted of drug trafficking - He may well be a convicted drug trafficker but what that to do with his wife? Do you consider her guilty by association? If so, I hope you don't have any black sheep in your family or friends. A person is responsible for there own actions and not that of others, it the Australian way. I tender to try and switch off when there is political mud sling as I think it childish and disgusting. Also google the number of Labor and former Labor party politicians that have been jailed or charged with criminal of fences over the last 10 or so years, you will be astounded - Charged does not mean guilty. I have always suspected there can be political influence to play here just what happened to Jo in Queensland he was not convicted due to a corrupt jury. In WA the was IMO very corrupt practices in Charlie Courts reign and Brian Burke was convicted of theft from the ALP without any complaint being made against him. So of course there bad egg in the ALP as there is in the Liberal and Nationals etc. I don't agree that the ALP is the only party with these types of issues which you are implying in your comments. But it will all be news to you as you apparently don't have a clue and no idea about the scum that you support. Now that's no way to talk about the Melbourne Football Club, Oh you must not have actual read my posts as if you did you would not have made that statement. I am but a big fan of Rudd but less of Abbott and had no time for Gillard, it is fantastic she gone. I just made comments to balance you Fan Boy comments about Abbott as he scares the crappers out of me. You seem to be one of those hip pocket supporters that will vote for whoever you can get the most out of instead of who you think will do a better job for the Country; I get nothing out of, nor do I want anything out of either party. ROFLMAO now I know you are either drunk or been to Windy Pill for one of their sessions. What I want is good GOVERNANCE from which ever Party is in charge. IMO both the ALP and Liberal have the wrong leaders. The difference between me and you is I am NOT a political party FAN BOY.
  3. LOL Abbott no Rocket Scientist and he got them so can anyone. Or may be I should have kept my comment so simple in its meaning that even you could understand it.
  4. We are Frog Friendly
  5. LOL I sure all parties have scum bags in them as is the case with any organisation. Did not Craig Thompson leave the Party? It appeared to me the issue about Gillard was a case of sling mud (I personal have no time for her and was glad to see the back of her) was there anything proven against her? The other I don't know what you think they done but clearly you have a bised view with regards to Labor, so unfortunitely unless you can back those comment with facts, I can not believe you. I not see or heard there is endemic corruption in the Labor party and therefore think you been listing to your mate Mr Abbott for too long. Interesting to see what you will say when issues arise in the Liberal party, my guess is nothing as you appear to be a Fan Boy! Not that you will listen to my advise but it better to be a swinging voter as both parties give swing electorates much more goodies while safe ones get very little. I would agree that there was too much power being placed in factional leaders and there was too many disloyal members.
  6. I must get some of those degrees myself as well as clearly they must be giving them away to anyone.
  7. So are we going to do something special for our 250 page? I suggest a Banana Party Everyone must include in their posts the work Banana for a day or so. Those that don't must shout a round at the get together :wub: :wub: :wub:
  8. Not that I personally know or actually care. But from comment on the Demonland Forums said he was doing poorly in GWS And I trusted other Demonland Posters, shame on you for inaccurately reporting to the rest of us! But as I don't care I forgive you.
  9. NO WAY! It is Red and Black LOL
  10. Football is not about making money. IMO it about the MFC winning as many Flags as it can everyelse is a side show.
  11. So you are saying as MFC supporters we get to vote more then once?
  12. So whats your opinion on the new Star Wars movies?
  13. Shhhh there are AFL investigators looking into drugs etc. Our offical line must be that we all drink banana smoothies at the MFC. :ph34r: :ph34r: PS does anyone know which team Tony Abbott supports? People tell me the MFC as he the type of guy who will give alot to his mates. And now we have Roos we need lots of money LOL
  14. I now understand why the MFC had such a poor team. The MFC employed a Cloths Tailor as the CEO. Who was responsible that the Club was actually functional is anyones guess.
  15. We could talk about apples or even pears LOL PS please don't make the call as it freaks me out hehe
  16. I have to find my scarf first! Now where did I hide, I mean put the thing? I also have a dream but the wife is a counter balance to those dreams. I get the feeling she may has deceived me by actually supporting Collingwood, so I keep telling her she is a MFC supporter. Is it wrong to make the wife support the same team as her husband unless she already supporter the MFC and the husband does not. Anyway I am with you all the way unless the wife stops me and my dreams.
  17. To better build their band. As "Cardinal" Red was seen as an old term and a bird of pray "falcons" was more modern term.
  18. Thank mate Sorry to hear your story as well My Dad would have loved the Freo game so far as he was a member
  19. I was looking for the MFC party and the Paul Roos party but could not see them.
  20. Dam I have to go do that soon
  21. True but we have not lost a game in 2014 as yet. So we can all dream and hope for the best. God only knows we need it. Oh by the way, Moon don't you have a wedding to plan for?
  22. How does TheBigFrogsy sound?
  23. Oh to me the comment in most cases is just what people say to justify a position and create unnecessary fear. As it a restaurant not a night club but some people will never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
  24. You do know there are some amounst us who take their Bananas seriously. They even have people they call to make non-banana people vanish. LOL
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